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Who's driving this bus?

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so what, leave men off the hook again?
men crashed the global economy,
it's men's fault.
the rule of men is entirely to blame, nothing else.
the sooner it gets through to men's stubborn minds
that bossing over women doesn't work,
the sooner this world will come to its senses.
the solution is a women's legislature.
Posted by whistler, Saturday, 13 June 2009 10:59:10 PM
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You're really making a habit of this, posting excellent topics that is.
BTW there is no need to be apologetic for not being an economist or not understanding 'secret economists business'.The hard truth is neither do they.
As some one who needed only two more semester length units at uni to be officially an economist would have convinced me that economics isn't a 'soft science' (educated guesses based on 'laws(?)' that are based on non-existent circumstances...i.e. A level playing field.

In truth I find it somewhat ironic that many who shriek against change predicting change (i.e. controls) will bring down the firmament in fiery damnation. Many a prognostication in this area is based on modelling....yet they decry the (in principal) modelling the same when it's applied to AGW claiming it's inaccurate and based on guesses (GIGO) go figure.
Some one once said “if you laid economists end to end you would never come to a conclusion”.

In truth the the difference is that economics as it is practised maintains the Status Quo power elements i.e. the rich V the poor via the erroneous principal that 'might is right' the system will self correct 'silent hand' and all that bull. Where as AGW infers the opposite.

Economists look at history and chose the factors that explain what happened in terms of pre-set assumptions. AGW on the other hand looks at history and tries to predict the future. Personally while AGW is imperfect it is more objective than economics hence my above description.

Of course we need to change the system but will we? I think not this side of a disaster of catastrophic proportions. Self interest or speed is a powerful driving force in some people.
Those who have power want more and will fight by any means to maintain it. One only needs to look at all the double dealing to try and bluff/bulldoze their way through....Enron, One Tell, HIH, FAI, Hardie Industries shenanigans to avoid their responsibilities. Microsoft's power games to squash better products. Big Oil, big Pharma at al.
Need any more proof for change?
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 14 June 2009 5:59:27 PM
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In a democratic environment, in western democracies the bus is drivided by media emperor Rupert Merdoch! He is driving the bus in agnlo Saxon world and in high degree on the whole world!
Do you think withouht his active support Bush could invate to Iraq? Do you think Blair or Howard could support the war in Iraq if they was not covered by media emperor?
Who creates the public opinion? Who control our votes? The emperor who create our opinion and control our votes is the real driver of the bus!
But this emperor use the lies, see lies for Iraq, the emperor cheat and use any way to promote his interests and extend his empire!
Do you remember the war of civilizations, the war between cristians?
This war had big support from Merdoch's empire But in the same time Merdoch improved his business cooperation with Saudi monarchy, the hard core of muslim hardliners, Saudi monarchy'S FAMILY INVESTED Mllions of million dolars on News corporation and Merdoch extended his business into Arab world in cooperastion with thw saudi manarchy family.
Do you remember the war against communist china? Merdoch was the hardliner against China but when china opened the doors to foreing corporations and Merdoch took its stake he forgot the BBC and its fight for human rights in China!
The mass media emperors control our world, they drive our civilization!
Who will clean humanity from all the rubish, from all liers and croocks?
You Maximillion and me and other people like us.
If you do not fight, if i do not fight , if we do not fifgt WHO WILL RELEASE THE CARAVAN OF OUR CIVILIZATION.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 15 June 2009 10:05:34 AM
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Here are a few quotes..which may least part of what’s going on financially:

“Whoever controls the volume of any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, way or another, a few powerful men at the top, will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
-President/James Garfield(he was assassinated within 4 months).

“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system,there would be a revolution before morning.”
-Andrew Jackson

These statements were made during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency,September 30,1941.

Members of the Federal Reserve Board call themselves..“Governors”. Governor Eccles was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board at the time of these hearings.

Congressman Patman:..“How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?”

Governor Eccles:“Out of the right to issue credit/money.”

Patman;“And there is nothing behind it, there,except our Government’s credit?”

Eccles:“That is what our money system is...If there were no debts in our money system,there wouldn’t be any money.”

Congressman Fletcher:..Chairman Eccles,when do you think there is a possibility of returning to a free and open market,..instead of this pegged and artificially controlled financial market we now have?”

Governor Eccles: “Never,..not in your lifetime or mine.”

“The privileged princes of these new economic dynasties,thirsting for power,..reached out for control over government itself.

They created a new despotism and wrapped it in the robes of legal sanction.…And as a result the average man once more confronts the problem that faced the Minute Man….
-Franklin Roosevelt

“I care not what puppet..(sits on)the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.

The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British empire,and I..(when he ran the Bank of England)..control the British money supply.”
-Nathan Rothschild

Caveat:Most..but not all-..of the quotes have been verified as historically accurate.For background on many of the quotes,see this.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 15 June 2009 10:46:27 AM
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continued..“[Banks] not really pay out loans/from the money they receive as deposits...If they did this, additional money would be created...

“You do not have too many workers, have..too little money in circulation,..and that which circulates,..all bears the endless burden of unrepayable debt..and usury…

[the Colonial Scrip was issued] with our money..[with no interest owed to anyone.]”
- Benjamin Franklin,..explaining to the British parliament..why the American colonies were prosperous..while Britain experienced rampant unemployment and poverty.

“This is a staggering thought...We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks...Someone has to borrow/every dollar we have in circulation, or credit...If the Banks/create ample synthetic money..we are prosperous;..if not,..we starve.

We are absolutely without a permanent money system...When one gets a complete grasp of the picture,..the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible,..but there it is.

It is the most important subject..intelligent persons..can investigate and reflect upon...It is so important that our present civilization may collapse/unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.”
-Robert Hemphill,Credit manager of Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta.

“The Founding Fathers of this great land had no difficulty whatsoever understanding the agenda of bankers,..and they frequently referred to them..and their kind as, quote,..‘friends of paper/money.

They hated the Bank of England, particular,..and felt that even were we successful in winning our independence..from England and King George,..we could never truly be a nation of freemen,..unless we had an honest money system.

Through ignorance,..but moreover,..because of apathy,a small,but wealthy,..clique of power brokers..have robbed us of our Rights and Liberties,..and we are being raped of our wealth.

We are paying the price..for the near-comatose levels of complacency by our parents,..and only God knows what might become of our children,..should we not work diligently to shake this country from its slumber!

Many a nation has lost its freedom at the end of a gun barrel,but here in America,..we just decided to hand it over voluntarily.

Worse yet,..we paid for the tyranny and usurpation out of our own pockets with..“voluntary” contributions and the use of a debt-laden fiat currency!”.
-Peter Kershaw, author of the 1994 booklet “Economic Solutions”
Posted by one under god, Monday, 15 June 2009 10:56:20 AM
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yes...more..“[It was]..the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers..on the Parliament..which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and . . . the Revolutionary War.”
-Benjamin Franklin

“There are two ways to conquer/and enslave/a nation...One is by the sword...The other is by debt.”
-John Adams

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible,..and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
-Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter,1952

“I believe that banking institutions..are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…The issuing power should be taken from the banks..and restored to the Government, whom it properly belongs.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves,..consisting of many and various powerful interests,..combined in one mass,..and held together by the cohesive power..of the vast banks.”
-John.C.Calhoun,Vice President of the United States

“There is an evil which ought to be guarded the indefinite accumulation of property ..from the capacity of holding it in perpetuity by…corporations.

The power of all corporations ought to be this respect...The growing wealth acquired by them..never fails to be a source of further abuses.”
-James Madison

“Some people think the Federal Reserve/Banks are US government institutions..They are not…..they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the US...for the benefit of themselves and their/foreign and domestic swindlers,..and rich and predatory money lenders.

The sack of the United the Fed is the greatest crime in history...Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers,..but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government.

It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations...It makes and breaks governments at will”.
-Congressman Charles McFadden,Chairman,House Banking and Currency Committee,June 10, 1932

“I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs … we have been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country…

we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy...We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected”.
-John Danforth, Republican Senator from Missouri, an interview in The Arizona Republic on April 22, 1992
Posted by one under god, Monday, 15 June 2009 11:05:39 AM
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