The Forum > General Discussion > Uranium Should Be Nationalised For Medical and Pharmeceutical needs only
Uranium Should Be Nationalised For Medical and Pharmeceutical needs only
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Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 10:17:32 AM
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There is a practical limit to the amount of wind power able to be integrated into an electricity grid. Have a look at this article from the IEEE, who are the international electrical engineers institute. The problems of the significant variability of wind speed causes significant problems to electricity grids which are not thoroughly integrated. “Because wind is an intermittent resource, providing power only when it blows, the grid has to be able to cope with fluctuations and dips in electricity. When wind accounted for only a small percentage of the country’s power, such dips made little difference. But as this resource achieved greater prominence, split-second losses of power could have caused problems, especially since Spain doesn’t have strong grid connections with neighboring countries” . There will always be a need for stable BASE LOAD power which cannot be supplied by ANY of the current renewables. If you are truly serious about reducing CO2 production, then nuclear power is the way to go. My understanding of nuclear plant decommissioning is that the cost is accounted for at the time of building and is incorporated into the total cost of building the plant. The decommissioning costs, as well as waste storage, ARE taken into account when electricity costing is done on nuclear power. See the malfunction of 81 danish wind turbines offshore which had to be brought back to shore and replaced. You say >> “Mother Nature buried uranium for good reason.!” What are you? A luddite? By that ridiculous reasoning we shouldn’t fly planes either, becaue if “mother nature” had intended us to fly she would have given us wings. You say >> Protests over uranium continue around the globe” SO? All that proves is that there are idiots everywhere, hardly a discovery. You say >> “elements which do not require digging up” Are you serious? I suggest that Yabby was close to the mark when he identified your hypocricy. How do you think you are going to be able to build wind stations without “digging up” things to turn into metal to build the machinery? Posted by Paul.L, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 10:57:20 AM
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Dickie as you do so often you have bought the debate into the gutter, proving my point .
You may think as you wish, my increasing membership and the most valuable thing a unionist can ever have, his members trust, prove you wrong. Unions are not all from the extreme left. They must confront, so too must you, member ship is not either. Your thoughts are extreme, yes shared by many but never the majority. Bronco and I have locked horns before we will again yet we both appear to be from that large group who put Labor in office. I am no fan of the ideas expressed by PaulL none of them. But in time to come this country will use nuclear power as about 30 others already do or plan to. Increasingly people are weary of some truly extreme views about what we should and should not do in conservation areas. Humans are the threat not uranium. Dickie I am constantly targeting the actions of people like your fat unionist, in fact if you are thinking of the same fool I am he is a grub. But do you ever think some views expressed by those on your side do more harm than good? Do you ever weigh your own comments and ask did that help my side? I do often, and sometimes have to say I got it wrong. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 4:25:09 PM
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*What are you? A luddite? *
Paul L, I think you will find that Dickie follows a touchy, feely, make it up as you go along philosophy, which has little to do with the rational. "The Karma will get you" etc, like a new age religion. Fact is that with 6.5 billion people, heading for 9 billion, we live in an industrial society as hunter gathering for a living is just not possible anymore. Wind power is great, but any serious analyst will note that in the future it will be a number of energy sources that we will rely on, not just one. Nuclear will be one of them, but as with anything, caution and sensibility are required and mistakes will happen. Interesting that in WA, when they tried to build power generating windmills in Denmark WA, a whole pile of Greenies screamed blue murder, it was about NIMBY. Build them in other peoples backyards, not where we can hear them or see them. So it comes back to the core issue. If Dickie and other feelgood posters demand electricity when they power up their computers to log in to OLO, why do they want to deny other people, in other parts of the world, the same right as the one that they take for granted? Hypocrites for sure. Belly, best to just not take Dickie and her abusive style, too seriously. One minute she complains about ad hominems, next minute she is abusing posters. Quite irrational. Perhaps she needs a bit more meat in her diet, in order to think a bit more clearly :) She adds a bit of colour to OLO. There are not so many 50 kg lightweight grandmas on here, threatening to go around kicking people in the groin :) Wether anyone should actually take her seriously, is of course another matter. I certaintly don't. Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:35:06 PM
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The brotherhood of buffoons have entered this thread to invert the truth suitably dosed up by obfuscations and well done to Paul.L who cannot resist flaming. Remember Paul.L it is you (not I) who, like the other nitwit, Yabby, has cast the first blow on this thread: “What are you? A luddite?”
Now what was Yabby’s first ad hom here? “A greedy selfish bitch” or similar. Strange that it’s now vanished from the thread eh Yabby? So then you state: “best to just not take Dickie and her abusive style, too seriously.” Well no-one takes you seriously Yabby. Then Paul.L asserts: “There is a practical limit to the amount of wind power able to be integrated into an electricity grid.” Agreed, however wasn’t it you who manipulated my information in another thread when I advised that depleted uranium was used in Afghanistan? And didn’t you get nasty, twisting and distorting the facts? How your credibility dimishes: I suggest before your next ad homs you bring yourself up to date with windpower. Granted the supply is so far inadequate but I have already touched on the potential for gas supplementing supply whilst technology is improving. Now there is a design for a two powered system into one combined system, a hybrid wind and solar technology to guarantee that the power is sufficiently charged in the solar battery everyday. On sunny days without wind energy, the solar panel charges the battery. The other way round, if some days there is wind energy but without the sunlight, the wind turbine can charge the power to the battery. On days where both wind & solar energy is sufficient, both can charge the battery. In the evenings, the wind turbine can continue to work to supply power to the system – state of the art for the near future Paul.L though I doubt you would want the public to know how advanced solar and wind are becoming. As for your penchant for nuclear power – big deal. 439 reactors (many aging and faulty) scattered around the planet producing 16% of the world’s energy needs. Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 12:03:46 AM
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Paul.L you claim: “My understanding of nuclear plant decommissioning is that the cost is accounted for at the time of building and is incorporated into the total cost of building the plant.” Well think again dear boy. The UK has a monster on its hands: “What are you? A luddite? By that ridiculous reasoning we shouldn’t fly planes either, becaue (sic) if “mother nature” had intended us to fly she would have given us wings.” You like the other shadowy figures who support the nuclear industry refuse to acknowledge that uranium is a fossil fuel – non-renewable! In case you've not noticed, we are in crisis mode over climate change. And why is that Paul.L? It's a result of digging up and/or drilling to extract fossil fuels which has now seen this century emit over 20 times more CO2 than any other century prior to the industrial revolution in the last 650,000 years! That happens to be scientific! Back to the matter of windpower where Grant Taresch, general manager and co-owner of Elgo Estate in Victoria's Strathbogie Ranges, moved to sustainable practices. Six years ago he decided he wanted to generate wind power on the farm. It was no easy task and he met resistance and red tape at all levels of government. But in January last year, his dream came became reality. The 150kw wind turbine started generating power and now supplies 1000kW daily, twice as much as the business uses. The excess, enough to power 34 homes now goes into the grid. Paul.L, there are basic manuals on environmental toxicology. They're great for dummies. Get it? Share it with the conceited and perverse Yabby – it's particularly good for fossil fools on the environmental and health impacts of mining uranium! And following is a bit more trivia for you to peruse on Olympic Dam's precarious non-renewable uranium project: Scumbags like yourself will continue to peddle pernicious and deceitful falsehoods over the indisputable science on radioactive substances and continue to obfuscate the facts by claiming that the documented evidence is simply MY "opinion" - stoopid dumkoph! Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 1:17:42 AM
The title of this thread is:
"Uranium Should Be Nationalised For Medical and Pharmeceutical needs only"
An excerpt from Bronco Lane's thread states:
"Now Colin wants to give leases to the powerful Nuclear Lobby to mine for uranium to the detriment of miners local communities and human life on this planet."
I am merely expressing my support for those assertions and look forward to other reasoned opinions. Alas you're too ignorant to do likewise and remain off-topic. You are too ill-informed to debate or offer advice therefore you instigate ad homs to attack your opponents, so sod off.
You sycophantically trail after Yabby and you are both here to create mischief. Both motivated by self-interest and greed.
You are the type of ignorant unionist the unions don't need.
You are typical of the unionists who remained impotent when witnessing workers dying of mesothelioma - remaining silent whilst I witnessed a family member die a painful death from silicosis and the obese union rep. sat on his backside smoking cigars whilst his members were dropping!
I have official mine documents from the 50s and 60s, raised by mine inspectors denouncing the appalling conditions which the underground workers were subjected to yet the dangerous conditions continued and miners were used as cannon fodder.
Now you criticise me for raising the scientifically proven and documented health and environmental impacts of uranium mining.
I would be delighted if someone could prove me wrong.
I have learnt much from other posters for which I am grateful. I trust that they may learn a little from my posts too.
As for your mumbo jumbo - well try Hyde Park. There may be a few drop kicks down there or a few of your own turncoats echoing your stupefying irrelevant swill!