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The Forum > General Discussion > The weak link is Local Government

The weak link is Local Government

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WA is the only state that has not amalgamated local government. There are 144 and many are not operating as good as they should be. There are inquiries after inquiries into the activities of some councils.
The developers appear to control many councils. Sister cities are an excuse for junkets so are all these conferences and 'fact finding missions' overseas. Today information can be easily access on the NET.

Why cant local governments run on the lines of region areas such as in the upper house? It will never happen because local government is used as a step up by both parties into the state government.

The fox is running the hen house and it is costing ratepayers a fortune!
Is this the case in your state?
Posted by Sybil, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:56:30 AM
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You are right pointing to developers having undue interest in councils and perhaps they are kindergarten for wannabe polis but I think making the next step to amalgamation would change anything simply give developers more centralized power. Even at state level the link if palpable... remember WA Inc, Brian Bourke etc. Where there’s big money there’s corruption. It might have reduced slightly, even gone underground but like ants they’re always there looking for a free meal (at someone else’s expense). Corruption is everywhere.
Parties should be banned from councils and funding limited and publicly funded to minimize their impact.
Remember all politics are local and councillors should more answerable and accessible to their constituents.
Apart from that “a pox” on all politicians who think they are elected to rule not represent us.
Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 11:18:48 AM
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There have been calls at various times to do away with state Governments but that simply will not happen as they are sovereignties. Local government exist at the behest of the States and they are being amalgamated into larger regional councils.

Do not think that larger regional councils will result in cheaper, better or improved services. I recall when our power was supplied by our County Council and now it is by a couple of state wide bodies and it is no cheaper and the service is no better. Incidently the state pocketed several million dollars our council had in reserve when the first amalgamation took place.

Our small local council was amalgamated only a few years ago and again the service has not improved and our rates went up 200%. Last council election we lost our local representation because the large city in the new area commandeered the votes to elect all townies and to hell with the country.

When the states advocate amalgamations they will talk about efficiencies and so on but that is all BS. Bigger is not better. Stick with your small local council as long as possible.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 3 December 2008 4:00:01 AM
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