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The Forum > General Discussion > Atheists pursue redress with anti-discrimination legislation

Atheists pursue redress with anti-discrimination legislation

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quote>>The bus slogan campaign proposed by the AFA with the thought provoking sentiment,“Atheism-Celebrate reason!” has been refused for display by ‘APN Outdoors’. Various other phrases also deemed unacceptable.>>

funny how that'celiubrate reason ' implies theism is unreasonable
but you mention other'slogans'
what were they?

>>Following the lead of Humanist’s in London and Washington in the USA>>
AH so this is an international organised collusion to entrap
then sue ,local bus companies ,with international colusions and via foreign moneys to use law to ban religions

>>using buses to express the secular viewpoint.>>
Definitions of secular on the Web:

of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations
worldly: characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world;

"secular drama"; "secular architecture", "children being brought up in an entirely profane environment"
of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows; "the secular clergy"
;someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person

Secularity(adjective form secular)is the state of being separate from religion. For instance, eating and bathing may be regarded as examples of secular activities,because there is nothing inherently religious about them. ...

not specifically religious; not bound by the vows of a monastic order; temporal; something that is worldly or otherwise

>>Richard Dawkins in supporting the London bus signs has stated that such a campaign“Will make people think”.>>a co con-spirit-or?

..President of the Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc,David Nicholls said:“I am flabbergasted...>>
who could have thunk it, being called unreasonable is deemed too risky to risk advertising
they should have let you
thus it would have been you lot that get sued[for thinking only your reasoning is reasonable]dont let lawyers think for you
dawkins is a fraud[he deletes debates he loses]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 11 December 2008 10:29:40 AM
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Am I the only one who can't understand a blind word of one under god's posts?

What does the >> >> surrounding the horrendous errors of grammar mean? Is it a quote? Is he emphasising a statement?

All I can get from it is that he thinks the AFA is trying to use litigation to ban religion.

I can only imagine this is what happens when schizophrenics get onto computers, rather than standing outside train stations screaming scripture at goth teenagers.
Posted by Sancho, Thursday, 11 December 2008 10:47:21 AM
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WEll if you win your case you will be taken to the discrimination body
because you advert does not allow for people to go to work instead
on Fridays !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 11 December 2008 1:02:53 PM
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Sancho and AFA
When you ridicule someone you disagree with, you are lower than that you’re trying to humiliate.

Sancho, you make a point the AFA are bulling and yet you then ridicule someone yourself. I don’t think a more subtle approach is needed but very different approach, as in a name change.

As a life long atheist I am deeply embarrassed and resentful that the word means something more than a lack of belief in an after life or a supernatural being. It has become a wagon for the abusive side of political correctness and god bashers. Remember there is no god to bash, I think your issues are more political/social than atheist.

I really wish you would find your own word more suited to your agenda. If anyone should be suing it is people like me who are being intensely misrepresented by you
Posted by meredith, Thursday, 11 December 2008 1:14:09 PM
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As with spoilt little brats who won't take no for an answer I am sure the atheist will find some judge who will agree with them. Just wait until the secularist get their bill of wrongs and then we our laws will be as silly as Englands.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 11 December 2008 2:18:14 PM
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The only thing this whole sorry exercise proves to me, is that there is absolutely no benefit to be gained from presenting atheism as some kind of headline on a protest billboard.

If an association of atheists is to have any value at all, it should address real issues, such as the financial and political protectionism that flourishes under the mendacious umbrella of "religion".

Taking aim at the sheep themselves is pointless.

This whole saga is becoming more like a case study in how to shoot yourself in the foot.

As a lifelong atheist, the only thing I can do is dissociate myself from the ridiculous antics of a society that purports to represent me.

It doesn't.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 11 December 2008 2:39:46 PM
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