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The Man

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If the thread gets a run, it could be hard for G Y to say yes, lets keep it non racist please.
My idea was born this morning reading the Sydney morning Herald online or was it the Australia?
A report of ringside abuse of officials, and claims of racism while the fight was under way, to the judge.
I love sport , some of my hero,s still are Anthony,s father Tony, Lionel Rose, untold footballers of Aboriginal decent.
I however am stunned by the mans need to try to be a clone of the very great Ali.
Clay had wit, had class and under any name was a great. Mundene has sporting class shining out of him, played for my football club played great fights great.
But few like him,can we ignore the fact this country of sports freaks is unimpressed by the actions outside the ring of this man.
Yes I understand we can not ignore some things but we do not need to be openly racist to talk about this man and why he is so different than most of our sporting hero,s.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 May 2009 5:51:03 AM
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Ummm, IMO, he's an attention-seeking thug, who'll do anything for his 15 seconds of notoriety. Sport skill is no guarantee of mental agility, to say the least. We'd all be better off if the Media just ignored him outside of the ring, he has nothing positive to offer, and is a poor example for his culture.
But then, I'm a boxing hater, it should be banned, any "sport" that relies on injuring another to win is no sport, in my book, and serves NO useful purpose. We're supposed to be "civilised", yet we watch people beat each other into brain-damage for ENTERTAINMENT??
Posted by Maximillion, Friday, 29 May 2009 8:08:15 AM
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It's funny how people think some don't like him because of his heritage. Mundine is a brilliant fighter, he's taken down some GREAT fighters. Kudos to him.

Mundine himself raised the race card when he kicked off his boxing career. He was fighting 'The White Man' for his downtrodden people and immigrants...yadda yadda yadda....can you see the marketing Belly?.

What makes people annoyed by him is his mouth. If you're in a restaurant and there's a guy mouthing off, you're not gonna like him unless you agree with what he's saying and you're not the target. He's telling people....and so did you....that I don't like him because of the colour of his, and my, skin. If I state in here that I'd LOVE to see his head get knocked off, according to him, and you, it's because he's Indigenous. MAN that's insulting.

He has achieved excellence and proven a lot to himself. This latest fight was against a class fighter and he volunteered for it. Well done, great win.

There's ALWAYS racists. It's naive to suggest there isn't, but to suggest I'm racist by default because of the colour of MY skin and who I'd support IN A SPORT is about as insulting and racist as you can get.
Posted by StG, Friday, 29 May 2009 8:42:35 AM
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as previous sporting comments have been deleted i will restrict my comments and say simply speaking some people love watching near naked men...the beefcakes of sport make some closeted homotypes slaver

be it beating their heroes meat or beating each other the same homo-erotic tendencies are being subverted into an excuse for yet another ism

[last time it was sexism..[this time its racism]..but its sports..[the great destraction to amuse the masses..away from real news..

beside i believe he has a new fight game...for those racists that love tweaking the game...its all just so lame..and obvious...its clear why womans sports never has the same popularity

anyhow some may yet again chose to play the man..because they are deficient at playing the ball...i think the phyco-wryrotrysts call it trance-spherance... sounds like another form of ism to me
Posted by one under god, Friday, 29 May 2009 8:58:02 AM
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Q&A last night said it all seem to me that they're reading my posts ;-)
It's sad to me that to many indigenous that sport is seen as their best way out of what is an appalling situation.
Let alone having to have one's brain damaged to do that i.e. Ali one could point to countless others too.
Sporting heroes have such a short reign and the lifestyle leave the heroes as victims do I need to name them.

I think we should celebrate real heroes for doing real things especially when they achieve meaningful things in in the real world.
If we look, the list of indigenous people doing long term good is impressive.
e.g. Doug Nichols' legacy goes far beyond the near pointlessness of kicking goals although he did that too.

It is sad that the question needs to be asked.
If the discriminated use the tools of the bigots to empower them fine
i.e. the Greeks used Wogs (wogs out of work etc.) that does NOT give us the right to use the term. Likewise whites have no right to use the terms against the indigenous. As they said last night (even the football club owner) The long term effect of such language is unacceptable and those who use it should wear the consequences.
Finally only those who suffer the insults all the time know the pain they cause. It has nothing to do with the BS of toughen up. Until the abusers suffer the relentless abuse they can't know pain of the abused. My view is that those who think it cool should grow up and shut the F*#k up.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 29 May 2009 10:12:14 AM
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Mundine is simply fruit of the self loathing upper white class who insist on teaching and promoting a warped and selected view of history. NO matter how many advantages and how much money he earns from the whites he will always have a chip on his shoulder. He would never acknowledge that if white settlement never took place he would still be living in savagery like some communities still do today.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 May 2009 11:04:19 AM
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While I acknowledge the abilty of Mundine, I lump him with John Maconroe in that I dislike their attitude and their big mouths. Ali also had a big mouth, but he had a wit as well.

I have far more respect for sports people who simply get on with the business, like Rodger Federah and kathy Freeman and Ian Thourpe. We can be proud that we have produced some great sports stars over the years and I acknowledge that, irrespective of their heritage.

This week, in the Daily Telegraph, there was an article about the number of aboriginals that have gained academic qualifacations. The number seems to be rising and that is to be applauded considering what may be the background of many. I hold these acheivers in far greater esteem that all the loud mouths put together.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 29 May 2009 11:20:59 AM
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I understood the thread would bring posters who do not like sport.
I feared it may bring fruit cakes who do not like his race.
But I love sport, watch boxing always, if only to see the bloke knocked out.
Find me such a sports man or woman, any one, so disliked by the sporting public.
A photo of the man out cold on the canvas is on display in a sports mans bar in tourist county.
He may win more world titles but it is unlikely he will win hearts.
I got the story not from named above it was the Sydney daily tele
Well worth a read.
IMO racism is always bad always, but sometimes the term is miss used sometimes those using it may be very close to racists.
Anthony like me, will find way to watch our team, his past one mine still tonight.
But if only he would drop the needless tripe that comes too often, let us tell you how good you are bloke not the other way around.
Clay had wit, however only the letter T separates that word from Twit.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 May 2009 3:46:01 PM
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My point was anti racial i thought that was the point.
I don't hate sport I simply detest the abject adoration of it and it's temporary heroes or any other discretionary activity. Give me an activity that leaves a long lasting benefit for all any day.
You and I have a major disagreement that boxing is sport. To me sport is supposed to improve the individual not sent a clear mind into a never ending fog of brain damage. It's the only sport where more people are damaged from it than benefit.
Mundine is a fighter not a boxer. Ali was both.
Anyhow have a good night.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 29 May 2009 4:19:42 PM
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Dear Belly,

Why couldn't this incident have been handled
by the refs? How come the press got involved?

I'm sure that sportsmen of all persuasions say
things to antagonize each other on the field
all the time. I imagine it's all part of the
game. You give as good as you get. And, most
don't take the taunts seriously. It's simply
a provocation tactic, usually with no serious
harm intended.

This incident seems to have gone one step further
than it should have. And I'm wondering why?

I'm not advocating racial slurs by any means.
But, in this case couldn't the incident have
been handled differently? Why bring the press
into it?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 May 2009 4:41:04 PM
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foxey..<,why bring the press into it>>..because those who live within the public eye deserve to be exposed in the public eye..[they ewant fame ..well everything they do is claimed to be news]be it a tiny groin strain or some ego-based racist delusion of supiriority

the other answer is myth-making..[not the obvious myth making as in making faulse sporting gods of destraction..BUT the myth the media is fair and balanced..[reporting both sides] applying that rule only to sport..they yet create belief of fair and balanced reportage

its far from the real news..[however]..but such is the nature of the mythmakers,..different rules for sport/different rules for the real news...

think of it as an equivelency of the page 3 girl,..cept sport is eye candy for those suppressing homo-erotic tendancies..any writing is only designed to give the vision their intended meaning

[they must keep the advertisers in mind...and create the myth to sell the product..[and keep the public distracted]..its part of the game they play..[and the myth,..the commercial illusion..they are constantly trying to re-make]
Posted by one under god, Friday, 29 May 2009 5:59:35 PM
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I had no thought of examinator in mind when I made those remarks.
I however wonder about the idea that those opposed to sport, any sport some times have got it right.
Foxy this is totally different,I hoped we could debate the man, and his trash talking persona.
See its not football, its boxing, his suporters stood along side the judge, not ref, watched as he filled in his round by round score card.
If he gave points to the opponent? he was called racist!
Mundine was told during the fight, it was intended he would not be able to win.
Now lets look at this man, is his behavior a persona? is it put on to earn more money from his fights?
Can we talk about racism without being racists?
I think yes.
I think some actions of this bloke, some of his supporters, are wrong, and sail close to being seen as, racist.
And no way existed for those officials to do anything about weak behavior without? being branded racist
I have no time for Anthony, he is a truely great sporting performer, has talent to burn, but in my view never will be a sports man.
One day, in my opinion, he will tell us this is just and act, just money earning self promotion.
Had he acted like his dad this man would have been much loved and respected.
Again in a land that is in love with its sports men and women this man insists on telling us how good he is, not letting us tell him.
strange indeed but that is the puzzel of the man.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 May 2009 6:22:03 AM
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More reports in yesterdays press, Munine has been highlighted for bad sportsmanship in not shaking hands with his opponent after the fight.
And others in his group very much under review for their behavior.
Its recorded Anthony asked what more do I have to do to win their respect?
Well it is no secrete bloke, even I can tell you, show respect earn respect.
And drop the man rubbish, at least until you earn that respect, your fans will give you a name, maybe it will be the man, but self praise is no recommendation
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 31 May 2009 6:08:55 AM
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There has always been a racial aspect to Mundine's cockiness. It can appear that he is one of those aboriginal people who thinks that he is better and more specifically tougher than non-aboriginal people. It is time for some of his supporters to get fair dinkum about opposing all examples of racism.
Posted by benk, Tuesday, 2 June 2009 12:34:14 PM
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I think what you are saying is quite true.
And its the heart of the matter, the idea that racism is behind the man is wrong, but some actions some miss use of the term racism, resembles racism.
Can you be racist without understanding you are?
Well yes in my view.
Away from home for work overnight on the north coast of NSW.
An area I once fished in most weekends, I knew local first Aussies so went to the club.
Sat amung them at the back to watch the man fight.
Every punch he threw bought cheers from most of them.
A drunk who would be an idiot what ever his color was, screamed abuse at Green, the mans opponent, every punch.
Screaming he had no guts about ten times each round.
After the fight those around me hurt by lack of clapping yelled about white racism, while my members who had sat with me spoke of the idiots racism.
No one ever spoke like that when Rose fought, we love the troubled bloke still.
The man has to understand he has to stop the trash talk its unAussie unwise and if he scored a double ton in a cricket test, rode the next three Melbourne cup winners, scored 6 tries tonight for the Blues he would still be our most unpopular sportsman.
But if he said sorry, it was just an act?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 3 June 2009 6:21:09 AM
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