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Dr. Haneef

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The Rudd Government has promised to have an inquiry into the "Haneef affair". I think this is admirable, if such an inquiry will take place. On the other hand, did the Howard Government have a process, similar to the US FBI, and other US Government agencies in the State Department, to properly profile Dr. Haneef in a manner befitting a democratic Australian government; or was this process dismissed within the vertical integration of the Howard Government involving senior ministers, the AFP, and perhaps alarmingly, the application of the Separation of Powers enshrined in the Westminster system, between the political arm, the judiciary, and in this case, perhaps law enforcement agencies?
Posted by galah, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 12:58:54 PM
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We may possibly get some answers when the inquiry gets under way.
Rudd promised the inquiry, but he didn't specify when, and I imagine there are more pressing items on his agenda.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 2:49:28 PM
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not many votes in an inquiry, and the labor party has been passive at best about civil privileges. don't hold your breath.
Posted by DEMOS, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 4:12:02 PM
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Dr Haneef was the victim of a cynical attempt by the erstwhile Australian government to get some xenophobic mileage in the lead-up to the recent Federal election.

I understand that his lawyers are suing for compensation. While I agree that he is entitled to some, it should come from the Coalition coffers, rather than from Australian taxpayers.

It was, after all, a nasty political ploy that victimised an innocent man. Dr Haneef was never considered any kind of threat to national security.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 1 January 2008 8:51:57 PM
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DEMOS your claims are a bit early I expect no change to the fact the ALP has always shown more interest in human rights than the former government Foxy has it right give them time, watch this space.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 2 January 2008 6:54:18 AM
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I think that without understanding how inquiries are performed we are giving our Government too much trust when we just believe that the process will be fair.

I have had dealings with the Government and their idea of an inquiry/enquiry is to write to those who are alleged to be responsible (who have already prepared a report and briefing on the matter that sets out only what they want to say and present) and then our Government just accepts whatever they say at face value, as they are innocent until proven guilty and in the absence of an investigation the allegations are not sustained, and then they close the matter never to be re-opened again.

The next step is to shoot the messenger so as to deter them from bringing up the matter again. If the complainant persists they are deemed vexatious and correspondence is filed away. Procedural fairness and natural justice doesn't exist for those making complaints. The process is used all the way to the top so as to protect the reputation of the Government and its servants at any cost.

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Posted by Jolanda, Wednesday, 2 January 2008 9:50:10 AM
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