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Justice And a Ten Year Old Child

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I am unsure why some one else did not start this thread but it should scream a warning to every one of us.
This child had been raped at 7 years of age in this same community.
Removed then returned she was raped again! by in the prosecutes words very naughty men!
Do we except this is as bad as any story out of Americas south? as racist? as blind and stupid as so called justice ever gets?
Yes it was people from her own community who committed these acts.
But a very real crime, tragic and criminal was done to this child by white mans justice.
If it was a white child?
Heat shame and anger force me not to say what I truly think.
But rest assured it is fact! I think the people who handed down this disgusting verdict should be sack charged and imprisoned.
Judge? 2 years in prison .
Adviser? the naughty boys bloke 5 years no n parole \.
QLD Minister did you see her?
a job swap give her a mop and bucket and the wages that comes with her skills.
Away for a few days in Melbourne but hope the thread is used to show we are not a racist country.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 5:05:51 AM
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I wonder - if this child had not been placed back in the Aboriginal community would that decision have constituted a 'stolen generation'.

Apart from that - the investigation was carried out and offenders charged - it was the institutional 'court' that let down the child - that let down the community.

Which raises the question - how many times has the crime been committed in mainstream without any investigative action being taken?
Posted by rivergum, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 7:56:57 AM
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I really cannot understand how a child that has been abused could ever be returned back into the hands of the abusers. That's insane!
And Belly, you're right it does scream of racism. I can't imagine the same thing being allowed to happen to a white child.

This atrocity should be shouted from the roof-tops. Only with great public outrage will something be done. But it can't be allowed to continue to happen. Where are the Aboriginal Elders and legal advisers on issues like this? Why aren't we seeing more action ?
Is everyone scared and trying to be 'political correct?' Good Heavens, it's children's lives we're talking about here. Something needs to be done and quickly!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 9:44:51 AM
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I wrote this at my blog the otherday

I find it absolutely unbelievable that a ten year old girl can be sexually abused by a gang of nine males and not even one of them can end up behind bars. The fact that both the offenders and the victim are all indigenous should not make any difference, but clearly it does to this court under judge Sarah Bradley. Call me old-fashioned but I have this vague notion that anyone who commits a crime should face the same punishment as any one else who commits crimes of a similar nature. You can’t possibly convince me that had the the perps, or more importantly, the victim here been of Anglo extraction that these nine scum bags would not be doing porridge right now, there have been harsher sentences handed down to individuals who have only “inappropriately touched” young children and yet this girl was gang raped….

If the children of our indigenous people are to be protected then the judicial response to their violation has to be as harsh as it is consistent, offenders such as these should expect to spend very long periods in prison and at the very least they should have convictions recorded so that they are forever known as the rapists that they admit to being. The notion that “no conviction be recorded” for such offences beggars belief, Certainly “no conviction” decisions are appropriate for minor offences, like pilfering or public drunkenness but when it comes to the violation of a child it just adds insult to injury.

What is the bet that the whining classes of the left find some reason to “understand” the courts decision here because of “cultural sensitivity”?

Very angry about this, Comrades
Posted by Iain, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 9:50:01 AM
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The little girl was taken from a white foster family in Cairns

and sent back to Aurukun. (A more horrible place I've never been to)

Because of cultural considerations. This isnt racism...

This is called white guilt over the apparent stolen generation and a report that was titled the (bringing them home report).

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard happening to a child.

My GOD, If Bilal Skaff got 46years for pack RAPE then these bastards should be speard up the arse and tied to a mangrove root at low tide to be turned into CROC sh$t.

Still Sarah Bradeley and DOCS shouldnt be the only ones to be sent to gaol.

All the do-gooders who have fought tooth and nail for aboriginals to have special dispensation shoulder this as well for it is them who have allowed this to happen.

Bad Things Happen When Good People Do Nothing For Fear of Being Called Racist.
Posted by SCOTTY, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 11:03:09 AM
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I have nothing much to add except my disgust that this happened. Thank you for starting the thread.

I did wonder why you would give the Judge 2 years and the prosecutor 5 years. Yes he made some stupid comments and seemed completely incompetent. Thank goodness they pleaded guilty and he wasn't running a trial. Nevertheless he is near the bottom of the legal food chain and I would have thought the expectations for him were much lower? More importantly he wasn't the judge. I suspect his comments wouldn't have got a mention if the media didn't love judges and he didn't work for Leanne Clare (in the sense that she is the head of the Department).


Thank you too for putting something similar on your blog site.
Posted by mjpb, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 12:23:09 PM
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Belly and Foxy. How can you howl racism when the rape was committed by the child's own people? As already asked, if the child had been put into white care, would the accusation be for another 'stolen generation'? I'm sure that you would both scream that out.

It's always going to be difficult to teach primitive people how to abide by the law and fit into society.

The judges are running scared when cases like this come up as, no matter which way they ruled, people like you would be shouting 'racism' or 'stolen generation'. You lefties don't want to see that, do you?
Posted by Jack the Lad, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 1:19:56 PM
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Dear Jack-the Lad,

Again with the labels ... What's the matter with you? Why can't you simply express an opinion without stooping to labelling people?

The reason we're saying 'racism' is because the case would have been dealt with differently if it would have been a white child.

And for your information, while books, plays and laments have been written about the dispossesion and suffering of black Americans, there has been only a tentative recognition in Australia of black Australians. For many years, a popular belief was that the children were being 'saved' from the horrors of a 'primitive' upbringing, in particular the 'half-castes' - when in fact, many were abused and most received no protection from the state.

Some white Australians professed ignorance of these crimes; it seems the majority met them with indifference and silence.

The President of the Human Rights Commission, Sir Ronald Wilson, at that time said, "We as a committee have decided that what was done meets the international definition of genocide... which is an attempt to destroy a people, a culture."

"Bringing Them Home," the commission's report, called for an official apology on behalf of all Australians. John Howard had steadfastly refused to make this single gesture, let alone to consider compensation.

During the week the report was tabled, Federal Parliament spent an hour debating a proposal for a tax on the culling of emus.

By contrast, "Bringing Them Home," which described genocide in Australia, was given half an hour, during which the then Prime Minister, the members of his Cabinet and most government MPs left the chamber before the 'debate' was over.

Racism? You betcha, Jack-the-lad, and if it gives you some sort of pleasure labelling people - I can think of an appropriate one for you but I'm to polite to use it here!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 4:30:06 PM
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What a hypocrite

Yes belly you should remember and be well aware of the hiding of child sexual and physical assualts not only on aboriginal children but also white children as well.

When are you people going to take up that fight against labor their leader, goss and beattie governments.

Or belly is it much prefered by yourselves and the media to keep hiding it.

If i had known before i joined the army , i would never have joined.

Heiner affair have a good look at the corruption that you support.

Since labor supports this and the people support the labor party what a disgrace and ignorant the people have become.
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 5:58:56 PM
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Well what have I been saying about all of these individuals who have been selected and appointed as Judges in our statutory Court in Queensland. They have no obligation to the people of Queensland or are they bound by their oath of office when appointed as judges as they are not actually sitting in the statutory court but are adjudicating on disputes in their own private courts or tribunals and the rule-of-law has nothing to do with the reasoning in their decisions. They are there to serve their political-masters only and if any decision is made that placed liability on any of the authorities of the State or the Commonwealth how long would they last. The Supreme Court Act provides for the seal of the Supreme Court but they refuse to use it when lodging process in the court registries. The District Court Act of Qld require that there shall be a seal of that Court, what is it, what does it look like ? where has the Parliament provided the description of this seal in the legislation. The Commonwealth have provided for the seals in the federal legislation and the description of the seals is provided for what it worth. Linda Lavach was asked this question in private correspondence when she was the Attorney-General and questions have also been asked of the new chief criminal AG but all have refused to answer. Questions on notice in the Qld parliament 1288, 25Aug 2005 and question 1562, 6 Oct 2005 and still no honest answer. When is the court of law actually created and constituted ?
When the judge walks into the courtroom after she knocks on the door or when the originating process is signed, SEALED and issued in accordance with the rules of Court, UCPR, and the Act of Parliament that requires that there shall be a seal for each of the Qld Courts.
Who do you think appointed this vile dishonest grub in the first place and who else was appointed at the same time, there is a list as long as my arm. What religion is she
Posted by Young Dan, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 10:25:48 PM
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From the tone of these posts I have gained an impression of what this is all about. But could someone please provide me with a link to some article dealing with this case? Is it something that has just happened recently? Coverage of overseas news is limited here so I often miss issues that concern Australia. Thanx.
Posted by Romany, Thursday, 13 December 2007 3:07:34 AM
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SCOTTY.. you sure have a colorful way of expressing yourself.. but be assured mate.. you got ur point across :) Well done.
Mangroves eh..haha..

FOXY said:
<<I really cannot understand how a child that has been abused could ever be returned back into the hands of the abusers. That's insane!>>

Dear Foxy... perhaps at this point, you may consider why 'abuse' is in reality ABUSE in all circumstances and times. 53 year old men, having sexual relations with 9 year old girls, is disgusting, abusive and morally evil.
What is worse, is when a community of people hold that such an act is NOT abuse, but in fact a 'wonderful thing'... when such values are growing in our community, it is time to SAY something until such ideas about human interaction are stomped on the head until dead, just as you would do to a tiger snake about to strike at your ankle.

Please follow this link and.. read.

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:
Narrated 'Aisha:

that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). "abuse"..
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 13 December 2007 5:45:32 AM
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Romany, as requested
A range of material from The Australian,25197,22916179-601,00.html
A CourierMail article on a follow up investigation,23739,22915391-952,00.html
Mention of another case,23739,22912668-3102,00.html

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 13 December 2007 6:26:20 AM
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I think this is the best argument I have so far seen against multiculturalism.

If the Europeans had learned the Aboriginal ways when they first came here instead of insisting on retaining their own culture, then compounding the problem by imposing their alien religions, we wouldn't be having these discussions today.

There is nothing in aboriginal culture that supports the concept of child rape, so they must have learned it from the settlers. All the literature I have so far seen on the topic talks in terms of "cultural disintegration, unresolved community trauma and racial abuse", none of which existed prior to European settlement.

However warped his view of the world may be, Scotty comes closest to an understanding that this is "white guilt" than even he realizes. He is talking about the laxity in sentencing, but the problem is far deeper than just that.

Our collective presence here over two short centuries has created a major problem. No amount of saying sorry, or throwing ever increasing amounts of money into the guilt-pot, can turn back the clock.

But since those appear to be the limits of our ability to propose solutions, we should expect nasty, stomach-churning events like this to continue to occur from time to time.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 13 December 2007 9:05:16 AM
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Foxy, the self-righteous content of your posts with your anti-White attutude attracts your leftist label. Think about it, your automatic response is 'racism' as if that is the be-all and end-all of all the ills in the world. Actually, the term is becoming a bit hackneyed now and hopefully a more realisticscapegoat term will emerge.

I note that you never addressed the rest of my post, just the part that suited you.

Another leftist diatribe is your 'genocide in Australia'. Talk about living in the past. We've all moved on in the last century so maybe you should 'get over it'. I've forgiven the Sassenachs for the Clearances (genocide in Scotland).

I don't derive any particular pleasure from labelling people, they usually do it for themselves. As you have, apparently, pleasured yourself by inventing a label for me, it's a pity that you don't want to share it. I like a laugh.

Pericles, I found your statement 'There is nothing in aboriginal culture that supports the concept of child rape, so they must have learned it from the settlers. All the literature I have so far seen on the topic talks in terms of "cultural disintegration, unresolved community trauma and racial abuse", none of which existed prior to European settlement.' very interesting. I've never heard that before. Could you point to further sources on this as I would prefer to be informed of all sides of the mater.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Thursday, 13 December 2007 11:23:52 AM
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Delighted to help, Jack the Lad

I nicked the phrase itself from:

...but there's more here:

and its companion

here too...

and a little bit here:

For a deeper understanding of the emotions and verbal calisthenics that accompany a debate such as this, it is also worth checking out the running battle of words between Louis Nowra (of "Bad Dreaming" fame), and his supporters and opponents.

I always find it helpful to remind myself that for every apparent "answer" there are at least two further questions.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 13 December 2007 3:16:04 PM
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Dear Jack-the-Lad,

Re-read your post and then tell me again that you are being fair.

Labelling people must satisfy something inside you - or perhaps as you said - it's good for a laugh.

That's what the Communists did when they occupied the country of my family. They laughed a lot. Many members of my family perished in Siberia.

But you go ahead and laugh ...
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 13 December 2007 6:25:57 PM
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I forgot to add that I detest labels of any kind because I've been fighting them all of my life beginning with 'wog.' (Even though I was born in this country).

Self-righteous - who me? Yes, I suppose I am, when I'm defending myself. But then aren't we all?

As for racism - well, I was looking at this child's situation and wondering if things would have been handled differently had she been white?

I'm glad that you can move on Jack, but people who have suffered great abuse personally can't do it as easily as you can. And if you can't sympathise at least have the decency not to be flippant about things you haven't experienced.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 13 December 2007 7:19:20 PM
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I am completely beyond words about how this young lady/ child was utterly and completely betrayed by her own people (the men of her community), DOCS, the so-called justice system, the department of prosecutions and the judge. It will be nothing short of a miracle if this young lady ever is able to grow up as a effective functioning adult.

I cannot comprehend how a number of Lebanese rapists in Sydney were each given 25+ years for their crimes against ladies in Sydney, yet this young girl was given the message - you don't count, you're not important, and people wonder why rape goes under- reported in the communities. How on earth are other women going to ever stand up to this atrocity when they will be so utterly betrayed by the system.

I just pray that somehow this young lady will gain a healing of her heart, mind and soul and that somehow she will gain the strength to go beyond this devastation to become a powerful wise leader, perhaps a Mother, Sister, Auntie, Niece etc in her community.
Posted by zahira, Thursday, 13 December 2007 9:53:44 PM
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Thanx for the links.

All other words fail me right now.
Posted by Romany, Thursday, 13 December 2007 9:58:09 PM
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I have no problem with the sentencing. The judge made the decision and that's the way it is. Note aboriginals operate also under their own law, which may have influenced the ruling. In other words, mind your own business you werte not at the proceeding and do not have the expertise to pass judgement. Remember all the raping of children on holy ground by catholics? I did not detect as much outrage, no doubt because it reflected on the hypocrisy of those professing values.

I cracked up at Foxy's comment.... "[The outrage] should be screamed from the rooftops." I mean, seriously. I'm sorry, but that's wrong. You don't let emotion sway judgement. I've come across one comment on another forum where someone abused as a child was more shocked at people's reactions than the 'abuse' itself. Nothing is more frightening and harmful to a child to see a grown adult turn red with rage and spit into the air screaming like a baby. It's a disgraceful way to conduct oneself.

Rape is being thrown about too much these days. And that's wrong because the term covers consensual sex under the age of consent all the way to violent rape. No doubt that's how the morally righteous made it to be but I don't accept the terms use in the sweeping category it currently encompasses.
Posted by Steel, Thursday, 13 December 2007 10:49:10 PM
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Your attitude is beneath contempt, I bet that you have no children or you would not be so sanguine about the violation of this child not by one person but nine. Now if the scaif brothers can be sentenced to twenty-five years for raping an adult woman why should we not expect that those who rape a ten year old child should not be treated with such leniency that the longest time in custody for any of them was 14days(according to the sentencing transcript).
Do you likewise need reminding that we have only one law in this country that applies to all Australians regardless of their ethnicity?
Posted by Iain, Thursday, 13 December 2007 11:05:24 PM
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It looks as though you didn't read my comment and deferred to your emotions instead. You are not a judge. You were not present at the hearing of the case. That means you are judging something based on the media and your emotions. If anything is contemptuous, that is. If you want my pesonal opinion -that is unrelated to the decision of the ruling judge- the sentence should be determined on the level of harm to the victim, as evidenced by their current psychology and level of distress including pertaining facts such as whether there was consent. Not emotion as virtualy almost all screaming for blood have done here, like a lynch mob. It's disgusting to observe.
Posted by Steel, Thursday, 13 December 2007 11:31:27 PM
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Dear Steel,

You are talking about a ten year old child. She was seven years old when she was first raped. I may not have been there in the court room but I listened to her aunt in the interview she gave on television. And I believe the aunt when she talked about the rape of her niece and begged for justice to be done in the case of the rapists.

I don't understand why your disgust is directed at us instead of the rapists. Is it because the child is black and you think that what happened is part of their culture?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 14 December 2007 8:17:55 AM
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I think that the handling of this case was appalling, but that said there are a couple of points worth noting:

- the use of the word "naughty". This appears to be a reasonably common term amongst remoter aboriginal communities for sexual abuse, particularly when talking to reasonably young people (say 15-25). I have heard it previously and in interviews with offenders

- a lot of the younger abusers (note that at least one of them in this case was 18, so fairly young himself), were themselves subject to abuse. Whilst this doesnt excuse their actions, it does put a bit more context to it.

- the system (DOCS etc) puts a lot of emphasis on how important it is for chldren to grow up in their own communities and cultures, PARTICULARLY for aboriginal children. This I think is a "white guilt" outcome of the stolen generation. There is such pressure not to have a repeat performance of this, that I have no doubt that the risks to the actual child get overlooked. The bottom line should be that one size doesnt fit all.

BD, please stay out of Koranic references. The Christian faith also accepted that young girls were capable of marriage and sexual relations as soon as they hit puberty. Social acceptance of this has long since changed and rightfully so. Stop stirring the pot unnecessarily.
Posted by Country Gal, Friday, 14 December 2007 10:32:54 AM
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Foxy, maybe you should also re-read my post. When I wrote that I like a laugh, I was referring to the label that you had given me but wouldn't reveal. I only inferred that I would have laughed at it as labels do not faze me. I've had many in the course of my life and, being non-Australian, have had a few here too.

As for your 'go ahead and laugh', surely you don't think that I'd laugh at what happened to your family at the hands of the Communists. I hope you weren't deliberately mis-reading my post,.

Also,you should never assume who has and hasn't suffered some kind of abuse or wrongdoing. You don't know me or my past, I don't know yours.

Again with 'racism'. Don't you realise that this term is almost always used for White abuse of Coloureds, very rarely the opposite?

When re-reading my posts, I couldn't find what you perceived as 'flippant'. Maybe you could elucidate?
Posted by Jack the Lad, Friday, 14 December 2007 12:21:20 PM
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Of course there is another factor to be considered here - how mant times has this happened without any investigation?
Posted by rivergum, Friday, 14 December 2007 3:45:09 PM
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The fact that it happened is totally and utterly unacceptable and the events that followed afterwards are totally and utterly unacceptable.
As someone put it in the Australian if this had happened in Double Bay and it had gone to trial there the perpetrators would be inside even if the victim had 'encouraged' them and 'consented'. It is wrong in anyone's book.
The reality is that a ten year old is incapable of giving informed consent - and that's why we have laws to forbid such things. The other reality is that we need to stop having two legal systems. As someone else said in the Australian until we have one justice system and everyone is expected to abide by the same rules/law then there will be a division that no amount of 'sorry' can heal.
The case disgusts and revolts me - what chance has this child got - or so many others like her? The political activists demanding special consideration have one heck of a lot to answer for.
Posted by Communicat, Friday, 14 December 2007 4:01:39 PM
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Communicat: "The case disgusts and revolts me - what chance has this child got - or so many others like her? The political activists demanding special consideration have one heck of a lot to answer for."

Actually YOU are the ones demanding special consideration and interfering with the independence of the judicial proceedings. Why? Because the case is heard and closed already. It's over. You are not the judge and were not present throughout the hearing. Decisions aren't made on how you feel on the behalf of the 'victim'. Your emotional plea is little more than what is called an appeal to emotion, a logical fallacy.
Posted by Steel, Friday, 14 December 2007 11:18:59 PM
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Steel, this case will never be over, not in a thousand lifetimes. It will never be over whilst women and young girls have to be raped all over again by a dysfunctional depraved system that has the audacity to refer to itself as a system of justice. I ask for whom does the system of justice serve? - certainly not the young girl that was raped. Nobody has to be there, no-one has to sit through the entire evidence to know that there is no way a young girl of 10 could ever give consensus to a pack rape. No woman in her right mind would ever consider such a thing. This kid was raped once and removed from the community, she might as well as been raped again by DOCS who put her back into a place of harm, she was raped a third time by a bunch of animals (I won't even insult decent men by calling them men) and then she was raped a fourth time by the judge, prosecutor etc in the so-called sentence. Every decent human being has the right to be outraged by the inexcusable miscarriage of justice that has been done here.
Yes, I'm emotional over this because I cannot for the life of me, how someone in this modern day and age impart such deranged miscarriage of so-called justice. And to think I thought that this attitude towards rape victims in courts had finally dissolved - well this shows it hasn't. Woe betide any rape victims who try to take their case to court - only to be raped all over again by the system. This is the main reason I didn't take my case to court - the hell of the first time was bad enough - let alone be raped by barristers and judges.
Posted by zahira, Saturday, 15 December 2007 12:03:33 AM
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Its very obvious that everybody who has provided their comments on this subject have no knowledge of what sort of person this particular judge is and what her true form is and how she has conducted herself in her own personal court, that she describes as a Tribunal, over the past ten years.
Has anybody considered that this issue has only come to light because of the troubles in the community some time after the appeal period expired when the last disturbance in Aurukun was a direct result of the perpetrators being back in the community and another riot took place after a few drinks at the local Tavern. If this riot had not occurred it would have all been very efficiently concealed and nobody would have any idea of what is really going on in our legal system in Nth Qld and especially the Cairns-Court-House.
Who blew the whistle and had this matter brought to the media's attention, could it have been the very people who have to deal with the mess when the community exploded ?
Has anybody considered that there was no room available in the local prison and that most of the people on remand or on bail know that there is a only a very slight chance of them ever going to jail because these issues are taken into consideration by all of the agencies involved behind closed doors long before the so called public legal proceedings. I have been provided with information by the employer of a couple of people who are going to be dealt with for their various serious offences and they are fully aware that its full not a bed left in the complex.
Has anybody considered that the role of a Judge is not really what the general public are expected to believe.
The penalty that all of these offences attract under the Qld Criminal Code are set out in the legislation passed by our Parliament and these are the only guidelines that the individual on the bench are legally authorised to work with, how can this happen ?
Posted by Young Dan, Saturday, 15 December 2007 1:24:32 AM
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Sorry to the anti left poster, while I am proudly from left of center I am no Comrade.
Like many things we call the extreme right the term offends me.
I however here and now back from my trip in cold blood not heat say.
The crime of the judge, prosecutor ,and stuttering foolish reply of the minister are crimes against us all.
The very real, and lunatic, nothing less! view that to take a black child is another stolen generation sin.
Or that only Aboriginal culture is good enough sickens me.
Yet I must admit without reserve some idiots from further left than I do hurt children, seemingly without concern, by repeating these words.
This child and ten thousand others are victims of or have been victims of wrong policy's by all sides of politics.
I do have faith in Rudd I do expect us to do much better.
That means prison terms for crimes like this, surely it is clear? the culture that let adults and youths do this is not acceptable and a very long way from the real culture these people once had.
It to the outside world must look like this country is racist.
That we are working to a plan to let these people destroy themselves then blame them.
Tough love, demands accountability and education from us all nothing less will do Aboriginal or legal professionals
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 15 December 2007 1:10:37 PM
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Jack the lad, I find no reason to have any respect for you.
Tapp do you think you may need help?
You say as Australia voted Labor, as you failed as I told you you would in your attempt to get elected you are right most Australians wrong?
In debate I ask posters to remember in other forums child sex is defended!
As low an act as it is some will defend it, do not forget that.
This great country of mine is racist!
We country folk know, have no doubt we do know Aboriginals who are failures.
We see things in real time real life but if this child was White? the offenders black?
Can it be true servants of my party's state government knew of far more crimes like this and hushed it up? YES!
Is the impacts of that not racist?
Now without delay we must find the guts for tough love.
The year is 2007, far too many have no idea of Aboriginal culture, I speak of Aboriginals.
Far too many can not read or write.
Far to many never will.
For a start, forget legal rights and think in terms of humanity, pedophiles should be imprisoned for ten years first fence then desexed any further offense
Some of these offenders are pedophiles, nothing less and this country set them free!
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 15 December 2007 2:59:19 PM
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Steel I think you owe more than a few people an apology...have you read the transcripts of the court? No? Then please do and see if you still feel the same way.
Absolutely nothing can excuse the outcome in this case. I am sick to death of 'activists' in so many areas - not just this one - who stir up trouble for trouble's sake. They make life impossible for those who have done the research - often at great cost to themselves - who do not get listened to and then, when it is too late, get criticised for not speaking up or not acting. Far too much policy is made because those who should be taking the responsibility listen to the squeaky wheels who get the media attention.
This child does not speak English - in Australia where English is the official language. Why? Activists decided she needed to be educated in her own language. Part of my job involves trying to secure languages at rish but even I do not agree with that decision. Her own language does not have the concepts needed to part of the 2st century. It does not have the vocabulary. Any wonder these kids are at risk - they are not even getting a basic education - they cannot even communicate.
So Steel, read the court transcripts and see what these kids are being denied - basic human rights.
Posted by Communicat, Saturday, 15 December 2007 3:13:17 PM
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Ah Belly now let me give you the run down

the media won the election
the labor party won
the people who voted independent won as they voted for themselves and the rest voted for party dictatorship as you are well aware off.

It is a shame that politics and constitution is not taught in schools.

One would have to ask why those hypocrites that allow a party to have power who hide peodophiles
hide child sexual assualts and physical assaults is allowed.
This comes down to media and the parties not acting in the interests of the people.

If it hides like a peopdophile
acts like a peodophile
then its a peodophile.

The Australian Labor Party is no more.
If the people do not care then why are you even having a say as you are too gutless to fight against labor and their actions.

The Australian Labor Peodophile Party.

Now belly you bow to this as you know but do nothing.
you let rudd,goss,beattie get away with this as you do nothing.

so belly since your party believes it is above the law and constitution then the rules do not apply.

You the ALPP are white extremists and supporters of peodophiles and until you lot get these parasites out of politics what has happened not only to those aboriginals and white children from heiner affair, as well as what is still happening to corrupt labor governments and policy then, the commonwealth of australia will be the worlds peodophile central with your master in charge.

You people know where to find me, but to scared as i am not like everyone else, scared of the parties.

I am your worst nightmare.
Posted by tapp, Saturday, 15 December 2007 4:08:29 PM
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SCOTTY Belly and other posters.

The first thing we have to do I guess is put ourselves in the light of understanding these people live by their laws up there not under ours.
That of course is our own fault for turning a blind eye for years.

They still have their kings who rule their tribes.
They have their own culture.
The kings have domain over certain woman and children.

They have to ask permission from that King and on. They dont know any different and they have never lived by or heard of our laws- Most of them.

To ask the court to jail the son of the local mere or king or both would be litterally suicide if your were living in that envoriment.

I am sad to say this is rather common and I see no answers at all- except to do as they did years ago and remove the kids.

Of course all hell would break loose if we did that so we do nothing instead.
My girlfriend had eleven aboriginal kiddies staying with her twenty years ago.
The aboriginal people excpeted her- unusual- UNTIL she took a child the king wanted.
Then they raided the home and stormed the plane she took the child on for safe keeping.
She went to air on a cuurent affair.

She NEVER saw that particular one again.

Belly you ought to be congradulated for opening this thread - However there are no easy answers I am afriad short of the Army and talking the kids and dodging the bullets of the good doers.
Posted by TarynW, Sunday, 16 December 2007 3:15:52 AM
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Belly, I'm not exactly shattered by your comment. Respect has to be mutual.
You admit to being left of centre yet your 'racism' labels point further left.
How can you call our country 'racist'? If you don't like it, go live somewhere else like Iran where you wouldn't have the freedom to make any such comments.
Maybe your posts should be less emotional and more intellectual.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Sunday, 16 December 2007 1:45:00 PM
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Dear Jack,

I think this is an emotional issue, especially for people who tend to wear their hearts on their sleeve, so to speak. And Belly has a heart as big as "all outdoors." He'd go to bat for any of us that needed help.

Telling him to go to Iran if he thinks this is a racist country?

The way I read Belly's post - it's not the country that's racist, just some people in it.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 December 2007 2:51:12 PM
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Of the posts after my last I find communicates of interest, true I agree with every word of it always have.
Tapp offensive and defamatory, much like most of your posts.
You infer voters can not think for themselves, ok if that childlike statement is how you think.
Labor is pedophiles? watch the laws of this country mate!
You must control your thoughts.
Jack the lad how can I tell you? I am from the NSW right of the ALP.
My reference to a racist country remains how I think hiding behind rubbish like preserving a culture already dead, we let kids suffer rather than bring law and order hard tough love and accountability to these outback people.
steel now why would you bother with him/her? Communicat any one who thinks this girl was other than a victim of white justice and black ignorance is unworthy of debating with.
JTL maybe you should understand insults are not debate and self confidence is often miss placed.
Who among us would not be ashamed if our son or father ,brother or other was one of these people.
Is the crime lessor because they are black? or because the victim is?
Tapp if you continue to defame my party I will make a formal complaint against you try humor to get at me not clear lies.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 December 2007 3:00:35 PM
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Belly you know they are not lies.

Labor party hides peodohile, whilst high ranking public servant knew and did nothing.
This public servant was it rudd.

Hiding child sexual assualts
Hiding physical assualts


If you and your party deny this and you only keep it hidden for the parties own sake for which this was done, the alpp will keep getting my veiw.

You and the media and those from your party just think its a joke but those that have be violated do not think so.

Go here for heiner affair

Those who havnt been here before will be disgusted at the amount of what has been happening.
Posted by tapp, Sunday, 16 December 2007 3:19:51 PM
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This needs to be the last time we talk Stu, read my posts even this mornings one.
You will find I call on the waster of air this states leader[NSW] to quit the house .
Time after time I say ,for every one of the years I have posted here, my party must govern well or not at all.
My posts here in this thread cry my rage at those who assault children.
And my rage at former ALP ministers must remain unsaid, LAWS forbid us talking while court actions are in progress.
Very few Australians would not cry with me at any case of child sexual assault.
I am in the middle of a campaign to force A NSW minister from office because of no action and too much white wash.
You need to look at your self, constantly slandering me and my party in posts here you infer voters do not know what they are doing.
Unbalanced commentary, unwise commentary, is doing your well named but direction less group more harm than you know.
Tapp the Australian Peoples Party.
Great name but needs leadership and direction.
Go back Stu to your posts re read every one of them understand how I see them.
Read mine too see if you can find evidence that I would ever hide a child molester.
And understand why rather than contempt for you I feel sorrow.
Take the medication Stu.
And understand I can no longer talk to you my love of politics has not destroyed my view honesty comes first and always.
It is my honest view no one in this NSW government would hide such as you claim but that my party must find a leader and direction too.
We will not always face dud oppositions .
Posted by Belly, Monday, 17 December 2007 4:30:07 AM
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Belly opended the thread. Not you. That is his way of doing something. Now its clear to me you have experienced some type of abuse probably as a child.
Thats awful. I just dont think we can expect Belly to know every little thing about every poly.
All Parties hide things Tapp. You correct.

Belly is a emotional guy and he does get upset with me thinking I care more about cruelty to animals than kids.

Thats only because he hasnt seen the daily abuse than goes on like I have.

He has seen unfair bosses so he sticks up for workers.

I on the other hand have only experienced lazy theiving little bludgers who almost destroyed the family business.

My point is we ALL tend to go on about our own expereinces.

I for one think that might be a good place for you to start Tapp.

Your always angry and probably with good reason but if you dont share what can we do.

Well thats my two bobs worth Tapp.

I hope you take it as I mean it= Someone who would like to help.
As for others- If you have evidence give it to 4 Corners to push for an enquiry.

If you have a good story they WILL run with it - BUT you MUST have statements and victims willing to go on camera.
Good Luck
Posted by TarynW, Monday, 17 December 2007 6:29:06 AM
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Lets see

Now belly have a good read at those web sites

I look at myself as erin brockovitch if that is the right spelling of the corrupt political scene.

You may not like it but i am not fighting for a party but the people.

People like yourselves hide and run and make threats, all talk no action as to take someone like me who speaks the truth will bring down your masters and the political dictatorship.

Yes i know belly opened this, and as i said hypocrite.

if you all dont care or havnt even bothered to look at those sites that is not my problem but yours.

I will keep fighting and for the ALPP bring it on.

I can show hiding of peodophiles
I can show hiding of child sexual abuse
I can show hiding of physical abuse

so to all those party slaves what can you show.

You mindless following.

How treasonous does a political party have to act against the people before the people will listen.

Yes the media does not care, the only thing that matters is money and the australian constitution is just a waste of time.

If people knew they would be saving millions.
Posted by tapp, Monday, 17 December 2007 8:25:52 AM
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Belly, what did you mean by 'a culture already dead'? Maybe sleeping, not dead. I take it that your 'insult' was when I called you a 'leftie'. You were the one who brought up the subject of respect which is a bit much when you run down your own country, that same country that allows you the freedom to do so. How do you think you would get on in an authoritarian country? You wrote 'insults are not debate ' - neither is playing the 'racist' card. If you have a genuine reason to oppose a judge's decision, cool heads and logical arguments are better than anger and emotions.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Monday, 17 December 2007 1:05:21 PM
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A few words about the last three posts Taryn the thread is open to every one.
Tapp has however never told us of some pain in his past as you describe.
He heads his own party and hates the ALP seems to truly believe that party hides pedophiles and supports them.
He has never ever entered into debate with me.
Just informed me my party, ruling now in every state and territory plus the federal government conned the voters.
And that the Medea was pro Labor?
So the biggest insult was reserved for voters the inference only Tapp understands issues.
No further debate on the subject insults are not debate being uninformed is not a mark of bravery.
Jack the lad my country right or wrong is that it? the American jingoism view?
The fact is almost every place I have been Aboriginal culture is not as it was.
After 200 plus years we still have mission type living kids without hope and both black and whites are to blame.
Your jingoism is to a person who loves and serves this country ,would put my life on the line for it again.
IT IS past time to fix this problem education and accountability for both sides some Aboriginals are as racist as any white but no one should be able to stand in the way of moving into this century.
The actions of all involved in the court was racist.
No way a white ten year old so hurt would see the offenders walk free.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 17 December 2007 4:07:37 PM
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Now Belly

You and the ALPP can keep lying to the people.

All they have to do is look here.

Yes I am ex army med discharged and one of those many soldiers who have been disregarded and treated like garbage by ALPP policy.

I have the right to be totally disgusted and angry as standing up for the people and government and counrty when i joined.

What I have found is that the predators are within Labor
Lets get these aboriginal communities involved in heiner or is that to be kept quiet too.

Those who represent us should be beyond approach but hey they are up for sale.
Just like that branch president and others.
Now belly you go and run along to your local club and report to your master.

As i have said before I AM NOT FOR SALE.

Not like you lot are.

Your masters havnt done anything so i cannot see anything happening so your threats are baseless as taking me to court will take down your party and then the people will have choice and better security for their children.

Yes i started the australian peoples party but my fight hasnt changed and i am no slave to any party.

I will keep fighting and educating the people as this is something the political parties we have does not want.
They want the mr and mrs mushroom family.
gep them in the dark and feed them bull.

By the way belly the ALPP know where i live so when will i expect those charges.

My daughter scares me more than your pathetic party does.
Posted by tapp, Monday, 17 December 2007 8:10:38 PM
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It may surprise you to know I am aware of these enquires and more.
This is not unuique to child abuse. QLD CJC years ago were handed 162 video tapes of sexual abuse by none less than the x Minister of Prisons.
At one stage the Borbridge Goverment opended up the Connelly Ryne Enquiry- which was sup[posed to address cover ups and evidence of CJC and high ranking police involved in cover ups and more.
It was shaved and shut down.
Like all the rest.

If Patti couldnt do anything with all his knowledge and position what chance would belly have even if he knew.
I will contact Bruce at the uni because i most likely can help him.
Just know this system is not only used in child abuse but everything.
I know people who lives have been totally destroyed because they tried to bring the truth out.
We have got buckleys.

No they wont worry about you because your seen as harmless and it would draw unwanted attention to give your claims any attention.

What DOES happen however is that pressure may be put on thse they do fear have some knowledge.

I know five of them who they put under the mental health act to discredit them.
There has also been five federal police handled in the same many.

They reckon they sorted QLD 20 years ago at the Fitsgerald Enquiry.
That would have to be the biggest joke of all!

Belly would have NO knowledge I would say of any of this.

Its not just ALP but the Nationals and ALL different people from many parties.
Spoken by Wendy of pale - posted by Taryn

Best wishes
Posted by TarynW, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 4:10:38 AM
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I make no threats my heat is sorrow not hate, the person posting above needs help not anger.
I will not address that person again like so many I see the remoteness from reality on display and some symptoms that concern me.
To serve this country is not a thing only some do, few however wallow in it and display it .
To be hurt serving is tragic.
This thread is about tragedy, I look again and again at tapps invasion of the thread, any thread I am involved in and see not concern for this child, just blind hate for me and my party.
NO PEDOPHILE in my view is human.
None should EVER be let free to walk among us.
alpp? clearly wrong just like most that is posted by the person no pride? in displaying total lack of understanding?
It is ALP Australian Labor Party seek help, no heat no hate, you need balance mate look for it.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 4:24:51 AM
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Belly, 'my country right or wrong '. While I'll always support my country, that doesn't mean I will always support my government.

Not to do the first would be treason, but not to do the second could be common sense or decency. If you accuse certain politicians of wrongdoing, that's fine if not unfounded. But to tar and feather your country for it isn't on.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 3:18:26 PM
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I will not gain ground with you jack the lad, from your first few posts referring to others as Lefty's it was clear.
You speak of betrayal yet mate know I value honor above all.
So many who know me could be dragged here to tell you that, your charge I betray my country is childlike I have no need of that.
To except wrong without question would be betrayal, from my party and any other I expect better.
For Aboriginals and yes from them too I want better.
Race can not hide some very low grubs miss used this child.
Some raped her, some thought her color meant she did not deserve as much justice as she should have got.
Ministers in my ALP government in QLD should be shamed by this good Australians should know it is just not good enough.
It, surely it does? matches those dreadful things we once saw in southern USA.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 7:02:26 PM
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you support your party no matter what
what they have done and are still doing would be considered

Your party knows that its members will roll over a cock their legs and take it.

This is something the unions are well aware off and also have had their fun with the heiner affair.

i would talk the rules and use rule 303 on them.
Posted by tapp, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 7:07:39 PM
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Belly, you made the treasonous assertation so why is it childlike to state that you've betrayed your country. If you want to make such statements, stop whingeing and have the balls to take the flak.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Wednesday, 19 December 2007 12:20:56 PM
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I am unsure what you mean by the person posting above you needs help.
If you are refering to me- Let me simply say I was involved in many investigations off all sorts at the highest levels..

Tapp- I understand where you are coming from but really yur well over bellys head regarding these complaints.
Hes just a simply bloke doing what he thinks is best.

May I remind you that the National The Libs and others are not clean either.

I am not against you just confused as to why you attack belly personally.

Hes already said anbodywho abuses a child ought to be shot and I dare say he means his own too.

I am just wondering what else you ask of him tapp?
Posted by TarynW, Thursday, 20 December 2007 2:09:11 AM
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When I started that post the one above was not you TarynW some people say things in heat they truly do not mean.
That poster, if jack the lad had been around long enough to know is a one subject poster hate the ALP and me.
Last night I saw A social worker from Arakun tell of his hurt at seeing these people suffer ,those of us who saw it will never forget it.
In posts here and other forums I no longer inhabit for many years I have spoke of my contempt for those who injure children for life this way.
They come from all colors all backgrounds and ruin kids whole life, justice? no true without seconds though I would shoot every one of them.
Tell me, please, if this happened in a poor working class white area, if all involved had been white, would the storm not have been worse.
And before condemning me for saying my country could must do better what would some think if it was events from another country say Mississippi USA?
Can any one not be concerned that public servants yet again failed to do what we pay them for?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 20 December 2007 5:19:34 AM
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