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What sort of an entity is God?
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Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 24 November 2008 1:18:16 PM
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"Do not murder, and any one who murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment." (Matthew 5:21) "So the Lord said, 'I will wipe mankind of the face of the earth-men and animals, and creatures that that move along the ground and, and birds in the air - for am grieved I have made time'." (Genesis 6:7) - Dipolar? Runner, you do not see Fratelle's point? I believe I do, especially, after reading the above taken unedited from the Bible? Yahew was a Hebrew Volano god, a tribal God of henothiests. Jesus was was likely a medicant, whom may have been a claimant to the House of David, who was recast by Pauline and Nicaean doctrines. [Constantine himself, probably saw the Christian god, a pluralism of Sol Invictus). In between, we have the God of Moses, whom estalished unification codes, as did Mohammed, with Islam. Posted by Oliver, Monday, 24 November 2008 2:07:34 PM
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Ludwig: << Perhaps he spends all his time playing his guitar….and driving his fellow gods half mad with his atrocious excuse for singing! >>
You will burn in Hell for that blasphemous comment, Ludwig - a Hell in which only elevator music is played and only Michael Buble sings! Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 24 November 2008 2:13:58 PM
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jesus said see me see my father
should be UNDERSTOOD by enjoining it to ;'the things you see me do you will do greater' [greater than god?of course not] so in the spirit of full disclosure i will try to define that logus[logic];god is4me some is here[see my last post]prior to the flaming of the trolls science has confirmed we have millions of living micro_beasts on our bodies,that these micro beasts are all living[+]sustained from my body]when i die[so do they] now use your special sight to see our aura see it envelops THEIR auro's but their energy flow is controling the expression of my own but you cant see auras[nor can i ]but i can visualise it ok i cant see,magnetism[or radioactivity or electricity,or the water science reveals is in the air about us.learn to tell the signs;despite not seing wind[feel it]. so is it with god know WHAT god's true signs are light/life[see that radiation[unseen light]that yet sustains us all to live love/life[see that fiercest beast,yet loves its mate[loves its offspring[see that mothers will do to protect its offspring we[LIFE]are gods visual sign;[that you do to the least you do To him [see the throne[@];revelations,our living hearts are gods throne] god loves life[thus gives life its life to live] proof that god hates no life there is good life and bad life but one god gave EACH their fair share [god dont judge; live with it] [via our love of life[neighbour] life and nature reveal the logus logic of life[GOD] that in time life,reveal the life giver love/logic/light/life is that unseen spectrum as well as the seen as previously said the universe is god you are a minute part of the whole rainbow[i chose to call god] each a composite of the all[to see me see OUR FATHER] to see you is to see pop pop is ETERNAL[thus has no beginning] we of this flesh do but inside us all is gods eternal spirit [once we loose our sense of self]we can enjoin into the all[that i am is][+}allways was[+]allways will be Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 November 2008 2:47:43 PM
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God is not an entity defined by sciene. God is spirit revealed in the nature and purpose of the universe, and such revelation as received by man is culminated in the human spirit. God is not a spirit being or ghost as some imagine, with defined spatial features. God is the dynamic of all creation, expressed in the handiwork defined by science. God gives meaning and purpose to life and reality. God is incarnate in the human spirit that reflects the absolutes of the divine.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 24 November 2008 2:50:57 PM
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it is interesting
even the unbelievers have their definition'of'god; however insulting they yet have dared to attribute qualities [definitive description of his nature,consequences,and opinion; about a thing they by and large claim not to egsist? thus its 'seems' a truism; ;'well may you fear god even the demons of hell do' BUT ITS NOT true thats the big problem with a debait such as this who is kevin rudd to presume he is pm well he is [thus live withit] same with god he was pre big bang [ie 'time began' and will remain the at-one-,meant[at times end] it is hard for a micro beast living on my eye lash to coincieve that ocean next to my eye lid is what i see through just as the micro beast living in my gut to realise that wastel and it lives in sustains ITS own life form to live[i die so does it] but god is eternal death where is thy sting? what is death to the life giver his life wil go on we are able to enjoin with the one[when this mortal flesh dies] or chose to reject joining in [but its our choice to enjoin with the peacemaker[by forgoing all judgment all revenge all hate [all anger ,all fear] let it go [its divisive[god is one] god calls for our atonment [at one meant] you can freely chose not to join in thus hell is filed with those not able to forgive [the only price/cost of the great at one meant god is] forgive and live or hold the grudge as long as you like we all realise it in the end then the big bang draws us [and gods creations to be closer] till we have our next sepperation [with the next big bang] [NONE OF THIS POST MAY BE QUOTED OUT OF CONTEXT] Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 November 2008 3:02:48 PM
Really good at some things (Clapton - guitar-playing, god – creating a fascinating universe), god-awful at others (Clappo – singing, god – fairness, kindness, s s s s sus taina… bility, eeeeeeetc), with a chequered past, with a strong interest in some things and rank disinterest in other important stuff, and so on.
In fact, I see the god figure very much in the image of man….of a normal average man who is highly imperfect and who learns slowly by way of making heaps of mistakes.
Or perhaps he didn’t learn, got stressed out, ran around in a mad panic screaming ‘Muuum, its too hard its all tooo haard’….and gave up…leaving the universe to its own devices.
Perhaps he spends all his time playing his guitar….and driving his fellow gods half mad with his atrocious excuse for singing!