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The Forum > General Discussion > Are you left or right brained? and the implications for students

Are you left or right brained? and the implications for students

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I was wondering what people think about having special schools for students who were right brained compared to students who’s left brain dominated. I am told the majority of the population are left brained.

Does anybody know the percentage of right vs left brained?

I took these tests

I got 13 for right brain and 6 for left.,22049,22535838-5012895,00.html?from=mostpop

And I see the dancer turning clockwise and for the life of me I cant get her to turn anti clockwise.

I also read all of this and could very much relate to the problems people who are right brained faced at school and university.

Do you think it might be a good idea to check children when they are young to see if they are left or right brained and to adjust their schooling as applicable? I myself struggle through school suffering many of the problems stated in the last link which right brained people get and I am still suffering the same afflication at university.

What results did you get in these tests?
Posted by EasyTimes, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 2:25:47 PM
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My children are all exceptionally right brained hitting the ceiling at age 8/9 on all the right brain questions in the SB4 test. They also scored very highly on the left brain side so they are very highly/exceptionally intellectually gifted.

The thing about right brained children is that their emotions strongly affect them and they need to see the big picture or they find it difficult to understand what is expected of them. The slow pace and manner of presenting the curriculum in schools causes mental anguish and psychological problems.

My four kids have all been to at least 7 schools each trying to find a suitable learning environment. The Education system will not give them places in OC or Selective Schools despite being identified intellectually gifted and consistantly scoring high marks in tests because I complained about their education and now their external test marks and documents are being tampered with so as to deny them placement and we are being 'payed back'. The DET are covering up the matter so as to save themselves.

So yes there should be schools for right brained children. Schools that they do not need to 'win' a competition to get into as my children have suffered alot at the hands of the system with their extreme right brains.

I must say that I too saw clockwise and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't turn it.

Education - Keeping them Honest
Our children deserve better
Posted by Jolanda, Thursday, 11 October 2007 9:36:43 AM
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I've looked at the left-right brain theories and I'm quite convinced it's just an issue of exercising those bits of your brain.

I.e. if you nurture your creative side, you will become more creative, and if you do more problem solving type things, you get better at it.

I think this idea that people are inherently left or right brained is just a fad that will pass.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 11 October 2007 9:39:14 AM
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after a car accident that injured my face i underwent 'brain' tests before receiving money through insurance.
i am ok they say yet a little right and left dyslexic, especially under stress i will get directions wrong even when i really focus. interestingly though i do remember having trouble choosing letters when writing as a child approx age 6 yrs old, in particular i would get my b and d mixed up and my p and q. I got on top of this but i do remember it frustrating and also wondered why other kids-including my siblings, had no problems. To this day im not a perfect 'speller' and must use spell check, i still have trouble choosing some joining words such as were and where but in working on it i am much improved, still its crazy that after much reading and writing that i still have to STOP when choosing either of these words -and go over a process to choose the right one. I dont consider myself stupid, in fact if anything i find other people annoying often in the way their minds work , and or the thought processes that i see them portray and use( im an older full time student by choice)they are often very manipulative or hold ideas back wich to me is not communication. Id love to be sent any other tests people might have,?, does any-one have the FULL myers brigg's test- ive only ever completed the 'working in team's' section...i was a team feeder. and i tend to feel more for the odd ones in the team!
Posted by mariah, Thursday, 11 October 2007 11:48:32 AM
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10 right, 9 left although I have no idea what the implications are. I have only just heard of this left right brain divide and it is interesting what everyone is saying :)
Posted by D.Funkt, Thursday, 11 October 2007 1:14:15 PM
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Rather then carried away with left/right brains, it might be better
to teach students what emotional intelligence is all about, as
written about extensively in Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence"

Lets face it, some people are slaves to their emotions, some
can think about what they feel. The stronger an emotion, the
less we are able to reason.

I don't see why being left brained should limit creativity.
Creativity if often tied up with ADHD etc, call it scatter brained :)

Some of the world's top businessmen, who are great at being able
to reason, are also highly creative. Richard Branson for instance.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 11 October 2007 2:32:06 PM
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