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The Forum > General Discussion > nsw teachers union deal was a sell out

nsw teachers union deal was a sell out

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The NSW teachers meeting was a travesty. I thought this article was spot on:
Posted by maudtaylor, Friday, 6 February 2009 4:52:04 PM
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The way forward is not cringing into socialism.The free market was not allowed to operate.It was Clinton who relaxed the lending laws so people with no capacity to pay,got loans and then handed over inflated properties back to the banks who suffered the losses.

Bigger Govt will just generate more taxes thus poverty.Our present system needs the application of fairer rules and the large Corps need their power ban on large donations to political parties.
The US Fed Res should be abolished.It has been the basic cause of this crisis.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 7 February 2009 8:31:15 AM
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If I were a teacher in NSW, bearing in mind and the eternal carping on by the public sector for “parity” with the private sector and the forthcoming crisis in the private sector, which will see employment shrink and wages likewise, if there is a firm offer on the table, grab it now before it is withdrawn and a lower price substituted.

Any organization calling itself “The Socialist Equality Party” must be a rally point for mediocrity, assuring all its supporters of an equal share of the collective poverty.

Arjay “.It was Clinton who relaxed the lending laws so people with no capacity to pay,got loans and then handed over inflated properties back to the banks who suffered the losses.”

Spot on, Clinton built on the fallacies of Jimmy Carters “Community Reinvestment Act”

Left free to rely on their own “judgment”, no banker would ever lend to someone who could not support the loan repayments.

“Bigger Govt will just generate more taxes thus poverty.”

As dearest Margaret said, in her book “Statecraft”

"The larger the slice taken by government, the smaller the cake available for everyone."

The capacity for the public sector to enhance their "importance" in the scheme of things,

ends up looking pretty sad and sorry after their selfishness hubris

"kills the goose that lays the golden eggs"

and it is the private sector and private tax payers who produce the wealth upon which taxes are levied.
Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 7 February 2009 10:28:32 AM
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Yes Col, I think Margaret has it right as usual. Please continue to tell us as much as you can about this wonderful woman.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 10 February 2009 11:10:24 AM
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I would have thought Thatcher had a lot of egg on her face, given the global economic collapse.
Posted by maudtaylor, Wednesday, 11 February 2009 5:40:49 AM
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