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17 million to stop cows from farting

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RawMustard, Hasbeen,

I applauded your comments and salute you both.

When I first heard Peter Hannen, claims that "agriculture is the new gold" and the pitch to open a company called Global Farming Limited to put up on the share markets I thought there is something fishy here.
Hannen has sold his mining assets in Celtic to Severstal and has joined forces with Dexion Capital to raise approximately $A300 million worth of rural property. The property assets will be used to establish Global Farming Limited.

I’ve made a summary of some of what I understood regarding this movement that’s ‘supposed’ to be about cows and Global Warming.
Below we have one of their many pitches on the stock market.

“The price of a subscription to The Alternative Energy Trader is $1,995 per year Special New Year`s Discount $999”

Does Kevin Rudd deny the 17 million from our tax payers money went to help reach this target of 300 million to form Global marketing Limited?

Is it possible the truth is the 17 million went to these people to form a new Global Stock Marketing exchange?
Australian Beef Association News
ABA is Totally Opposed to Any Form of Emissions Trading
Published: 20 Jan 2009
News ID: 10946
The Concept is Similar to a Gambling Casino Based on Hot Air

ABA Chairman, Brad Bellinger said, The ABA Board had met last week and decided to oppose any form of Emissions Trading. He said that the Australian Government will be acting like speculative fools, if it goes down a path of trading something that cannot be accurately measured.

He continued, Since the 1997 Kyoto Summit, we have seen the UN try to run a Clean Development Mechanism, - with no success. We have seen the European Commission try Carbon Permits. They got their sums wrong and the large power and oil companies made fortunes at governments' expense. The people are taxed - as they will be in Australia if we go down this mad path.'

Bazz, if it wasn`t that serious it would be funny.

Antje Struthmann
Posted by Macropod Whisperer, Monday, 2 March 2009 3:34:51 PM
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Our planet has gone through a constant cycle of, firstly, warming bringing about melting of the ice caps and alpine regions and thus cooling the seas and increasing river flows, which then expand and form massive ice sheets over a period of thousands of years which brings on another ice age. This cycle occurred for millions of years and seems to have been brought about at times by natural disaster i.e. meteor or the like, or massive volcanic eruption. In any event global warming was in place long before the rise of modern man and I believe all the greenhouse gas we can produce combined today will not stop another warming period. To concentrate on reigning in animal emissions is a miniscule exercise and we would be better suited to focus and fund farming the sea (aquaculture) in order to provide enough food to feed our starving planet, and also to expand hydrophonic technology.
Posted by rhonda, Monday, 2 March 2009 3:34:51 PM
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The glacial periods are brought on by variations in the earth's
orbit around the sun.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 2 March 2009 5:03:07 PM
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Can I humbly suggest that people look up the website
that was given in RawMustard's opening post, and from
which I quoted in my opening post.
The facts are listed there:

These are the facts concerning Australia and the $17 million.
The money will fund (as the article tells us),"18 areas of
research, including dietary changes, genetic manipulation and
ways to control stomach bacteria..." among the research
projects ,"is one that looks in ways of ...manure managment
innovations..." These research projects will provide jobs
for people - and who knows - discoveries may be made that will
actually prove to be beneficial to the country's livestock -
of "85 million sheep, more than 31 million beef and dairy
cattle, and 3 million goats..."

Nothing ventured, nothing gained - right?

As for our Prime Minister's qualifications? I didn't realize
that having a degree and being able to speak other languages
(especially Mandarin - considering we live in the Asia Pacific
Region - and do business with Asia) was considered a disadvantage?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 March 2009 1:17:55 PM
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I am not too concerned at raw mustards view of Rudd.
Bias shown in the first post, just thrown 200 million into the poker machines?
untrue and biased, the pain in not winning the last election is on display, little else of value is.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 March 2009 4:32:39 PM
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[quote]the pain in not winning the last election is on display[/quote]

My kind don't really care about winning any elections.
See that's the problem, these false gods you call your leaders are what's destroying our lives and our planet, you're just too brainwashed(sorry that was harsh) to see it yet! Why on earth would I care for a lying, thieving, disgusting, no putrid, no repugnant, human being as any leader of the liberal or labour party, or any of those following up?

Don't take this personally Belly, I've read a lot of your posts and I can see you're pure of heart, but please, try to see the whole forest not just the trees.

[quote]Nothing ventured, nothing gained - right?[/quote]

Some things are best left alone. Nature has had millions/billions of years to get things right and you think man can come along and make it better in a few hundred years? The hubris is astounding!

As far as the things qualifications, what has it done to fix anything?
Do you feel your life is on the improve with it at the helm, or are you simply just worried about the price of your house?

Anyone with just a little bit of brain matter still not totally blended by the system can see that the way we have lived for the past 200 years can no longer continue. You can throw all the fiat money you like at the problem, but at the end of the day, the truth will reveal all and it aint a pretty picture! That great river in Egypt is totally over populated these days!
Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 3 March 2009 7:55:56 PM
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