The Forum > General Discussion > Susan Chandler and the case of anti-Jewish comments
Susan Chandler and the case of anti-Jewish comments
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Posted by EasyTimes, Monday, 19 May 2008 11:57:17 PM
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I wonder when they will give the same attention to the eternal vilification of Jews in the Quran and Hadith of Islam? This is what is said of them. (and Christians) -They are deluded. -They are unjust. -May Allah destroy them. -Allah himself fights them. These statements do not just attack one Jew (or Christian) they attack ALL Jews and Christians for all time. AJN..wake up.. stand up..and stop being hypocritical! If ur going to attack/out those who you claim are 'anti semitic'...why not go to the biggest anti semites and hate mongers? Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 6:31:43 AM
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Get real. It is quite reasonable to infer that somebody who would use the term “Greedy F@cking Jew” in just about any context probably is anti-Semitic in general. For a political hack to use the term in an email in the context of an election campaign is also incredibly stupid. Of course she had to go once the offensive email became public.
Mind you, it's just another example of what an internally divided cesspit the Liberal Party has become. They really need to get their house in order. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 10:00:30 AM
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I agree with CJ.
Once the email was made public - Susan Chandler had to resign. It was a major 'faux pas' on her part - and give the "Australian Jewish News' the ammunition they needed. But who leaked the email to the media? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 10:57:16 AM
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If she'd written 'Greedy F@cking Pom', no-one would have batted an eyelid. In fact, she might have won a literary award for the Aussie sport of Pom-bashing where being over-critical of the English does not atract accusations of having an underlying and deep seated hatred of them.
I'm not English (as Seinfeld said, 'not that there's anything wrong with that'), I just see an imbalance here. So if to use the word 'Jew' in an insulting comment is anti-Semitic, what does use of 'Pom' in an insult equate to? Posted by Austin Powerless, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 11:35:37 AM
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Dear Austin,
It could have been a, "Greedy Pom," as you indicated. Or a "Greedy Yank." Or a "Greedy f----ing Wog." Or a "Greedy f----ing Dago." Or just about a "Greedy f---ing Anything." But an insult is still an insult - right? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 12:28:42 PM
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I agree with Foxy.
the woman showed incredible stupidity by commiting to writing a crass and demeaning comment, regardless of the ethnicity of the target. She deserves to be sacked because the comment reflects her crass stupidity and unsuitability to hold a position of responsibility, more than what she actually said. Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:03:31 PM
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Yes the Jews are a little too precious about their victim status.They do not have the monopoly on pain or suffering.They were just lucky that their holocaust had hard evidence and was widely publicised.Starlin killed 20 million of his own people,Pol Pot was directly responsible for 1 million and indirectly killed another 2 million.How many millions have suffered in China that we will never know about?
Being a bit more generous,might help soften their image of being ruthless business people and totally anal with money. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 6:21:19 PM
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Dear Arjay,
Jews are among the most generous supporters and patrons of the Arts, and countless charities. It's unfair to single people out - and buy into mythology. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 7:01:55 PM
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Arjay: << Being a bit more generous,might help soften their image of being ruthless business people and totally anal with money. >>
Arjay, you do realise that you've deployed precisely the same anti-Semitic stereotype that led to Chandler's dismissal, don't you? You know, the one about Jews being greedy, ruthless and money-hungry... and all that other stuff that also fed the Holocaust. Duh. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 20 May 2008 8:05:25 PM
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Melbourne owes more to one "Jew" than they realize.
"Sidney Myer".. the music bowl.. and many other aspects of public benevolance. He was so loved that much of Melbourne turned out for his funeral... Masses and Masses of people.. In fact, there may have been some of his own ethnicity that did not come...... Sidney Myer embraced Christ as his Savior. I guess that makes him a 'messianic' Jew? though the term had not been coined in that day as far as I know. I'm agreed that such comments as in the email are silly, and indicative of an attitude which does not belong in any political party which has the genuine interests of the community at heart. Tragically, all political parties that I know of, have the interests of their voters and shareholders at heart. Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 5:20:12 AM
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Yes Foxy, an insult is an insult.
My point was that when applied to 'Poms', most Australians see it as funny. Also, when a 'Pom' does complain about this sort of treatment he/she becomes a 'whingeing Pom'. I've never seen any other ethnicity subjected to this, at least not in the last few years. Posted by Austin Powerless, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 1:21:06 PM
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for the insult worrier--what is more insulting a nation that murders a prime minister--as it goes about its civilised affairs; or the
immense academic effort required to comprehend-"that is not your land". ie the 78 and growing UN infringements known as settlements. perhaps we should revel in the hope of being "the wrong person" when these "of fair mein" only--also decide they can murder in another's country. [oslo citizen gunned down] The insult--is that this class of person actually have nuclear weapons--lets hope they find their own antics so exciting that they only use them on themselves. [this is a gutter race--who have to Noam Chomsky any sense of decency by completely stifling debate]. Posted by mcpherson, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 1:23:29 PM
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There's nothing new about ethnic hatred and I don't see why Jews feel they are something special in this regard.
Only last week a Gypsy village of 800 near Naples was firebombed by the local Comorra (Napoli Mafia equivalent) while the locals applauded and Police stood by and watched. Firefighters were jeered and taunted when they tried to put out the fire and the last of the Gyspys had to be moved out under Police protection. All this despite appeals from the Pope, while Italian politicians try to walk the fine line between illegal immigration and ethnic/cultural hatred. Not quite the savage, unenlightened Middle East but not much different either. No monopoly of hate there I suspect. Perhaps racism and ethnic intolerance really is a form of mental illness and maybe one day we will find a cure. Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 3:38:57 PM
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Col Rouge
Bravo Col Rouge! I agree with you 100%. If we accept an official to use this words against any race or religious then what we could expect from common people? She deserves to be sacked. Some times Col Rouge you are very good but I hope... NOT ONLY for Jews. Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:15:29 PM
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You described Jews as "ruthless business people and totally anal with money" Do you mean Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Franz Kafka, Arthur Miller, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Baruch Spinoza,etc was totally anal with money? Is not Karl Marx the worst fighter to Capitalists? Do you think Albert Einstein, Arthur Miller or Franz Kafka were ruthless business people? We can not describe a whole nation as "ruthless business people and totally anal with money" Every one must know where to stop. Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:39:40 PM
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Dear Austin,
I thought the term - 'whinging Pom,' was done with a bit of 'tongue-in-cheek,' and affection, and it came from a bygone era. I didn't realize that it was a term that was greatly used today. I also didn't fully realize that the term had as many bad vibes attached to it, as the other discriminatory terms that I mentioned in my earlier post. Just for your information, I came across this in my son's year 9 - history text book called,"The Changing Australians: A social history," by Sue Fabian. Its a reprint taken from, "The Age," 21.1.1967, Letter to the Editor: "I for one feel no apology is owing....for...'racial prejudice' against foreign immigration. It is nothing to be ashamed of to prefer one's own kind...I want to see Australia great, to be united and strong country - a British country with one people ...I make no apology for...not wishing to see a mongrel, motley Australia. I believe in a British Australia." Have times really changed that much over these years - that you now feel the British are also being discriminated against? I really am surprised. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 8:37:13 PM
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many times I am not very good, fair with you but I think you are enough mature, you know your 'job' duty, you know people, you understand me! Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 9:05:14 PM
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Hey McPherson.... It looks like you just committed a serious crime, in fact.. it's 'hate speech' simply vilifying people because of their ethnicity.. thats illegal on both the 'Racial Discrimination Act' AND the anti terrorism laws.. see u in 15 yrs?
"this is a gutter race" presumably you were referring to the Jews, based on your earlier comments in that post. I hope you will sleep well 2night knowing that some Jewish people could be reading what you said about them.. Do you know how much that could cost you ? Besides all that, your history is incorrect. OUR LAND? 'who's land? My reading of history is that the 'land' was originally inhabited by Israelites once they settled there(after removing the canaanites etc) 1/ Canaanites (under divine condemnation, judgement) 2/ Israelites. (covenant relationship) 3/ Assyrians 4/ Babylonians 5a/ Persians take over Babylonians, repatriate Jews to Israel. 5b/ Israel restored (under Cyrus the Persian in 425bc) 6/ Romans exiled Jews and destroyed Temple/Jerusalem in AD70 7/ Arab Muslims invaded in the early 7th century. 8/ Ottoman Turks driven out by Brits and Australians (wow.. WE also have a claim to it) 9/ Jews return in 1948 and re-build their ancient nation. Now.. from all that the only ones who have a right to the place are the Jews. But even if you disagree, why is Jewish 're-taking' of the land which has been taken by every man and his dog since Adam was a pup a problem for you now? Which is 'more' righteous? NONE you duffer. Knock Knock... ooops.. I thought you lived in the 'real' world. Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 22 May 2008 12:12:37 PM
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BD I agree with you, this thread, I thought, was established to express opinions to the the stupidity of a woman who used demeaning and inappropriate language in reference to some of her political colleagues.
Now it seems like it is becoming a magnet for equally stupid people who, I guess for reasons of their own inadequacy, seem to resent the same people who the stupid woman demeaned. Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 22 May 2008 1:35:56 PM
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Firstly I want to say that the editors of this site edited my original post with regards to the title. Before being politically corrected it said “ Susan Chandler and the case of the Whinging Jews” I didn’t see Susan’s comments for 1min being anti Jewish and the only thing that the editor proved by changing my original post was that he is anti free speech and pro socialist. The least he could have done was say that the original post was changed due to his personal bias instead of putting words in my mouth.
The people hear who think that it is a racist comment are only showing that they have little ability in understanding how the English language is used. If somebody had gone up to someone who is jewish and said they are a worthless F@cking Jew I would say there is a chance that this person has personal hatred of Jews. Mind you more likely then not they are just angry at the Jewish person not because they are Jewish but because of some other reason and are merely using that fact that they are different to them to insult them. After all that is what insulting is all about. You would look pretty silly if you called somebody “A stupid f@cking aussie” if you are an aussie yourself. Sure insulting anybody is wrong but it is also a sad fact of life and just like everybody else on this form I have done it and have had it done to me. The facts are that Susans email was ment only for the eyes of one man (who leaked it on her as a way of getting political revenge) It was a nasty low down trick on his behalf. If she had sent it to Mr Head “I think that was his name” directly it would be a different story. The only thing that Susan proved with that email is that she is human like everybody else. Posted by EasyTimes, Thursday, 22 May 2008 4:45:12 PM
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Susan Chandler is anti semitic? From what I have seen there is no evidence to have Susan walking hand in hand with Adolf Hitler. The only thing I have seen and seen many times before is that Jews and all minorities for that matter like to whine at every given opportunity.
Austin Powerless – If you want to be taken seriously with regards to making pom an insult you have to follow these steps. Firstly don’t integrate. Two form an Australian pommy association so as to give political donations as poms and further the interests of poms at the expense of everybody else. Lastly lobby lobby lobby! Sadly for you Austin poms come hear to be Australians they don’t move hear like others do for economic reasons. They are the biggest group but due to them integrating and not forming interest groups their voices will never be heard. I wonder if Jews and other minorities have read the story “The boy who cried wolf” They should all read it again but this time change the boy in the story to “Jew” and wolf to “anti sematism”. Now what’s the moral of the story? Posted by EasyTimes, Thursday, 22 May 2008 4:46:40 PM
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Dear Easy Times,
So you feel that it's only the 'minorities' that whinge (not that it's a human trait?) In that case this may be of interest to you: "Australians - conformists? (Are they leaders or followers?)" "(The) heritage of every Australian: the right to be exactly the same as everybody else...It's not easy to win this position in a community like Hurstfield. From time to time, you feel like speaking out about things, saying something that's different for a change, until you realize - sensibly - that it's a lot easier to make yourself like something you really hate rather than say you hate it and have everybody go crooked on you." How does this comment present Australians? Do you think it is true today? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 May 2008 6:33:02 PM
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To use EasyTimes' own words, I think s/he is "A stupid f@cking aussie", which I assume is a fair and reasonable inference based on his/her posts on this thread. There's also a fair chance that s/he's anti-Semitic as well, given the choice of topic about which to have a dumb rant.
Is that silly? Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 22 May 2008 7:09:55 PM
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Dear Easy Times,
I think that this thread needs a bit of lightening up. I'm reminded of a few amusing stories about the ten commandments: 1) Take 2 tablets and call me in the morning. 2) The good news - bad news. The good news, I got them down to 10. The bad news - adultry is still in. 3) How much are they? They're free. Great, I'll take 10! Then there's the example of the difference between Christianity and Judaism. One example of the difference is a major point of some Christian preachers: "Believe, Sinners! If you Believe, you will be saved!" If that sounds different from Judaism, um, it is. They might have: "If you believe in Chopped Liver and Chicken Soup, you will be sated!" But the one I like best is: Who is Wise? One who learns from all people... Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 May 2008 10:50:50 PM
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I'd have to agree that Ms Chandler is not the sharpest tool in the shed to have made such a crass remark and deserves to go simply because of that lack of acuity. However, given the insults that flow from the Zionist lobby if ever a question is raised about Israeli conduct or about anything at all that they, in their infinite sensitivity to imagined slights, take as being an assault on their preferred shibboleth, I can't help but feel that she was hard-done-by. Even to suggest the possibility that Israel could be less than squeaky-clean in all things is to invite a flood of pro-Zionist vitriol, including the immediate declaration that one is "anti-Semitic" or a "hater", or some other piece of cant that is designed to divert discussion. The double standard is alive and well and flourishing among Australian Jewry.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 23 May 2008 5:26:59 AM
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Dear Antiseptic,
You state that the 'double standard' is alive and well amongst Australian Jewry. But the same thing can be said for fanatics amongst all peoples. You get the Zionists among the Jews. The Fundamentalists among the Christians, the Muslim extremists, and so on. Yet to balance things out you also get people like - Antony Loewenstein, Robert Manne, David Marr, Arnold Zable, just to name a few intellectuals, who present a more rational view, that helps maintain the balance. As I said in my previous post - an insult is an insult - and bigotry exists everywhere - you don't have to look very far to find it. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 May 2008 10:06:29 AM
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No Foxy it’s the minorities who voices are always heard and it is the minorities who people in power always listen too. If an average aussie me like voices criticism of these people you get drones like cj morgan shouting you down. Not shouted down with intelligent well thought out statements but with pure dogmatism. Did you see that show with Kev Rudd last night on abc at 10pm? Did you see all the minorities howling for more? Demanding this and demanding that? Yelling over the top of the PM. This classical minority behavior, giving very little but expecting very much.
Foxy you need to get your priorities right. It does not do anything for Jewish people in the eyes of the main stream by howling in horror about a 3 word email. Its just whinging for whinging sake. When there is a real and legit threat too a minority group because of there “Boy who cried wolf” antics it will probably fall on deaf ears until its too late. This will be their own fault. As you can see my ears are become ever deafer to these people Posted by EasyTimes, Friday, 23 May 2008 1:22:43 PM
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EasyTimes: << ...but with pure dogmatism >>
I don't suppose you'd like to give an example? [Hint: "stupid f@cking aussie" doesn't cut it - besides which, it was your terminology anyway] EasyTimes started this thread with a rant that claimed that a Liberal apparatchik had fallen victim to political correctness, because she was sacked for referring to a candidate as a “Greedy F@cking Jew” in an email that was subsequently leaked by another Liberal apparatchik. I think the thread has demonstrated well enough that the problem is not one of "political correctness", but one of 'political stupidity' within the Victorian Liberal Party. Not to mention the bigotry of the thread originator. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 23 May 2008 1:38:13 PM
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Dear Easy Times,
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Your generalisations when applied to minorities are just that - generalisations. I tried to point out to you - people who whinge come in all shapes and sizes - they're not restricted to any particular group. Look at yourself - you're being a bit of a whinge, and looking for scapegoats. I don't believe in the "Us" and "them" syndrome. Afterall fairness is supposed to be one of the traditions that makes this country great. Yes, I did watch the Prime Minister's speech last night but we must have been watching two different programs. The only person I saw who interjected during the PM's speech was an Indigenous woman who the PM chose to ignore, and she stopped after a while. Easy Times - this was one person. What minority group are you referring to? You know, I'm really surprised at you. I always thought you were a fair person. Did something happen recently that has had an effect on you? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 May 2008 6:01:37 PM
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"Did you see all the minorities howling for more? Demanding this and demanding that? Yelling over the top of the PM. This classical minority behavior, giving very little but expecting very much."
Deadset delusional. Posted by Vanilla, Friday, 23 May 2008 6:06:37 PM
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Foxy: "You state that the 'double standard' is alive and well amongst Australian Jewry. But the same thing can be said for fanatics amongst all peoples. You get the Zionists among the Jews. The Fundamentalists among the Christians, the Muslim extremists, and so on."
You're right, of course, Foxy, which is why I am careful to refer to "Zionists" and "pro-Zionists" in discussions about Israel. In this case, however, the outcry has been more widespread in the Jewish community, which is what I was referring to. The double standard is flourishing in the world today. From politics to religion to sport to criminal enforcement to family law, to gender matters, there is one standard for "us" (those who "have the right") and "them" (those who aren't "us"). Everyone can point to someone who they believe should not be protected in the same way that they themselves are. Once, this way of thinking was regarded as sloppy and weak; today it is the basis for ruining a woman's career and making ever-more draconian legislation. I know which world I prefer... Posted by Antiseptic, Saturday, 24 May 2008 6:36:40 AM
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CJ it has nothing to do with political stupidity. Itt was a one line email ment for one person. In other words its an off the record comment. Not a statement or thought out fact that somebody has put their name too. If she had sent it to the Jew it maybe a different matter.
The facts are that a decent normal Australians has been sacked and lost her job because of loud minorities and do gooders! Long live multiculturalism! Death to mainstream Australia! Your dogmatism is the fact that you only call me names but don’t put forward a counter argument in an attempt to show me where I am wrong. This is typical of you and of your standard of posting on this forum. Pure name calling and nothing of substance. CJ Morgan the windbag. Foxy remember when that bloke who said he was at the woomera detention center said he had tried to commit suicide 5 times (lies or not trying very hard at it and jsut attention grabbing attempt) and started demanding the PM close all the detention centers and throw open the city gates to the hordes so that all manner of things can come into Australia unannounced and at their own accord. The cheer and jeering the pm when he was trying to answer the question was what I was talking about. After him there was a question about why the PM wont scrap John Howard’s NT intervention. With more cheering and jeering from the same group. There were also 1 or 2 other questions with similar antics. If you did not see this you must have been watching a different show. Foxy don’t go the way of CJ and vanilla and work off pure dogmatism and clichés. Their credibility is already at 0 yours is still very high Posted by EasyTimes, Saturday, 24 May 2008 4:25:02 PM
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Dear Easy Times,
I have to admit that I didn't see the incident that you're referring to about the bloke from the detention centre so I can't comment on it. Thank You for your kind words about my credibility. However as I wrote earlier - we will have to agree to disagree on this discussion. I try to say things as I see them on this Forum - I'm sorry if you think that my reasoning is somewhat 'dogmatic.' But I can only speak from my experience and perception - and what I feel. Anyway, I appreciate your comments, and respect your point of view. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 May 2008 7:48:22 PM
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1. "In other words its an off the record comment." The questions is not if it is an off record comment but if Susan Chandler believe what see wrote and probably she believes it. If I believe that Greeks are crocks (I am Greek) then I could find million ways to punish them, to damage them, not openly or even not with off the record comment but other ways. 2. In a country with half of its population migrants or part of minorities, this kind of comments are dangerous and could create problems to Australia. Today I wrote in other thread to People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming "1. From now and on I do not permit you to change my name from Antonios to Tony. You could use ASymeonakis, Antonios or Symeonakis but do not change my name. If you continue to change my name then VERY-VERY SOON I will bring the issue to race discrimination commission. I MEAN IT." because I want every one to learn to respect the others. FORGET MINORITIES OR NOT, WE HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME RIGHTS. Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 24 May 2008 8:43:53 PM
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You are interpreting it wrong Asymeonakis and taking it out of context remember it was a one line email to a “friend” not a hate speech.
I guess I could have started a similar topic about you! Calling people racist because they call you Tony is ridiculous but it is on the same level as calling somebody racist because they write “Greedy f@cking Jew” or point out that Aboriginals have an alcohol or sexual abuse problem. All 3 of these things are small and petty and merely prove that the word racist is not a boring worn out cliché Posted by EasyTimes, Sunday, 25 May 2008 5:29:45 PM
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In every country migrants have this problem. The locals ignore or change the names of migrants without to care what it means for the migrants. My name Antonios indicate that I am Greek, European, Cristian or come from Cristian environment. My name Antonios is FULL of emotional values for me, from my birthday until now. If any one change it because he/she is very lazy and do not like to remember it or EVEN WORST BECAUSE he/she thing that they can do anything on migrants, then they humiliate the migrants, violate their personality, their integrity. THE NAME IS THE VISIBLE DNA FROM A PERSON, HIS EMOTIONAL AND CULTURAL ID. Many countries, many people change the names from migrants because they want to brake migrant's connections with their past, because they want to disappear, to wipe migrant's present in their country. Many times mass media introduce successful migrants as locals and third generation problematic migrants as foreigners. While migrants and minorities offer so much in every country, the people know very little about it, because nationalists, wipe migrants offer and change their names-surnames. My warning 'do not change my name" indicates that I am ready to start an open fight to protect migrants names from any unwanted changes and violent. Can you imagine what mean for a Muslim migrant to call him Cris, or Paul? Every time they call him Cris it is like to put a knife into his heart. It happened, to change the names of migrants, very often in workplaces. Antonios Symeonakis Adelaid Posted by ASymeonakis, Sunday, 25 May 2008 6:50:46 PM
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Antonios Symeonakis - ALl they are doing is treating you as an equal. They dont call you Tony to anoy you its just how we do things in Australia, lazy short cuts its the Australian way. But I know I am wasting my time debating with you as you are set in your ways.
If you want to be different dont complain when you are treated differently! Posted by EasyTimes, Monday, 26 May 2008 11:35:25 AM
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Hi Foxy, sorry for not responding but I've been in FNQ for a few day's holiday.
You seem to be missing my point. Especially as you wrote that hazing the Poms "was done with a bit of 'tongue-in-cheek,' and affection". Doesn't that prove my point? If we made comments on other ethnic groups with "a bit of 'tongue-in-cheek,' and affection", we would be screamed at as 'racist'. BTW, I don't feel that the English (British are not Poms, only the English are) are being discriminated against, I just think that what's good enough for one race is good enough for another. In case you still don't get it, I mean that if you insult one group without raising the public's hackles, you should be able to do the same to any other ethnic group. Equality in insult. Posted by Austin Powerless, Saturday, 31 May 2008 7:09:38 PM
To start with the editorial went on as if Susan was concealing some sort of Nazi tendencies and some how had an intrinsic hatred of Jews. Absurd yes, but true. The idiot who wrote the article obviously has a far better insight into the English language then I do and has an amazing capability to read into peoples intent by just looking at 3 words of an email. According to the journalist or should I say “journalist” if you say anything critical of anyone be it Jews, Frenchman, Americans or Kiwi’s you are implying that you have underlying and deep seated hatred of them. What a joke!
They also had other articles one with the victim “poor diddums” accepting an apology and saying how outraged he is and another 2 of just pure whinging.
I will be the first to admit that the standards of journalism at the ajn is understandably low due to the narrow field and thus poor quality of potential employees. But you would think they could do better then this garbage.
I think Susan is another Australian who has fallen victim to this absurdly politically correct world we live.