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'May they rot in hell'

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there is a lot of truthing going on[you may or may not have noticed]normally i would be writing this to ol kevi,..but what the..well he dont reply, i will note it here for you kev]

see that obama released the torture memoes,and the former brit treasuror[now pm] is even going to have..[finally]..a 911 inquiry[ok after he gets re-elected[or maybe if]but kevi its a case of watch the left hand

kev why dont we release the children over board papers[seems the libs been trying to set the adgenda to much ol boy...[one needs to wonder why,

so we watch the left hand?..not talk about the carbon tax?..sort of dont talk about the war? setting the destractive adgenda to stop us thinking about the new tax?

yeah i know its the same old cash raising adenda,to bail out govt excess to bail out its mates [like when howhard and beaty combined to give one billion [half a bil each]to a mutual mate for that magnesia plant up in gladstone]

anyhow the libs are finally telling some truths[lol]so kev its maybe time we heard some of the real truths,revealed about the stuff we copuldnt talk about yesterday,just to distract the media from the current issues so to speak,

then you can slip in the new tax[while everyone gets distracted with the other minour destractions the media is allowed to destract us with[so we talk about petty stuff]not the big issues thye media remains silent about [then as now eh]..

ps on the hazing thing with that sewardess, isnt that normal to toughen up the armed forces?

[we gotta stop taking woman into the armed forces

[you have noticed the libs seem to have strong suport from some trolls in the forces kevi,[lotta mil leaks mate]you dont think the military going to do a coup do ya?,they seem to have past loyalties mate

anyhow back to the children over board, destraction
Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 April 2009 5:36:16 AM
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I was just waiting for Sancho to finish the sentence in regards to all of these nasty illegal’s that arrive by Aircraft at our airports-

Just as soon as I come back from the hospital to have this wheat bix removed from my throat- it became lodged after I heard an interview describing these nasty white Illegal Immigrants who come from – England – Ireland- American Backpackers who overstay their Visas and continue working-

Fairdinkum – that just about explains the whole attempt to deflect the discussion from the Sabotage of a Leaky boat to Terrorism and Murdering - injuring its cargo; that is what has taken place- And it is not new – this behaviour is recorded in parliamentary senate committee reports dating back to the mid 90ies.

- That’s the guarantee they get to Australia – The milk has gone off, - and the honey has turned into to bovine excrement.

These nasty White backpackers - well we will just have to send them to Packistan? Afganistan and turne them in to third worlders and Moslems -- then they would be welcome with open arms ( I think) Or does their skin colour disquallafy them?
Posted by All-, Monday, 20 April 2009 8:27:17 AM
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A couple of days ago, Sancho ranted against my opinions and advised me that people posting 'here' read and thought.

Sancho is certainly not one of them, unless he believes that his collection of "The Phantom" comics is reading. There is no evidence that he has read anything other than rubbish - rubbish that he wants to believe and that which fits in with his ignorant views.

Real readers read all shades of opinion - if only to know what the 'enemy' is thinking. And, sometimes, opinions are changed by reading views which have previously not be ones own.

No chance of that with Sancho. He doesn't need knowledge, and he continually demonstrates that he has none.

Sancho is a bully and thug who thinks 'shouting' will make people who don't share his ignorant views go away quietly.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 20 April 2009 10:15:31 AM
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Dear Leigh,

Quite frankly I'm really surprised by your
strong reaction against Sancho.

But I guess in a public forum such as OLO
things do tend to get a bit emotive when
the right buttons are pushed. Especially
regarding political issues.

It's also understandable - when criticisms
are felt to be negative and personal - then
we react in kind. (Been there, done that).

I remember one poster even "mooned," another
poster in sheer frustration. It was funny,
because they later claimed they were simply -
"turning the other cheek."

We tend to forget - this is only an opinion

Have a stress-free day.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 20 April 2009 10:43:00 AM
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You are "surprised" by my reaction only because your agree with the bully, Sancho.

"Viva Sancho" on the 18th, and "Bravo!" on the 19th? Bit of schoolgirl enthusiasm there. I hope that, as you grow older, you will learn more than you know now.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 20 April 2009 11:10:39 AM
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Well now Leigh little pigeon, I agree with Foxy. You mustn't go getting yourself so upset. It's bad for your health. Sancho put his point across quite succinctly and eloquently (like wot I do), and you don't agree with what he said. That's OK. But don't allow yourself too much of the green-eyed monster. I for one appreciate how hard you try, and you make your point reasonably well. With time that will improve.

This forum is a wee tad magnetic, but I do hope not to get too involved because once I do that, I, too involved (thanks Bronwyn). And that is not necessary because there are plenty here with a super abundance of 'little grey cells' to counter the intolerant claptrap coming from the usual quarters.

However;- I can see that those same quarters have now come in from the cold, and have found their niche again. Jolly hockey sticks! Fun for one and all!

It is fascinating to see the confident statement from the 'experts' that these people are 'profiteers' who get onto planes first, and then happily hop onto leaky boats for a rather dangerous journey. By gad! They are seasoned travellers aren't they? Perhaps we came give them frequent flyer points, and leaky boat points. I do feel that such stoicism should not go unrewarded.

The 'West' will always find ways of justifying their incursions into other lands (not doing so crash hot on the Bin Laden thing are they?),-but God forbid that their people should attempt to come here by any means possible. How dare they!! And no matter how many of their people are maimed or killed in their own countries;-who the hell do these upstarts think they are for daring to have negative feelings about the West.

They should know their place. That's what I say.
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 20 April 2009 12:54:21 PM
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