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A citizen home guard army... by the gun clubbers
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Posted by Gibo, Friday, 8 February 2008 7:14:54 AM
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Gibo... the Sporting Shooters Association has MORE members than our standing army :) does one need to say more ?
But I agree on one thing.. TRAINING for military readiness and having a structure in place to be called on at a moments notice..contingency plans.. strategies.. they would help a lot. cheers bro. interesting video caught my attention. Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 8 February 2008 2:33:38 PM
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Its a fairly incoherent idea these days, because political types have almost destroyed the idea of calling on 'the people' to serve their country.
The rifle club movement began in the 1850s when individual men trained to arms were a truly strategic resource. Australia's contributions to wars around the world, from the Sudan to Peking to the Orange Free State, through the wars of the 20th century, have been improved by the quality of our citizen soldiers. But a climate of hate against the military and masculine traditional values has eroded the idea of a free citizen being developed as a resource for his country's time of need. And the contribution of high technology and advanced systems thinking needed to run an effective modern military have devalued skill in marksmanship, and the benefit of training and possession of small arms. A modern citizen soldier would be valuable. If we train citizens to initiative, teamwork and resourcefulness just as our military are trained now. Develop wide-spread emergency services and first aid training, observation, communication and coordination, use of military arms and comms equipment. Develop new ways of mobilising people to local emergencies, with call centres, cell broadcast; integrating skills with needs via knowledge development. Lots of opportunities, not addressed at present. I feel as members age the rifle clubs are no longer where the action should be. Posted by ChrisPer, Friday, 8 February 2008 6:04:31 PM
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Gibo in the year 2008 a couple of blokes with guns are not going to stop a modern army.
Modern wars are won with air power not with rifles. Posted by EasyTimes, Friday, 8 February 2008 6:43:29 PM
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I agree with Easy Times - the next war won't be fought with rifles.
We need to think about living in the era of a nuclear arms race, and of the threat of nuclear war. When bombs are referred to as 'little boys,' missiles are 'peacemakers' and human beings are 'soft targets' in our media, new ways of thinking and talking about the nuclear issue are desperately needed. The average person can expect to give up three to four years of his or her life working to foot the arms bill, while ever more people suffer from illiteracy, ill health and chronic hunger. I fear that our world can become so obsessed with the problems of hatred and aggression, that it will allow peace and love to be regarded as soft and weak. Yet our survival depends on their dominance. "Oh where are you coming from soldier, gaunt soldier, With weapons beyond any reach of my mind. With weapons so deadly the world must grow older, And die in its tracks if it does not turn kind." Stephen Vincent Benet. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 February 2008 7:59:33 PM
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Indeed. A bunch of blokes running around with guns seems like a decidedly poor strategic resource, when we already have a military force that we're pumping billions into.
Besides, our culture is more similar to the US than other mations that that have relaxed gun laws and it seems decidedly stupid to embrace the kind of situation that has allowed gun violence to flourish in America. Gibo, I find it increadibly strange that in one thread, you're speaking about how much world the worse has gotten, how sexual predators are everywhere, and how it would appear we can't trust most people on the street, yet you're keen to see more guns spread through the populace. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 8 February 2008 8:41:58 PM
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a citizen militia is the best prevention of war. it doesn't scare the neighbors, while making invasion unprofitable. but it requires citizens.
you can't invade someone with a citizen militia, so kings, presidents and prime ministers reckon they are useless. you need professional soldiers and tanks, with air mastery, to invade a country. nations whose masters like to dream of conquest are big on military hardware. you can invade with professional armies, but do not necessarily win wars with them. 5000 guerrilleros in iraq have been discomfiting 150,000 professional soldiers for 5 years now, longer than hitler resisted the red army. the viet minh beat the foreign legion, the hungjun beat the chinese national army, the viet cong helped drive out the yanks. politicians hate active, organized citizens. they prefer hired guns, and subject-workers. that's the way they've organized oz, and the media help keep it that way. "leave politics to us professionals", they say, and let the sas do the fighting, until we need conscription to save the nation from our bungled foreign adventures. Posted by DEMOS, Saturday, 9 February 2008 7:50:14 AM
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Hopefully, this threads about organisation, encouraging preparation, for a citizens army whilst theres time.
Its not about a few blokes running around with bolt action rifles, not knowing what they are doing. Its about taking the time now while there is an opportunity, to do home guard. Both China and Indonesia look at us with considerable desire. I dont feel its of modern weapons or even nuclear weapons either. That cuts out the GOD factor. For over 50 years since Hiroshima God kept the balance; and nuclear holocaust simply didnt happen. If nukes are going to go off its HIS Domain... whether He allows it or not. I think some will in certain places but not necessarily here. That leaves huge scope for manpower. Bushies, in the form of a citizens army. My picture of the future is simply and its based on what appears to be reliable prophecies sent from The Lord to the Christian churches about an invader (theres a whole area in this that most people have never come across. Only if you are where The Holy Spirit moves, in Holy Spirit churches, will you see and understand about visions and prophecies). Defence doesnt want to do a citizens army so whats left? I think its down to the gun clubbers already, which could create law problems. An army is coming down from out of asia. They will take about half of the land, for at least a while. I dont know where America is. She appears tied up somehow. All Australias ships and aircraft came to nothing. All their technology got fired off and its was down to hand to hand. Enemy paratroopers first then landings afterwards. Thousands died in the face to face conflicts. Conscription was intense. Only the young kids and the aged escaped. Thats my whole perspective. A very specific, narrow vision of the future. Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 9 February 2008 7:57:11 AM
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Come on TurnRightThenLeft.
Its all in the specific context of a home guard defence force, with guns secured away under lock and key from those that do criminal things. Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 9 February 2008 8:00:49 AM
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Gibo: "Only if you are where The Holy Spirit moves, in Holy Spirit churches, will you see and understand about visions and prophecies"
I think Gibo's been over-indulging in the 'holy spirits' again. Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 9 February 2008 9:17:20 AM
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Well CJ.
Its a world apart where I live. Its a seperate place. A very, very special place. Youre all invited in... but I think many of you wont come until you need Jesus Christ to help you. That time is coming of course. Its full of wonderful people, hugs and kisses are common, fellowship is very dear. Healings happen, miracles happen, prophecies happen, people get visions, the Word of God is uplifted above all. When youre filled with The Holy Spirit, the supernatural is every day. After 24 years in the christian churches I now find the outer world somewhat strange and darkening. Governments arent looking after the peoples. Who could deny that. Defence looks at the world without the Holy Bible. People dont care much about anything. My world may be small but its more real than most folks who believe in little other than themselves. Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 9 February 2008 9:39:57 AM
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Dear Gibo,
It's all right to believe in yourself. God formed you with perfect feet and hands and a heart that beats non-stop, sometimes for a hundred years. He made you complete. Why then do you assume He made you empty? He didn't, of course. You inherited a thousand generations of wisdom, skill, poetry, song, all the sunrises and sunsets of knowledge past. You are the sum of all the people who went before you. You are a refinery of inherited intellectual wealth. The full flood of antecedent wisdom is piped and stored within you - how to climb the highest mountain, slay the biggest monster, how to survive fear and how to summon your own courage and take pride in your wonderful intelligence. Inside you are more possibilities than you could possibly use up in one lifetime. If you can dream it, you can do it, because the instinctive knowledge of how to succeed is already programmed within you waiting to be turned on. Waiting to flow like a river as you come on stream. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 February 2008 10:31:01 AM
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EasyTimes. One Mr Bin Laden can't have read your message. Your message implies that Muslim terrorism can be no threat, and yet we have allowed our governments to temove all our civil liberties because of it.
Posted by HenryVIII, Saturday, 9 February 2008 2:23:18 PM
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Its amazing HenryVIII when you think of it.
One man and a few buddies and a couple of guns in the wilds of Pakistan and they defeat the vastness of US military giant with all of her determinationto locate them and all of her technological whizthing-ies. I really think a far-scattered home guard would do well if an invader lobbed, if an "interested beforehand" training was given. The "far-scattered" we already have with the Sporting Shooters being everywhere. All they need is a manual and a bit of occasional oversite and bingo... its there. Defence might like to import some more modern rifles for them and extra ammo. Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 9 February 2008 5:47:00 PM
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Gibo-I sympathise with the general tenor of your idea of a citizen defence force and have often thought about it myself. But it needs careful control. The USA had the same idea back when invasion from the UK and Canada was a threat, and now they have more loose guns than adults, and the murder rate is massive. The Swiss approach would probably be the desirable model, although they seem to have given up on the idea in the last few years
Posted by HenryVIII, Saturday, 9 February 2008 10:46:20 PM
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HenryIII. I dont know what happened to the Swiss model. Security seemed lax at times. With a civilian home guard I feel you would have to keep the guns away from the very citizens that you might one day have to arm.
Theres too many fruits around today with petty payback in them; and who knows who they are? Security would be paramount, though regional arsenals wouldnt be impossible, just expensive to man with guards and electronic surveillance. WHATEVER, something endeavoured, is better than what is observed as national security in that area at the present time. At the expense of seeming a bit anti-government I wouldnt even mind the gun clubbers doing something, on the quiet, themselves. They could at least publish regarding the threat. I really truly detest the lack of preparedness in this country for an invader. Its a one hour to two hour flight for Indonesian paratroopers to move south and probably about a 10 to 12 hour flight for enemy paratroopers from China. A sudden change in the world climate or a bit of a wild card gamble by either nation and the north of Australia falls. They are out there preparing for invading Australia today. Posted by Gibo, Sunday, 10 February 2008 8:24:20 AM
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trtl, there's a big difference between a bunch of blokes and a national militia. the swiss militia faced down the wehrmacht, the viet minh beat the french army, the hungjun beat the chinese army, the viet cong made the u.s. army unhappy, and a few thousand guerrilleros in iraq are currently making the u.s. army want to go home, again. then there's the idf. 50 years after winning their first war, and several in between, they are still taking casualties and complaining that the moslem resistance won't lie down and die quietly.
a professional army of invasion can win every battle against militia but still lose the war. an invaded country sprouts warriors and heroes, professional soldiers are chiefly interested in staying alive and in one piece. a national militia has two advantages over a professional army: they don't scare the neighbors, and they make it uneconomical to invade their nation. politicians hate the idea of a national militia, organized and active people may turn into citizens who demand democracy. generals hate militias because they can't be told to go to foreign countries and kill people. this restricts glory and promotion. so generals and politicians say: "go back to your racing guide, and leave foreign policy to us, the professionals." air power can turn a target into a moonscape, but if you want to get some advantage from a conquest you have to put troops on the ground. then you discover, like george w bush, that "mission (is not) accomplished." easytimes was wrong. and so were you- the swiss have an assault rifle in every closet in the nation, but unlike the yanks, they are not inclined to shoot each other. Posted by DEMOS, Monday, 11 February 2008 7:16:32 AM
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Very interesting DEMOS.
This invader thing has been plagueing me since 1989 when I first heard there were visions and prophecies to the christians of Australia... about enemy soldiers on Australian soil at some time in the future. I began collecting some of those revelations soon after. It was a big investigation for a small man. Im burnt out these days but I did find interesting things. I have enough information today in 2008 for a good book or a website. Once I found out what had been happening with revelations I started looking at national defence from a different point of view. Being a christian believer, and a believer in revelations from The Lord, my attitude changed from an invasion "could happen one day" to "it probably will". I know some christians who swear its going to happen. Umpteen times I faxed or e-mailed on the subject to the PMs Office yet heard nothing back. Despite JH being a christian. I used to live in a small QLD country town where at the local Council chambers any complaints they received by mail that they didnt want to answer, they simply threw over the back of the filing cabinets. Maybe thats what happened to my requests for a home guard. In the region we are known both as SOUTH IRIAN and NEW SOUTH CHINA or NEW CHINA. All the intelligence services know this already but keep it quiet so as not to upset the general public. If the public found out, they may just want guns for the citizens and that would costs hundreds of millions, if not a billion or two, when you throw in other equipment and training and if decentralisation is required to support the citizens army...the price tag gets bigger again. I wouldnt even mind the yanks in on this. They have heaps to lose if their secret bases ever get grabbed. Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 9:04:43 AM
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*Another interesting fact, not by any means to be put aside, is that in every vision or prophecy I discovered, in some way or other, within the revelation given to the recipient, theres a mention of the sins of the Australian people as to why God would allow asian soldiers to land... and grab land.
Even though I talk about a home guard defence force (I do like a fair fight if theres going to be one) its really all to do with sin and Judgment. Its really all to do with Christian Revival and re-awakening or Judgment for the sin. Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 9:16:07 AM
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"Come on TurnRightThenLeft.
Its all in the specific context of a home guard defence force, with guns secured away under lock and key from those that do criminal things." Ah. I wasn't aware that 'those that do criminal things' could be identified on sight. Must be some special T-shirt that I'm not aware of. Alternatively, the way you speak about keeping the guns under lock and key... you mean, like in an armory, for the military? Hang on, we already do that... Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 11 February 2008 9:29:35 AM
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I came here to the Forum originally to speak about revelations of an invader. I went on to talk "home guard defence force". Its needed...especially if you know your Bible. Lets not nit-pick. Governments and Defence have been slack and its going to cost lives somewhere. The crux of what Ive said: based on revelations from The Lord. *The enemy got here, grabbed a chunk of Australia and we werent prepared. I would like to see that altered a bit so we were to some degree more ready than is prophesied. It will be terribly hard for those on the road south. My heart is for them. The thousands flooding back into southern States. Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 11:08:19 AM
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Ah, right.
I suppose I was being foolish for thinking the 'bible' is an exceedingly poor platform to base a drastic overhaul of Australia's gun control laws upon. Here I was thinking that instead, we should observe the high rate of gun violence in the US as an example. Gibo you say: "Governments and Defence have been slack and its going to cost lives somewhere." Um, no. You're just plain wrong here. Not only have we injected more funds than ever into our defence forces, we also have a defence force that punches well above our weight internationally. The SAS are regarded as among the most elite soldiers in the entire world. As usual, you're basing your arguments around a born-again-flying-saucer-inspired-religious-fanatacism which includes demonic possession as part of its spiel. I say this now to highlight the irrationality of arguing for these relaxed gun controls. If that's all you've got as backing, then it's important that this be shown, because there are people out there with less patently ridiculous reasons who are advocating Australia relax gun laws. This would be a terrible mistake. Not that I expect you to take any of this on board. I can't help but suspect that if the comments don't jibe with the view of the world you have constructed, demons and all, you're just going to ignore the decidedly more prosaic reality. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 11 February 2008 11:41:24 AM
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Despite the nonsense TRTL spouts about gun laws and America, I am 100% on board with him on this post.
Visions and prophecies by a bunch of Christians unmoored from the gift of discernment, are poor guides to reality. Gibo, I have been there and mate its a load of hysterical horseshit. Scripture is an amazing source, but not a starting point to fantasize a new reality. There is real scope for citizens to contribute to the capability of our country to defend itself, but it must be based on realism and experience. We can support the military politically, we can fight the undermining of values, we can get training and experience in emergency work, we can build a culture of self-reliance and networked cooperation that is the backbone of a responsive and effective society. In the example of Iraq citizens like us are trying to build a life amid violent attacks by religious extremists. The UN-mandated forces are now delivering high-quality service with precision-guided munitions and boots on the ground, badly undermined by political fashions in our own society. It is about civil society, teamwork, communication and constructive effort NOT indiscriminate weapons use. Rifles are just a useful tool - like cellphones! In the case of threatened invasion of Australia, the most useful protection is 'engagement', backed by military capability - the strategy that is in place. Civil backup to military preparedness is the missing component. Gun clubs are NOT serious military capability as they were from 1850 to 1950. We members are as a group too old and too few; the culture is sporting not military; and the widespread hatred and contempt fostered with political correctness will not permit them to become a strategic tool. Posted by ChrisPer, Monday, 11 February 2008 12:52:25 PM
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Im not talking relaxed gun controls TRTL.
Im not talking about gun controls in anyway. Different subject. Im talking a citizens home guard defence force with guns locked away til a day of need. You shouldnt believe all that promo from the Defence dept. Its promo. Glossy-for-us-Defencefolks-stuff to uplift who we are before the public. Its promo. It makes Defence feel good. I see Australias defence as third world... Ma and Pa Kettle. If we take some of the guns off the people (post-Pt Arthur we did) an equivalent number needs to go back into Defence arsenals. Whats so complex? You stay away from all of that Defence promo TRTL. It covers the HOLE and the apathy towards filling it. Defence wants ships and planes and clanky subs. And the enemy, any concerted enemy, will get here anyway. Paratroopers undetected would do it Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 12:53:16 PM
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Gibo: "Paratroopers undetected would do it"
Would they be dropped from similarly undetected flying saucers? Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 11 February 2008 2:30:42 PM
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Indeed. it feels decidedly strange to have Gibo warning me about some kind of brainwashing effect of defence force material, given his tendency toward cosmic conspiracies.
And I don't read defence force promo material. At least the opinions I've set forth have some grounding in reality. I'd ask you to actually back your claims with something remotely substantial, but I fear the response would direct me toward either the bible, some loopy flying saucer conspiracy, a weird prophetic vision, or some other insane diatribe. If you can provide any kind of actual evidence on the state of Australia's defence forces (that we're pouring billions into) that isn't the work of a nutbag dogmatist, then by all means, post a link. You could for instance, discuss the collins class subs, or provide some commentary on the choice of fighter jets by our military. See now, these Gibo, are valid discussions on our military capability. I'd argue that the fact we're even able to debate the purchase of reasonably high-end military technology shows we at least, have a military on a par with other first world nations. Your rantings about prophecies about invaders and/or the bible however, are codswallop. And you've yet to explain how your 'lock and key' style of citizens defence force is different to the army reserve, save for the fact that the army reserve actually has military supervision, but your model appears to lack any kind of central control, meaning that my points about the unknown background of these gun-wielding participants remain quite valid. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 11 February 2008 3:09:10 PM
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Most of you have this all wrong. What is needed is a civil defence force that can act when there is a disaster. A peaceful force well trained.
They should be trained by professional personnel. They should be ready as a team to move in when necessary to take control and give help and organisation when there is chaos. I was in the Civil Defence once and took exams as a first class operations officer. We went on training weeks and were trained to evacuate an area. Who is trained to do this? The police will be busy keeping order and stopping looters etc. Why are so many people gun happy and see this as a military army carrying guns when many disaster need food shelter and movement out of the area. It takes a great organisation to do this.They must be well trained in the event of future environmental disasters. Posted by Sybil, Monday, 11 February 2008 10:36:45 PM
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CHRIS.. Gibo's reference to 'visions' might not be your thing (or mine, though I share his love for the Lord) ..but it doesn't change the rubber meets the road possibility of unrest of a kind which would require considerable citizen mobilization....and that of an armed nature. I don't know how old you are Chris, but I've actually lived though Melbourne and suburbs on the verge of total meltdown, where the police were incapable of anything except patchwork responses. It was around 1967 when the 'Sharpie' situation was occurring. The police assets were stretched to breaking point. A group of us from RAAF Laverton went into Melbourne to try to assist.. and we spoke the only language 'they' understood. 'force/violence' Those we encountered immediately panicked and fled. The police said "Just leave enough to arrest". Sybil.... yes, trained people who know how to manage resources etc.. make plans.. all great stuff. But you appear to be assuming that the only threat we might face is natural disaster? That is only one part of the total picture. If the threat is of a military, terrorist, anarchist nature....then you need more than a civil response. Gun clubs are ideal as adjuncts to the military response side of things, and a network of trained people, with a command structure would be very helpful during such times. During Cronulla, I was stunned that the overstretched Police didn't call on the military..specially when they knew there was a convoy of cars heading to Maroubra to wreak havoc. In East Timor we just had 2 incidents of attacks on high profile people.. and we send in 3 C130s and a ship... yet Cronulla with 5000 people and masses... 1000s more gathering in Lakemba around the mosque.. rabid degenerates yelling "We are going to rape your mothers" on public Tv.. people brandishing illegal weapons in Lakemba on TV..... and our police pretty much cringe in fear and fall apart. "Don't annoy them or it will get worse" (Radio conversation between police on the night of the pre-revenge attack gathering in Punchbowl park) Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 7:20:39 AM
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"Where there should be a citizens army theres nothing but a few weekend warriors (Army Reserve)...." I stopped reading there. Educate yourself on what the reserve actually does and read about the people involved, then pass judgement on them. Posted by StG, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 11:52:22 AM
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You're absolutely right Sybil, we need a volunteer group that trains regularly, that can work with professionals, like the police, and can evacuate people, run welfare centres and maybe help search for missing persons. Hey, maybe they even can help with storm damage and flood damage when cyclones hit etc. We'll have to dress them up in brightly coloured clothing of course, to make sure they are visible. They'll need a snappy name too, just to make sure everyone knows what they are doing there, I think the STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE sounds good, what do you think?
Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 12:12:28 PM
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CJ Morgan.
If say China loaded up a few commercial airliners with paratroopers, bounced them around the worlds airports for a while, they would get lost in the traffic and at the right time, come right in with their loads and dump on Australia mostly undetected. It wouldnt take a great deal of men. It would take the right world climate though... a worn out USA, totally tied up, would do it. TRTL. Its a matter of faith that I believe in visions and prophecies from The Lord. Ive tested them and I am happy they are as genuine as visions and prophecies get. I knew some of the people involved and their good christian works and Im happy with it all. All revelations say that the enemy GOT here and got established. So much for Collins subs, new fighters and second hand warships. All meant nothing. As for the Army Reserve. Theres too few and they are hardly a match for the plague of asian soldiers in the Bibles endtimes (kings of the east). Reservists are pampered, modern tv/computer boys and girls fed all the best western society could feed them. No match for fanaticals from the north countries. Does anyone understand TOO FEW? Thats good BOAZ_David. Theres frequently been little between small police numbers and the bigger thing. A good home guard could do a lot of different things. Riot control one aspect. Im convinced war with Islam inside oz is coming. If it does, we will see what exists being stretched beyond what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans cops. StG. TOO FEW! In Reserve. Bugsy. TOO FEW and not trained for invader days. Thanks Sybil. Civil Defence folks is good... extended to armed services training with equipment would be better. Everybody jumping on the home guard wagon. Its a shame the world is getting so gunsy. But its the way it is. Australas national defences have been third world for many a decade, guided by people who wanted the big stuff and forgot that in the end its always soldiers face to face. Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 6:48:39 PM
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Gibo, I am keen to learn who these prophecies were given by? Australia was prophesied as "The great South Land of the Holy Spirit" and some songs were penned from this phrase. As a nation, perhaps we have become a bit lapse and have ignored our ancestral upbringing as a Christian nation. God is no longer taught in our schools except for a scripture class maybe once a week by a (usually) disinterested Pastor/Father/Reverand (depending on your denomination).
I was blessed when I was at school to have a youth worker teach us, he was enthusiastic and loved God. The need for a mandatory civil defence is required on a two fold basis, it gives the youth direction and respect for our country and it provides a much needed source of able bodied persons capable of defending our nation if needed. You need to remember too Gibo that a nation covered by prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit is more protected than a nation with only a group of people with guns. The bible is full of examples where a tiny army with the support of God defeated armies of substantial size. Keep studying and I'm sure God will put your fears to rest, as Joyce Meyer says, "fear is False Evidence Appearing Real". Don't ever allow the devil to control you with your fears. Be blessed. Posted by wassup, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 8:00:44 PM
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Wassup. Im not greatly worried about an invader these days, though Ive had my moments over the years.
Its true God will protect a nation thats reverent to Him. Sadly, I think that time is passing. Looking back, it was passing in the mid-1970's when the first major revelations on an invader because of the sins of the people began to appear in the pentecostal (happy-clappy charismatic christian churches). Having read one I got interested and I went looking for more visions and prophecies. Wrote all around the land to newspapers. Got responses from christians who knew of more. Talked to many christians. Gathered much info. Found out that it appears to be an endtimes army (the kings of the east maybe). Many interesting things did I find. The invader may move south as far as Byron Bay NSW before he stops. Christians will don uniform. No USA to help, at least initially. The invader sets up camp and rules the north. Many die in the resistance. Mostly everyone gets conscripted. Law and order out of control. Looks like China, though Indonesia may also have a go (see invasion of australia david kriss). Australia asleep prior to invasion suggested. Some folks saw it coming and moved south. God spoke to others and they moved. Future defences fail. God Judges nation because of her sins. The people turn back to Christ in large numbers. Most revelations seemed to have been given to the small folk in Jesus. Small pastors and believers... mostly no big church pastors. No Hillsong boys. Just ordinary close- to- Jesus folks whom God trusted and chose for a special inform the nation of their sin and its ultimate consequences. A couple wrote books. "WHAT WILL BECOME OF AUSTRALIA" by pastor Jack Burrell 1975 about the biggest... the book travelling much through Assembly of God christian churches 70's and 80's. Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 12 February 2008 8:43:54 PM
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There was a story on tv news this morning, Thursday 14th February, 2008, that China was buying oil from an African nation and in return equiping them with guns.
All over the world, quietly here and there, China is tearing down once stable governments. Engineering their falls, for her own purposes. Getting ready for the great outward march (the kings of the east). Australia needs to be ready for that day and not reliant on a tired, wasted USA. If youre a gun clubber you might down load this story and speak to others about it. I dont think the Australian defence department is stable enough or insightful (Bible-wise) enough to do a decent job of national defence. I expect you guys might do better on your own. Without an organised home guard army, far greater in numbers than the Army Reserve... this country, off in the future somewhere, could be lost. Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 14 February 2008 7:55:25 AM
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Gibo, come the day of the rapture, only non-believers will be left on earth anyway so you shouldn't have to concern yourself with such trivial matters. Or do you intend sticking around so you may be chivalrous enough to decline the mark of the beast?
I'm going on the first wave where I can sup from the feast of the lamb and be filled to my hearts content. Speaking to soldiers though, Indonesia is the one to watch so you may direct your paranoia in that general direction if you wish. The northern part of Australia is our weakness (Bombing of Darwin a fine example) hence the reason our main forces are in the north, plus it makes it quicker to deploy them to those nasty foreign countries who need help from us more civilised, Christain nations. I'll pray for you Gibo so you may be released from your fear. I'm guessing you go to a church Brisbane way, perhaps even Nerang. Stay in the word and be blessed. Posted by wassup, Thursday, 14 February 2008 10:51:50 AM
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No worries wassup.
Im not in QLD. I moved back to NSW after collecting so many revelations on the invader. Jack Burrell in "WHAT WILL BECOME OF AUSTRALIA" 1975 says God will speak to some people about moving south out of enemy territory ...others will see whats coming and move. Most wont be ready. I just took adavantage of the years before, and got out. The rapture? The problem is... we dont know when. I had a Bible college teacher in Sydney who really believed that the rapture would be at the end. Theres too much thought on early rapture, mid-tribulation rapture or end of endtimes rapture. I hope The Lord comes early, but He may not. Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 14 February 2008 12:51:50 PM
Where there should be a citizens army theres nothing but a few weekend warriors (Army Reserve) and exsisting military personnel.
Ive probably mentioned this before but... the still bugs me.
Between existing military personnel and equipment and the loss of the semi-automatic rifles the farmers and gun clubbers once had... theres not much.
Brendan Nelson told me, when he was in power, there were no plans for any kind for a home guard army.
Would the gun clubbers be of value for a home guard defence force?
Theyre everywhere...most medium towns have a rifle range... and theyre generally responsible.
Could they be seconded to help an ailing Defence department?