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The Forum > General Discussion > Being alert to other nations' works...for the sake of Australia

Being alert to other nations' works...for the sake of Australia

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I went over to another comment section earlier today (Sunday 29 June, 2008) and came across a young chap of asian decent, already in a position of power through his writings, speaking about Australia becoming a republic and how we ought to move away from the Queen and Great Britain and choose our own grand leadership.
Then I remembered Chen Yonglin and all he said...and it seemed to me, at that very moment, that it would truly suit our large Far East neighbour if we dumped The Queen and Great Britain?

I then began to think further..."just how alert are we as a people about other nations and what they do here"?

In recent times Ive also become shocked at Kevin Rudds move towards closer ties with the Far East and his plan for an asian super state for us to be a part of.
I mean seriously... what does Anglo-saxon Christian Australia have to do with the Far East or any part of asia?
Am I incorrect in saying that all over the world the Far East is doing "control manupulations" to suit her political goals?
The UN today appears genuinely thwarted by her and Russia as they stifle good decision making.
Lest we forget, I really feel we need to teach our younger folk that many fine, ever so fine, young men and women once gave their lives in a Cold War against a global oppression...and that, that oppression hasnt gone away.
Its still manipulates and it still has original goals.

Do you need to be reminded of Korea and Vietnam and why our young folk went to those places?

It was so... we could live in freedom.
Posted by Gibo, Sunday, 29 June 2008 4:58:39 PM
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I think our reasons for going into those "wars" was not simply for the sake of our freedom. There were many more factors at work.

As I recall, the Reds actually won in Vietnam anyway and no more "dominoes" have fallen in the region since. Except for the US getting hold of some valuable off-shore oil and gas leases from Vietnam after the "war", what was actually achieved by that horrendous loss of life?

Some may indeed feel paranoid about China and Asia generally, but it certainly doesn't stop them from buying their goods and supporting them economically.
Posted by wobbles, Monday, 30 June 2008 1:40:23 AM
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I can agree with much of that Wobbles.
Its hard though to know where the reality of wars begins and ends sometimes. Who triggers them and what gets achieved.
Maybe the other thread on the Bilderbergers said much.
Goals behind goals and smoke screens and mirrors...all towards global control of nations and their wealth by a small elite?

I dont mind any one of us being a bit paranoid about China and asia. I used to be an ordinary guy in respect to the Far East until I found out there were maps in Chinese classrooms, observed by travellers in China in the 1980's, that clearly showed Australia marked as both New China and New South China.
They wanted us as a southern state and their military plans would have encompassed an invasion if the right world climate permitted it.
(*Christian prophecies that I subsequently collected backed this up in showing enemy soldiers... out of the Far East... on Australian soil at a later stage....a Judgment because of the sins of the people, many revelations said).

Then, of course, along came a fine young man by the name of Chen Yonglin.
This thread is much about him as anything and what he said.
I never would have thought China would have had over 1,000 spies out here...or that ASIO would have permitted it.
Strange also how the Howard government, through Alexander Downer, was so quick to try and dump poor Chen.
Alexander was, Im told, connected to the earlier supression of knowledge of another map, that was pegged up on Indonesian classroom walls showing all of the land above Townsville as South maybe it doesnt surprise me that he wanted to distance himself from Chen.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 30 June 2008 7:37:31 AM
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Ah,Australia,my beloved country,alas,everyone seems to be hellbent on having parts of you..if not all of you!!

I hadnt heard we were on the Chinese hit list as early as the last century.It was no secret that Indonesia has always had designs on our lands.That is where Abu Bakkar Bashir learnt his geography lessons.
Now we hear that we are a part of The Third Caliphate's ambitions
who through Abu Bakar Bashir is prepared to wage jihad to occupy what they believe is really theirs.
Who's next?Line up,line up! We have no means of defending ourselves.Nothing substantial,anyway.Scary.

Now everyone has heard of our fabulous mineral wealth...

Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 1 July 2008 4:02:21 PM
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The tragic part Socratease is that through federal government after federal government blundering, both sides of politics, there seems to be no guns in the defence arsenal for the citizens.

Theres about 80,000 Austyrs for existing military folks but beyond that there appears to be nothing.
Brendan Nelson told me when he was Defence Minister last year, I think it was, there are no plans either for a citizens if there is a sudden change in the world military climate...Australia is doomed, especially if the USA is tied up.

I dont think Labor will do much better. Their minds are connected to things like computers for schoolkids.
I wondered if their indifference to Defence in the past had something to do with an old Red dream in the hearts of some of the older Labor guys that involved getting in real close to China.
When did China start to take a closer interest in Australia? Was it during the Labor years? Did Labor open the gates to the spies and now ASIO cant get them out?
Communism isnt going to die away because the very same spirit powers that got it up and running... didnt die away.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 1 July 2008 5:04:50 PM
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