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The Forum > General Discussion > Australia...a brilliant film Baz Luhrmann

Australia...a brilliant film Baz Luhrmann

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I went to the movies the other day and saw Baz Luhrmanns “Australia” and thought it was great, really great.
Though somewhat panned overseas, and even panned here by the odd art film critic, it had many marvellous values.

It showed some of the suffering of the Aborigine people i.e. the stolen generation of youngsters and did in no way detract from the heartache Aborigine mums and children would have felt being separated by ungodly government policy.

It likewise showed, in a truly glorious manner, just how vast and beautiful this great southern land really is.

I look at the terrorism sweeping third world countries and all of the dangers of traveling overseas in 2008 and I look back at the Great South Land of The Holy Spirit (a lot christians refer to it as such)…and I think “Why travel?”

It’s all here.

The Darwin attack scenes also reminded me that we have an incredibly huge coastline that constantly needs protection.…and that other nations do indeed covet Our Australia .

Having explored to some degree Australia’s national defences over the years, I know their present state.
They are in a state of 'ill health' in the light of the size of other regional armies... and their modernisation programmes.

If you are doing nothing much today and love really your country with a strong, determined heart then I encourage you to click on the Prime Ministers website and write to him about Australia’s defences.
Ask, for the sake of Australia, "What defences do we have?"
Compare the armies of Indonesia and China with ours...and look again at the coastline and just how open the north really is...and ask.

Looking at the world today I reckon its time we had national service.

Australia has much to lose if events go against her in the years ahead if we fail to remain alert and well equipped.

"Good one Baz. Its a good film".

As one of my colloquial senior pastors would probably say…”You done Australia proud son”.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 1 December 2008 12:43:13 PM
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Dear Gibo,

What a beautiful review you've written
about Baz Luhrmann's film, Australia.

It sounds absolutely wonderful.

I now really want to go and see it.

Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:43:05 PM
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I think Baz did a classic Foxy.
It haunted me for several days.
Sort of like some kind of distant flute music moving down the 'line of time' generation into another.
Its hard to explain.

The mysticism, not a word I really ever use, was not to be played down even for fundamental christians like myself.
There was something in his film that brought the plight of the Aborigines to the surface really well.

I saw many critics bag the film in one way or another, but they "dont know for much".
A film, like a novel, is an individuals effort and comparisons ought to be real few.
Its a one man/woman effort (Director in the case of a film) trying to convey thought and heart...with many helpers (crew) to assist.

Baz sure extended to me a new love for the Aborigines.
If a film or book can do that... its got to be good.
I added a bit about national defence because it always seems appropriate in the light of other nations to the north; and their heart intentions.
We're all obssessed with something or other.
For me it an asian nation getting hold of the country we love.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 2:33:00 PM
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Dear Gibo,

I love your reference to flute music.

I know what you mean when you connect to
something that comes from someone's heart
and touches yours.

Again, Thanks for this thread, and for sharing.
It means a great deal.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 6:39:51 PM
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Thanks Foxy.
I think Baz has a good insight into film making. Its his best film yet.

His use of graphics, especially in the Darwin scenes (much of it actually filmed in Bowen QLD) created a vision of time and place...a longing for lost youth, of unfilfilled dreams...and of course he did put in much true love, ah true love, which always touches the heart.
War films have something that gets to me.
They remind me of all of those men and women, on both sides, going in as teenagers and coming out changed by their experiences.
Many never recover from the years that were taken from them.

Baz stirred that up all that in me again.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 7:24:34 PM
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Brilliant film!
Posted by AussieNewsForum, Wednesday, 3 December 2008 1:09:12 PM
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