The Forum > General Discussion > My Dad has PTSD: Am I at risk of transgenerational effects
My Dad has PTSD: Am I at risk of transgenerational effects
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Posted by Researchaholic, Thursday, 9 November 2006 10:30:26 AM
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Hello there Researchaholic...
Far from it I'm afraid ! I only wish that I had a bit of inner strength, or personal committment to address and overcome many of my personal ghosts and problems. I'm now 63 yo., and still going along to the VVCS for treatment et al. Research....., I reckon that many of the difficulties I've experienced in my adult life, were NOT in anyway, attributed to my military service. My first marriage failed, not because of any military service, but because I was too selfish and lacked the necessary social maturity to initially, live in domestic harmony. I sincerely believe that some Vets. tend to blame their service, for many or all of their health issues. I was on the 'edge' of a conversation not very long ago, where I overheard an eminent Psychiatrist (at the Repat.) remark to her colleague, that SOME veterans were classed as..."professional veterans, who manifestly contributed to a sort of Vietnam Veterans Industry..." , and further, ..." the acquisition of a TPI classification, was almost a right of passage, for some..." ! Or language to that effect ?? I don't really know about that, but I've seen vets on the TPI, running their own businesses etc (Don't think they're allowed too ?) However, I would be most interested in your opinion, Researchaholic. Apropos, the PTSD programme - I believe your Dad may have attended the very same or similar to that which I attended. I believe that they were structured and conducted nationally. I sincerely hope that your Dad received benefit from the programme, in any event. Kind regards...O Sung Wu. Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 10 November 2006 1:38:30 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,
I believe you may be quite accurate in your summation of "Professional Veterans" on TPI. There may be a sub-culture of perpetual and habitual "victims" that sustain the system. This is no different from the Social Security system that Centrelink manages. We call them "Dole Bludgers". However, there are those majority who are fully entitled, and deserved of their compensation and pension. My concern is for the children and grandchildren of these individuals and assisting they receive understanding, awareness and recognition for their situation./ "Honouring their Heroes: Living the Legacy." Thank you. Posted by Researchaholic, Monday, 13 November 2006 8:47:39 AM
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Very interesting Researcha'
First of all, I personally believe that psychiatry is an unproven and unscientific theory. Chemical imbalance is a good example.Here is another: Ask any psychiatrist about how many patients are actually being healed and according to interviews given by attendees at a recent world congress for psychiatrists, all answers given were: NIL,NADA,ZILCH! I won't even touch the subject of drug-pushing as an answer to pycho-healing. Any social problem arising from any trauma, whether it is caused by alcohol/drug abuse,war experiences,fatal accidents,loss of family,rape and other sexual abuses causes a protective capsule to be build for survival. In our society that same self-protection causes conflicts and most often physical diseases will emerge. Children ofcourse will be influenced by their parents (anti-social) behavior. After all they become what we feed them.i.e.TV,Parents,Schools,Pollies & Lollies,Aspartame,Fluorolisic acid,Sodium nitrite,Transfat,Mercury laden vac's,Growth hormones,MSG's, name it. I'd say help your dad and yourself(and other Vets and their chil'lers)with EFT, stay away from any drug-therapy and do research on testing for heavy metals. This was my 10 pills of chlorella worth. Chiao For research Posted by eftfnc, Tuesday, 14 November 2006 1:30:06 AM
I have been aware of the impact of cortisol for many years, and agree with you, that it is a suitable avenue for collecting human data. However, this stage of my research is to collect the "Lived Experience" that supports and further contributes to the human data already collected. To the best of my knowledge, this has not yet been done in Australia, and will either support, or challenge policy mandates that govern collective industry initiatives.
Thanks again for these documents. I recently found over 2000 peer reviewed citations on Pubmed for "neurotransmitter genetics epigenetics PTSD siblings children" for a ten year period. Thus there is a substantial urge to identify conclusive factors into this issue.