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The Forum > General Discussion > NSW Conservative right wrong again

NSW Conservative right wrong again

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I wasnt supporting the 5 Belly. I just appreciate any exposure of Islams quiet plans. Even a mention on the tract. Ive been to Islamic lectures and its quite scary. Inch by inch they move quietly forward...seducing politicians and wooing the general public. Im not into politics either. Too manybrethren have moved into that field and its got nothing to do with gathering in the harvest or what Revelation is going to bring.
Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 26 March 2008 6:47:26 PM
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"Inch by inch they move quietly forward...seducing politicians and wooing the general public. Im not into politics either."

In that case, can i recommend these groups for your immediate attention, who already have done so over the last several decades.

Christians, 'Concerned Parents/Family' groups, Feminists, Authoritarians. All of them are as pestilential as Islamists
Posted by Steel, Wednesday, 26 March 2008 7:00:43 PM
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If I wished I could use the thread to highlight some anti Christian thoughts.
But I a non believer know Most Christians do not think like that.
I could skate so very near to the edge of xenophobia like or even racist comments.
I could even highlight my true concerns at SOME from another group.
But in a forum about Australian politics this ALP voter is concerned that so very many actions of the NSW Liberal right are killing that party.
Including a member of federal Parliament unable to join his own branch of his party.
And 5 maybe many more producing a racist document, yes racist , claiming the ALP supported the Bali Murderers, and that Muslims should vote ALP.
A fraud and a crime I speak of the last elected from opposition leader of this party begging his party to be inclusive and to reform.
And its current state president saying they can not win the 2011 election!
Yet we debate about religion and race?
The fact is we fail ourselves if every debate ends up being about religion.
This state needs desperately to see debate about politics and both party's need to be accountable.
Just think for a second of the failures of this state government and that the opposition thinks so far out from an election they can not win!
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 March 2008 4:49:18 AM
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