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Unions maternity leave Productivity Commission

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I was surprised when I learned about your last post. I did not expect it.
1.As far as I understood from your posts in this thread you never was interested about the maternity, paternity and parental leave, you was not interested for women, children or families BUT ONLY FOR THE COST OF PML.
2.You believe that people can not ask a council to fix a road if they do not know the actual cost for it. Is not it enough to tell how many car accidents happened there, how big is the cost for the community from the bad road? The government, the council will find the actual cost for the PML, for the hospital or the road. The citizens say what they want and for what reason they want it. NO ONE CAN NOT EXPECT FROM THE CITIZENS TO KNOW THE REAL COST FOR A ROAD, FOR A HOSPITAL OR FOR THE PML. Some persons prefer the citizens or employees silent, but these persons are not very familiar with our civilization.
4.About the business PERICLES WHAT DID YOU MEAN WITH YOUR QUESTION “would the government apply sanctions against employers who turn away applicants on the basis that they are of child-bearing age, and might therefore be more expensive to employ?” What do you think Pericles? What do you mean Pericles with “"employers associations" that have any semblance of understanding of small business”? Why Pericles ? What did you do to win employers association’s support?

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 14 June 2008 1:13:11 AM
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People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming,
Sorry, I do not know you but it seems that you come from an Asian country. This is not bad, we do not choice in which country we will born, but if you was from Europe you could not speak with this way for the PML. In Europe, mosts Australians come from Europe, the PML is a Fundamental Right. As we come from different countries and civilizations it is not easy to understand each other. Do not blame me, I am not racist, simple I am thinking and act as European. and if you want to learn the truth I AM WORRY VERY MUCH FOR EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION IN THIS COUNTRY. Australia is a small country between billions of people with different civilizations. Last week the prime minister spoke for free trade and movement between Australia and Asian countries.

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 14 June 2008 1:48:53 AM
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Pericles “To be honest, you didn't do a great deal of listening when you were here, ASymeonakis, so my talking to the wall as I am at the moment isn't much of a change of scene for me.”

Yes, it seemed the repetition of upper-case sentimental ideology has been passed off as ‘reason’.

Any way, in ASymeonakis case, declaring he has fallen on his sword can hardly be called a victory. That was of course, after taking a stab at corporate taxation, an arena where our valiant gladiator of socialism was unfamiliar and simply inventing straw men to stab at.

As for “corporate cooperation” – I guess Pericles would find the fundamental of “trust” would need to be pretty strong to make that work LOL but somehow I think likely to fail on the basis of incompatible business philosophies (practicality versus sentimentality).

PALEIF “As small business close at 700 per month”

Nothing new in that.

The failure rate of small business is always very high. It is simple, 90% fail within the first 3 years and 90% of those left fail within the next three years. If you have a small business trading after 5 years the consensus is you have a success. My “small business” has survived and thrived 20 years and I would suspect Pericles is similar.

I would suggest the only time the rate of small business failures will lower would be when fewer people were prepared to take a risk and that would only happen in a depression.

And the way this bunch of socialist swill are going they will bring that about (economic depression) before the end of this elected term, then claim they have improved the rate of small business closures.

As to the reason for failures. Most of them are caused because people do not think through their business objectives, processes and systems, a lot because they forget the tax man expects his pound of flesh and many because there is no one with a modicum of self discipline kicking them in the backside hard enough.
Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 14 June 2008 9:11:14 AM
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Pericles and Col seem to think that they are being asked to personally fund PML. They aren’t. There have been a number of proposals as to how PML may be funded – none of which would affect any individual’s choice of lifestyle – nor place a huge burden on small business. That all of these proposals have been completely ignored puts the lie into Pericles’ claim that it is Antonius who doesn’t listen.

As for Col, who indulges foetid invective and labelling of anyone who dares to disagree, you lose. If you cannot construct an erudite argument as to why children should not be given a fair start in life, you are wasting OLO readers’ valuable time.

Australian tax payers have contributed to our nation’s children since the introduction of the first maternity benefit in 1912- a benefit paid to married and unmarried mothers.

PML/PPL is a far more viable use of taxes than the current Baby Bonus - it ensures all Australian children get off to a decent start, meaning they are able to be breast fed, to feel loved and needed and have their developmental needs supported and enhanced by the full time love and care of a parent.

If Men Had Babies....

* Maternity leave would last two years....with full pay.

* There would be a cure for stretch marks.

* Natural childbirth would become obsolete.

* Morning sickness would rank as the nation's #1 health problem.

* All methods of birth control would be 100% effective.

* Children would be kept in the hospital until toilet trained.

* Men would be eager to talk about commitment.

* They wouldn't think twins were so cute.

* Sons would have to be home from dates by 10:00 PM.

* Briefcases would be used as nappy bags.

* Paternity suits would be a fashion line of clothes.

* Workplaces would be flexible for the employee and not just the employer.

* They'd stay in bed during the entire pregnancy.

* Women would rule the world.
Posted by Fractelle, Saturday, 14 June 2008 11:48:16 AM
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Fractelle “Pericles and Col seem to think that they are being asked to personally fund PML”

The fabric of the nation in which we live is constructed around the laws and regulations which it enacts. Laws for paid PML WILL influence me by being on the statute and shaping the nation.

All the proposals a government funded element is included, that being so it is my taxes being diverted instead of being left in my pocket for me to spend on whatever takes my fancy, like the nice new TV I bought yesterday.

“If you cannot construct an erudite argument as to why children should not be given a fair start in life, you are wasting OLO readers’ valuable time.”

Children are only ever given a “fair start in life” by being born to caring parents.

Unfortunately, it is the welfare bludging socialist voting scumbags who breed and then neglect their offspring. I am not responsible for their neglect and resent my taxes being handed out on welfare for food and clothes being diverted to pay for fags, beer and crystal meth.

Nothing anyone else can do will ever change that.

As for “valuable time” in your case, what seems to be completely free can hardly be assumed to have any value at all.

Your suggestion, to the erudite qualities of debate is, like most of your small minded and envious posts completely facile.

I know in posting, anything of mine you read is a waste of time but that is your shortcoming, a bigoted and limited intellect is what makes your mind so closed to the bleeding obvious.

As for your list of things which would supposedly happen if men had babies

If women ruled the world we would have all died off generations ago because instead of getting on with life we would have lost our fertile years in just talking about it.

Keep posting, maybe bring a turkey along with you next time and we can slap that too.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 15 June 2008 12:36:00 PM
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I think your fantasy world shows just how much you hate men. It sounds to me like the bitter rantings of an angry misandrist feminist.

'meaning they are able to be breast fed, to feel loved and needed and have their developmental needs supported and enhanced by the full time love and care of a parent.

Able to? They already are able to.
Why do you think that women with pleanty of money still put their children in child care? Because feminism has told them they are nothing if they don't go out to work. Couples are also addicted to the trappings of materialism.

PML wont change anything. My back neigbour runs a child care business and her customers leave the kids in child care when they're on holidays because they would rather play tennis than play with their kids.

If couples really wanted one parent to stay at home they would make financial sacrifices elsewhere. They don't, and PML wont change this.

The welfare system can look after the genuinely poor.
Posted by Usual Suspect, Monday, 16 June 2008 10:13:24 AM
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