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How Do We Bridge The Gap Between Us?
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 8 July 2024 11:36:23 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
I do try to cut down on media influences. However, it's becoming increasingly difficult having friends and family, especially grand-children, who want to discuss things that are happening on the news. Anyway, I do try - by being selective in what I read and who I listen to. The Murdoch Press I try to avoid. As for wisedom? The older I get, the more I realize how much I still have to learn. I don't think that's being wise - but honest. Also, being on this forum helps me - reading diverse opinions provides food for thought - unless of course they're ignorant.and piss me off (smile). Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 July 2024 12:40:18 PM
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Journalist Bernard Keane writing in "Crikey", asks:
"Why has Fatima Payman elicited such a ferocious reaction from our mainly white media and political class?" He tells us that the reason "points to the liew behind "social cohesion." Keane also says that it's not only the Murdoch Press, News Corp, doing it. He tells us that the young Senator seems to have unleashed something ugly lurking in our communities. He also blames the Labor Party - which he says seems to be demanding homogenity and punishing dissent. Keane says that it seems anyone who protests whether lawfully or unlawfully against war crimes in Gaza is framed as being outside "Australian values and norms." Not to mention - is engaging in hate crimes and anti-Semitism and is against Australian democracy. This is concerning - because it once again widens the gaps between us. There's more at the following: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 July 2024 1:24:40 PM
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There are many ways to bridge the gaps between us:
The love of books should be encouraged in children. It can become a lifelong passion. When I ran Storytime for children at our municipal libraries - I always provided a wide diversity of stories from different cultures - including of course the classics. You can capture the hearts and minds of children when they are tiny - then as they get older, and older, they'll end up reading to you. Kids can get quite spellbound - depending on the story. Especially if you do dramatic readings with all the voices. Kids will love it. Stories open up different worlds. And hopefully minds. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 July 2024 2:38:26 PM
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A gap that is deliberately kept wide by those who don't share effort can never be closed no matter how much they tell us it should be closed !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 8 July 2024 5:01:50 PM
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Perhaps you're right Indy. Especially with older generations who are more set in their ways. Our hope lies with the younger ones - who may get more exposure to different worlds and realize that despite our differences we do have many similarities. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 July 2024 5:05:43 PM
It seems that you just answered your own question better than I could:
Since you want peace and media is not a peaceful influence, it is best to cut down its use.
I don't even know who that Laura Tingle is, which you mentioned:
fortunately I never had a television nor ever missed it. Most Australian news I get from the ABC on my car-radio while driving. You don't really need that much, just enough to be aware of legislation changes so you don't get in trouble with government, to be able to make reasonable financial decisions and to learn a bit about advances in medicine, in case you may be able to help someone with a health problem, that's about all you really need from media.
Yes a strong person may be able to an extent to shield themselves and avoid negative influences, but a wise person does not become exposed to them in the first place.