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Who is the most active member on this forum?
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Amen to all of that, jpw :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 18 November 2007 8:20:19 PM
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I'd been wondering how many lives have been for ever turned from christ by the efforts of some our resident fundies (some of whom are extreme enough to make Boazy seem almost moderate).
My impression is that Boazy's 4000+ posts would have done far more to turn people from the christain message than towards it. On the other hand it gives Boazy something to quietly brag about at the wednesday night prayer meeting as he raises prayer points from his missionary efforts with the heathen on OLO. If nothing else Boazy and other fundies continue to remind me how glad I am to have left those sad belief's behind. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 18 November 2007 8:30:19 PM
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Hi there JPW
well... I'm out of intensive care now.. (needed stint in it after that rather brutal onslaught in your last post:) in outpatients only..I'm ok to repost. You said: "hijacks threads by putting an irrelevant (yes, irrelevant) religious slant on them" Actually JP, you are simply showing bigotry than anything else there. I'm not meaning to attack 'you'-but ur view. Here is my understanding of your reasoning. 1/ "Religious viewpoints don't matter" 2/ "No matter what evidence or history they are based on...they are irrelevant." Perhaps I have the wrong word.. bigotry is when you have the 'Don't confuse me with any facts, I have my mind made up' kind of thing. I deliberately bring up a 'religious' perspective as you describe it in many threads, because what you don't seem to realize is that much of the opinion and reasoning coming from some posters needs to be challenged on the basis of their presuppositions. The classic is 'morality'.. "right" and "wrong"... most posts are made from people with a view about this. I maintain, and always have, that unless you bring God into the picture, 'right/wrong' is nothing more than 'opinion'...and put 2 people in a room and you will have 2 'opinions' about right and wrong. is not just 'mindless babble' that I come out with in bringing a religious perspective. Furthermore, being a democracy, I shudder to think where your attitude would take us if you ever have serious power... Belly opened a thread "Is there a God" and it received probably the all time most posts from people.. doesn't that say something about relevance? Also.. nothing is 'imposed' on you here. No more than your views are imposed....on me. Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 18 November 2007 9:53:37 PM
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Boazy: "Belly opened a thread 'Is there a God' and it received probably the all time most posts from people.. doesn't that say something about relevance?"
Boazy, you're being deliberately obtuse - either that, or you really do have some kind of intellectual deficit. A religious perspective is indeed relevant to a thread about whether or not God exist. But it's not relevant to a thread about the deficiencies of the Australian electoral system (see - as just one example of your boofheaded insistence on hijacking discussions about any topic and using them as platforms for your religiously inspired blather and bigotry. Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 19 November 2007 9:20:24 AM
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Actually I think the thread that scored the most hits was the article about hating Nicole Kidman.
Depressing innit? Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 19 November 2007 10:00:44 AM
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CJ.. you are a stubborn little vegemite arn't you?
You said: >>A religious perspective is indeed relevant to a thread about whether or not God exist. But it's not relevant to a thread about the deficiencies of the Australian electoral system<< Now there you go, demonstrating your own blinkered biases and not forgetting a little ad hominem -"intellectual deficit" -"Boofheaded" -"Bigoted" -"Blatherer" -"Hijacker" I take that back... in a post of around 100 words thats A BIGGGG ad hominem. Anyway.. moving on. For a Christian, the electoral system is VERY much relevant to our spiritual outlook. In a prophetic sense, it is also relevant in Gods world to speak into the political process as the likes of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel and so on did in days gone by. (they never won any popularity contests with either the kings or the people..such is life) The primary call of the prophets was "Justice, Righteousness, and Faithfulness to Yahweh" Now.. in view of our rather secular society, we should be able to make 'just and right' kind of appeal, and warn people against a selfish greed based vote, and at least exhort them to return to God. They can take it or leave it, but it's still relevant because Christians (Nominal or otherwise) constitute around 68% of the community. Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 19 November 2007 10:30:49 AM