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The Forum > General Discussion > Professor Fiona Stanley asks for urgent help for Aboriginal Alcoholics and their Families .

Professor Fiona Stanley asks for urgent help for Aboriginal Alcoholics and their Families .

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Putting together those two facts from my previous post, it is interesting to notice, that the incidence of Giardia bacteria present in remote communities, is enabling of preventing the constipation caused by the abuse which prison officals are allowing to happen inside the prisons. Perhaps once the medical world realises the extent of Giardia, and how contagious it is, more of the alcohol over-consumers, might receive the medication they need for a successful detoxification.

Anybody living in a city can walk into a health food shop and buy Ayurvedic herbs which help tobacco detoxification, and Aborigines, like everybody else, ought to be able to access the substances which enable detoxification, where ever any alcohol or other drugs are supplied.
Posted by Curaezipirid, Wednesday, 12 November 2008 3:09:37 PM
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This site is incapible of receiving the meat of the word so I will try to give it as milk instead . Pre 1986 my way of handling my mind when it got overactive was to drink alcohol until I passed out In 86 I recieved Jesus as my Lord And Saviour through confession and the waters of baptism . Within 24 Hours God spoke to me and told never to drink alcahol or smoke cigarettes again and I never have . About 10 years later while visiting a cargo ship from overseas I was offered alcahol and cigarettes from other countrys and I refused . The Lord told me that I was free to chose but it would not be so easy to giveup a second time .
My sister HAD a DISEASE called alcoholism and her catholic priest took her to AA where she listened to the speakers and confessed her
disease of alcaholism dependancy and vowed always to Maintain an alcahol free position with the help of a higher power and life membership in AA which she has taken very seriously . She has helped countless others through AA and never relapsed .
I exchanged my sin for a robe of righteousness from Jesus and my sin was cast into the sea of forgetfullness and is remembered no more and has no power over me Because that is what I BELIEVE .
My sister IS a reformed Alcaholic and has to battle daily to resist temptation BECAUSE that is what she believes .
God gave man free will to believe what ever he choses . It is an individual choice .
Posted by Richie 10, Friday, 14 November 2008 7:08:27 AM
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Richie 10,
In a perfect world we would have that perfect knowledge but unfortunately [or other ], we base our decisions or actions on what we AND others believe, coupled with those organic automatic, biological impulses and responses that make us human.

These literally decide our next move or thought .

The Life influences on Prof. Stanley's suffering Aboriginal friends are many and conflicting. Not all are helpfull in healthy decision making and action .

We should never lay blame on them .
Posted by kartiya jim, Sunday, 16 November 2008 9:22:58 PM
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Dear Kartya Jim,
Love has to be the key to every thing we do and as the song says Jesus is the source of it all. I have a mate from Palm Island who is an alcaholic and while he was with me in our household and sober you couldn't have got a more gentle man but when he went back to metho and orange softdrink it breaks my heart to see the damage he inflicted on himself. I know it is a big problem but I also know Jesus is the only answer to get rid of the problem or you have to resist temtation daily . You can suppress a problem but when the season is right it rears its ugly head again . Jesus came for the sick and the lost not the perfect because they have no need for a saviour. He came because he first loved us. And when we reach out to him he lifts us out of the mess.
Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 16 November 2008 11:04:40 PM
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“All Australians,as we continue to enjoy the spoils of conquest, must work hard to try to repair the wrecked Lives and Cultures of the First Australians.”

I suppose notion like

“personal accountability” and
“personal responsibility”

must be values which are alien to aboriginal culture

As for the “spoils of conquest”,
Like the Normans versus the Anglo Saxons and Celts before them….

the time for a state of continued pity and inexhaustible excuses is past.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 17 November 2008 12:54:21 PM
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Do I take it from your post that you serve one community only, and that you can speak the lingo (and variants) as well?
If so, tell me (somehow) where you live, and I will send you DVD's at my cost,of a program which can help and applied by/to people of all creed, colour and religion and is very fast acting, without drugs I should add. If you could use it to teach one person in each community, and you look back one year later you will see the improvement. It is and should be a free service.
Posted by eftfnc, Monday, 17 November 2008 3:00:25 PM
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