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Winning the war in Iraq

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It seems to me that that the defenders of neo-liberalism over at need your help.

I have repeatedly asked one of the market fundamentalists that frequent that site to give examples of where, as he claimed, neo-liberalism has delivered in “delivered in spades”, but he has not risen to the challenge, nor has anyone else.

Perhaps you can help.
Posted by daggett, Wednesday, 17 September 2008 2:15:56 PM
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While I prefer Bush to any Democrat, I see two factors which over-turned his war on terror, and these are hardly ever considered by the pundits:

1. That he did not confront S. Arabia and Egypt for 9/11: the Saudi Regime is a 1000 times more liable for 9/11 than Al Qaida, which is only one off-shoot of the Wahabism mandate.

2. That Bush bowed to Blair who demanded Briton's price for its major contribution to Bush's coalition, namely making Bush reneg on his earlier commitment that Israel cannot be expected to retreat to borders which would seriously damage her viability. After all, the real Judas is Briton, who established the Regimes for 30 barrels of oil - Briton ultimately felled Bush.

These two factors ultimately lost the war on Islamic terrorism, doubled the human toll of 9/11, and costed US trillions of $. Worse, it gave terrorism a form of legitimacy and expansionism.

The oil factor [America's Interests] did not pay devidends in letting the Saudi Regime off the hook: had Bush taken this Regime to task, instead of the Taliban and The Iraq War - many trillions would be payable in Compensation, with almost no loss of life, and the war on terror would have been seriously negated. After all, 9/11 was far graver than 12/7.

It is the Saudi Regime which belongs in Gitmo - not $20 a year expendable peasant terrorists funded by the Saudi Regime. Now, whoever wins the election, will have to face the consequences of these monumental errors: the mad cow Dems will make it far worse if elected - or else disrupt every move by the Repubs if they win. The Saudi Regime has the blood of millions of innocent people around the world on its hands - and Bush failed to do what was necessary - to the extent it can be viewed as a criminal act. Mercifully, Australia averted what would have been even greater than 9/11, as exposed the last few days.

Posted by IamJoseph, Wednesday, 17 September 2008 9:57:26 PM
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Are you aware that many Americans hold their own government responsible for the September 11 attacks?

See, for example Their case looks very strong to me.

Whether elements within Saudi Government also had a part to play, I can't say.

Personally I am even less partial to Islam than I am towards Christianity, but if I lived in Saudi Arabia, Iraq or Iran, it might make more sense to me.

But the fundamental principle that has to apply is self-determination. Had the U.S. behaved decently towards Iraq following the invasion, I may have been able to bring myself to see that invasion in a different light, but they did not and so, they as well as Iraq, reaped another terrible whirlwind.
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 21 September 2008 10:08:04 PM
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"Are you aware that many Americans hold their own government responsible for the September 11 attacks? "

Are you aware some also deny the Holocaust and the Jerusalem Temple as myths, call Moses a Muslim, count a deathly 3-state in Palestine as a 2-state, implant the name Palestinian to those who antithise this term, accuse Jews of *OCCUPYING* their motherland, have instigated five genocidal wars against a UN Re-established state, dished out lottery-sized rewards to anyone blowing up a school or bus in Israel - and now chant Israel must be wiped off the map and its a blessing to kill Jews & Christians - with a silent good muslim world?

The Iraqi invasion was correct - and points to how one must deal with Iran. Those who abstained must be held criminally liable - their motives were totally corrupt and less than credible. What went on in Iraq following the war included some 'NORMAL' bad war stuff in a bad place infested with mass murderers every nook & corner - but not evil stuff, nor comparable to how it was pre-US invasion: some 700,000 Iraqi corpses were unearthed by the coalition - so much for brave Muslim Freedom Fighters who remained silent of Sadaam, but shout loudly of America responding to a terror Regime opting for WMD's, and which never should have reigned in the first place.

The fundamental things apply.
Posted by IamJoseph, Sunday, 21 September 2008 10:41:55 PM
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Having considered both Holocaust denial literature and the September 11 truth question, it seems to me that there is a lot more substance to the latter.

I am pretty certain that just about everything else in your post has been said many times before and responded to many times before.

I had thought that that I had seen an indication that the tone and quality of your responses might improve, so I decided to respond rather than ignore you, but I can see now that that was a mistake.
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 21 September 2008 11:31:02 PM
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Mate all these massive conspiracies must be scaring the bejesus out of you. Not only did "THEY" conspire with the Russians and the Chinese to subjugate their people, and invent "Communist plots" all over the place, "THEY" also needed to kill 3500 of their people in order to start a war that would allow them to colonize Iraq and Afghanistan. And they managed to suck just about every single European country in with them.

So tell me Dagget, George Bush must be one of the cleverest men alive in order to able to get away with all of this.

Seriously, have you entirely stopped using your brain? Even that nitwit Naomi Klein surely isn't stupid, or conniving, enough to repeat any of the 9/11 conspiracy bullsh!t.

BTW, which "TRUTH" do you subscribe to regarding 9/11. I'm just interested to know which brand of LUNACY you belong to?
Posted by Paul.L, Monday, 22 September 2008 9:55:48 AM
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