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Colin Barnet and Peter Costello Leading Us To Victory
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Posted by Julie Vickers, Thursday, 7 August 2008 9:59:06 PM
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Another great effort to gain the wooden spoon award for this year.
Well done is JV Kim? I think that is a brand of humor I have heard before. Even with fuel food drought and more the chances of a conservative revival any time soon are non existent. Costello? just maybe Howard has been right about the bloke, surely he should have grown a backbone years ago. Posted by Belly, Friday, 8 August 2008 8:09:59 AM
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Peter Costello has more backbone than any armchair critic sitting in front of a computer screen typing furiously. He lacks...... yes, but lacks "backbone"? Not a chance in a million.
In my opinion, Peter Costello is unsuitable for leading our party because of his inability to garner public confidence. He just doesn't have the personal ability to do that, unfortunately. The other possible leadership contenders will need 4 years or more to prove their abilities, gain experience and engage in the all important lengthy public relations campaigns necessary for success. I can't see us winning the next election at all....after that election we will then put in the final processes necessary for eventual victory. Unfortunately for us, Kevin Rudd is a magnificent performer on the floor of the house, and "currently" we have nobody capable of countering this. But with "experience gained" it will be a VERY different story eventually, as we have some superb potential leadership candidates patiently waiting in the "wings". Posted by philips, Friday, 8 August 2008 12:18:32 PM
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Costello told his supporters he would not
"seek or accept" the Liberal Party leadership on the night the Australian public dumped the Howard government. Since then he's been mute, leaving others to speculate about his future. I saw a cartoon in a local paper that had Costello saying, "I'll decide my future when I finish my book." With Nelson, standing next to Costello repeating, "He'll decide my future when he finishes his book." The Liberal Party winning the next election with Costello at the helm? That's about as likely as Costello joining Abbot, and touring the country as a comedy duo. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 August 2008 1:58:16 PM
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Julie Vickers has to be doing PR for the ALP. There's no other plausible explanation.
Posted by chainsmoker, Friday, 8 August 2008 2:33:50 PM
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Chainsmoker, I concur.
Real life is rarely that funny. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 8 August 2008 2:50:29 PM
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"Julie Vickers" is definitely some kind of ALP apparatchik - but I agree s/he's quite droll. I particularly liked her posts about Sniffer Buswell.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 8 August 2008 2:58:09 PM
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You two recon she's a double agent for the ALP? Here I was thinking GrahamY had just let a troll slip through.
Having looked at her past efforts I think she lives in a reality distortion field. It must be as powerful as the one Gibo peers out of. Up till now I hadn't realised ones that powerful existed outside of organised religion. Posted by rstuart, Friday, 8 August 2008 4:39:55 PM
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It is very tongue in cheek and is not just a slight dig at the Liberal Party.Julie Vickers is no Liberal supporter.You can tell by the false bravado and the false outrage by her "Bra Snapper Chair Sniffer Party" post.
Julie or Julian is a Labor troll. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 8 August 2008 6:26:15 PM
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Philip's your are a grin!
While sitting in front of your PC typing madly you try to insult me for doing the same. And while being an arm chair critic of me you do just that too. Julie is properly a non supporter of your mob. But has a sense of humor, thats what the post is about. However you by mistake have out done her/him. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 9 August 2008 6:44:23 AM
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My dear Julie Vickers (aka Stooge.) Rest easy gal. The citizens of WA are not about to see some half of their state given up to the mining/exploration of uranium, which would further exacerbate the ecological disasters in WA.
If poor old Carps got rid of the evil ones (McGinty and the treacherous Lil) we could see a semblance of sanity restored to our halls of parliament. Posted by dickie, Saturday, 9 August 2008 9:41:58 AM
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Who was that masked woman? Posted by pelican, Saturday, 9 August 2008 10:48:35 AM
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RE: Peter Costello Leading Us To Victory
webpages that supports Costello: Posted by vs, Saturday, 9 August 2008 5:18:51 PM
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Pelican,"who was that masked woman?"I could just imagine Julie Vickers holding a whip in a cat woman suit,making Troy Buswell sniff his own chair.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 10 August 2008 9:00:00 PM
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Have you noticed that you made your post about the cat-woman with the whip at 9:00:00 PM on Sunday 10 August, but that it did not come up on the thread until around 3:20 PM on Monday 11 August? I counted the posts, and at the latter time yours was in fact the 14th post when the post recency flag was red and showing '11 minutes ago' and 14 posts as having been made. Any ideas why? Julie Vickers, Since Graham Y evidently considers you are not a troll, I will feed you - just a little bit. I think you are very, very naughty Julie, and I know you have been warned about this sort of thing before! All that close, breathless prose. Its almost compulsive reading, exciting even. And now it looks like youve gone and got Arjay in trouble: I'm betting Graham has had to get legal advice as to whether he should allow Arjay's post to be put up. S & M, and all that. Serves Graham right if that's true, but what about the rest of us? We all have serious posts to draft, and don't need the mental images of whip-cracking cat-women disciplining the bra-snapping chair sniffer intruding upon us. Talk about compulsory voyeurism! Its all YOUR fault, Julie! Where is Sheik Al Hilaly when you need him? You cease posting this literary cat meat at once, you bad, bad girl. I'm warning you Julie, I'm already starting to hear snatches of Gilbert and Sullivan. Iolanthe, I think. Something about a most susceptible chancellor..... You behave! Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 11 August 2008 4:27:43 PM
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Good post Forrest.Yes,Julie Vickers needs to show more compassion to us mere,mortal males ,who have 50% of their cerebal cortex connected to their gonads.Troy Buswell is living proof of this malady.
Leave thou lascivious wassails Julie and stop punishing us with with images of you punishing Troy. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 11 August 2008 7:55:28 PM
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Julie you are really dangerous.
The Conservatives that I have spoken to do not want anything to do with Uranium Mining because they know that it may be your friend BUT once no longer harnessed it is your complete enemy there is no doubt it is todays Asbestos. Speak to the miners or those that live within those localities it is a killer those tailings are extremely deadly and the wealthy speculators who are pushing the argument could not care tuppence. Rudd and Rann must be taking back handers. Posted by Bronco Lane, Tuesday, 19 August 2008 12:21:42 AM
Everything is looking great now for our Liberal Party. Brendan has gone abroad and when he returns he will stand aside for the greatest Treasurer this Country has ever had to fill John Howards Shoes. We now have Colin Barnet as Leader of the West Australian Liberals who will be the next Premier of Western Australia I have no doubt. He had great success with Richard Court and Graham Kiereth bringing the WA Unions into line which was the embryo of work Choice the third Wave. Workplace Agreements we will have to bring them back in Western Australia. Also we must have Uranium Mining and Copy what South Australia are doing Mike Rann has vision on this issue. Uranium Mining will make Western Australia wealthy we can sell to China and India and Pakistan to help them overcome Global Warming. We can sell our Gas Fields to China and privatise Transperth. Colin Privatised Gas he has to Privatise all electric and Water together with the Railways. The Hospital will have to be Privatised too as they are a drain on the taxpayer. The Wealth from Uranium Mining will pay for Gas and Water to be piped from the Kimberly to Perth. These are the sites that we have our eyes on when we win the next election
Colin Barnet and Peter Costello Leading Us To Victory this will be the most exciting time in australian Conservative History.