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Britons Finally Put The Trash Out.

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AND the garbage well and truly stunk! After 14 years of incompetent Tory rule the Brits have woken up and unceremoniously dumped the useless mob on mass. The British people have spoken, booting the Conservative Party out of 240 plus seats in the House Of Commons, delivering the Tories the greatest electoral defeat in modern British political history, a landslide victory for the British Labour Party led by the incoming Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer. 14 years of inept leadership, failed policies, infighting and total incompetence, sound familiar, it could be Australia under 9 years of the incompetent Coalition Governments of Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison. The result has seen the Tories packed off to the political abyss, hopefully from whence they shall never return. Maybe the final shock for the Brits was the fact that under the Tories the average persons life expectancy had dropped by almost a year.

The hard right regimes in both Australia and Britain have shown that conservatism is a danger to the well-being of the nation. The longer they are in power the worse the outcome!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 July 2024 10:53:43 PM
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Hi Paul,

The British election results on July 4th gave the
ultimate punishment to the Tories.

The UK will now have a Labour Government under
Keir Starmer with a super majority of more than
410 MPs, while the Conservatives will hold fewer
than 120 seats in the House of Commons.
Making the defeat on a scale we're told, not seen,
since 1832.

For Labour - it marks the end of a long wait.

According to the British media, Brexit stands out
as a significant legacy of the Conservative Party.
PM David Cameron resigned. He'd campaigned to
remain in Brexit.

He was followed by Theresa May, then Boris Johnson.

The Conservatives struggled to show any tangible
benefits of Brexit.

Things got worse with the COVID chaos, - then
the economic wars, the deterioration of the National
Health Scheme -( NHS), and finally the election of Rishi Sunak,
from a very wealthy family - who supported giving support
for the Ukraine, and also support for Israel, - making many people
especially Palestinians - think he was out of touch.

This step-by-step- of disasters - ended up with the result
that eventuated on 4 July.

How well will Labour do in power?

We shall have to wait and see.

The American election is coming up next.

Any predictions?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 July 2024 1:01:00 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Keir Starmer comes across as a Tony Blair type, a middle of the road progressive, a man of intelligence, excellent credentials, but still remembering his humble upbringing, the first in his family to go to university, hardworking but not well off parents. The Labour Party has a job and a half to do if Britain is going to claw its way back to anywhere near what it was 14 years ago before the Tory wrecking ball got to work. Its seems not that long ago when that idiot Boris Johnson was running the show, his hairstyle typified his government, both were out of control, The whole 14 years was a total comical farce. If Starmer reminds me of Blair then Dutton reminds me of Johnson. Ahhhhh!

"The American election is coming up next. Any predictions?"

Yes, come November there will be a silly old fool in the White House.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 July 2024 1:39:17 PM
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Yep, Labour won. But I wouldn't get too carried away.

The turnout was less than 60%.

Of that 60% they got 33.8%. No for someone who swoons over the ALP vote, 33.8% might seems like a landslide, but its barely more than what Corbyn got back in 2019 when Johnson smacked his arse on a much higher turnout.

Doing the numbers, Labour got a little over 20% of the eligible vote. Hardly a resounding win. But the screwy UK system means that a party getting 33% of the vote ends up with 64% of the seats.

The main reason for this was that the anti-Labour vote was split between the Tories and the Reform party. Now that might not be all that bad a result. The Tories now know that they can't hope to win while they piss of the 20% of the electorate that supported Farage's Reform party. That means the Tories will need to drop most of its wet, wet, wet policies and start to really address the problems that face the UK. And if you think they've got problems now, wait until the left spend a year or two ripping the place up.

Meanwhile many of the Tories who lost their seat are exactly the ones the Tories needed to lose in order to allow it to revert to being a true right-of-centre party.

Sometimes bad things need to happen for better thigs to happen in the future.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 July 2024 5:08:39 PM
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Mr Mhaze Trumpster,

What percentage of the eligible vote did your folk hero the Dangerous Doctor Donald receive in 2016, when he won 100% of the Presidency, Ah! 27%. Your nothing more than a disgruntled far right extremist, who is clutching at straws, trying to put a pathetic positive spin on a total disaster for the Tories. If a bus load of Tories drove off a 1,000 foot high cliff, you'd spin it with; "It wasn't all that bad, the cliff could have been 2,000 foot high."

Mate, the British voters woke up to stupid Tory government, end of story. The icing on the cake was when the Tories managed to have the average Poms life expectancy cut by almost a year, Tories like the Noalition here love cutting things including how long you live. Then again maybe the people were so fed up with the total incompetence of conservatism, they were simply committing subside early to end it all! Vote Dud Dutton and the Noalition into government here, and you'll get the same result. Like we had when they were last in power fruitcake policy and total infighting.

Dud Dutton reminds of Bozo Johnson, minus the hair!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 July 2024 6:40:07 PM
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After 14 years of incompetent Tory rule the Brits have woken up and unceremoniously dumped the useless mob on mass.
Will they change all the Public servants ? I think they'll do the same as has happened here. They just changed Ministers but the sabotage-damage brigade is still in charge !
That's not a step towards a solution, it's a move to do more damage. But I suppose you can't see that !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 6 July 2024 6:58:37 PM
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Why are you so against the public service? I suspect they caught you out rorting the system, what was it? Claiming the dole while working cash in hand, maybe, nah, you weren't one for work, or did you create a few phantom dependants to get a bit of extra dosh, hummm? Well, whatever it was you sure don't like PS.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 July 2024 6:02:23 AM
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As per usual, you utterly misunderstand. I'm not lamenting the loss by Sunak. I'm pleased by it. These weren't true conservatives. They weren't true Tories. They abandoned all pretence of good governance in the search for an elusive popular vote and it was good to see they failed. And the main reason they failed is that other parties like Reform UK remained true to conservativism and attracted a sizable portion of the right-of-centre vote.

It is my hope that the right-of-centre parties will now slowly coalesce around a true conservative agenda.

All I was doing was pointing out that the Labour Party had attracted a mere 20% of the electorate and that therefore the path back wasn't too daunting. Do try to keep up.

It is the same way I feel about Australia. While my leanings are generally right-of-centre, since the overthrow of Abbott I've held my nose and voted Labor in the hope that a few years in the wilderness will force the right-of-centre politicians to return to true liberalism rather than the current popularism that masquerades and Liberalism. (note the small and capital 'L's).

I know that for people like you its all about the team. Welfare of the nation? Meh! Welfare of the people? Nup. Victory for the party is all that matters. But I don't care about the team. I care about the future welfare of the nation that my kids and grandkids will inherent. I don't care if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice. (Look it up).

BTW Go Swans!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 7:27:57 AM
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In a sign of things to come, Britain's new PM thinks its possible for a woman to have a penis.

'The Mother Country' is a about to take on a very interesting meaning.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:12:03 AM
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Hi Paul,

The Brits have made their choice in selecting a Labour
Government. However, I don't envy the job that Labour
now has in front of it. There are many challenges.
And, undoubtedly they will learn that winning is not
enough. It's what you do after you win, that matters.
And what you deliver.

The Coalition, here in Australia still hasn't learned
that it's not enough to just make announcements with
nothing of substance to back up those announcements.
That news headlines don't get results, especially when
the announcements are not followed through and are
forgotten a week later.

It will be interesting to see whether Labour in the UK
will follow through with substance and not just talk.
If they don't they won't last long.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:45:36 AM
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The Poms (if they can still be called that with all the black faces among them) have kicked out a faux Tory government because it went too far Left, and replaced it with a Labour government which is even further to the Left, and which will go even further again to the Left, as all non-conservative groups are doing these days.

How does that make sense!

Nigel Farage will be handy for a laugh, demonstrating how to drink beer, and being offered milk shakes.

Ye Olde Merry England gets more like a circus by the day.

I mean, what sort of country lets its now ex-Prime Minister stand in pouring rain instead of coming to his rescue with an umbrella!

And, what sort Australians amuse themselves with a country that they want to cut ties with in favour of a Communist dictatorship when our own country and its political class is such a joke.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:49:13 AM
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One question being asked is, how will the UK deal with Europe, which has gone the other way.

The Scottish SNP has also been gutted.

Looking at the very pasty-faced (he looks ill) Keir Starmer, some might be wondering if both parties, still representing electorates more than 80% white, were punished for having leaders of sub-Continent appearance and heritage.

The word 'Briton' refers only to people of British descent, not the multicultural add-ons to a country.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:22:49 AM
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Labour Will try to fix the country, but they will fail.
And when it becomes clear their policies have failed, they will get the boot as well.
Don't expect it to take too long.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:41:27 AM
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The word Briton?

England is part of the British Isles with Wales,
Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Mann, Isle of Wight, et cetera.
It's the name of the entire collection of islands
and a native of one of those islands would be a Briton.

But the term "Briton" is - rarely used
because you're not likely to encounter
a pure Briton simply due to how much the British Isles
have been invaded. They don't have the records that
go back far enough to find out who has any actual
Briton in them.

A British person is someone who was born, lives in or
is a resident of Great Britain.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 July 2024 12:56:30 PM
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"They don't have the records that
go back far enough to find out who has any actual
Briton in them."

There's this new thingy they've discovered called DNA which might help here....

Its a rather trivial thing these days to find out who has original Celtic blood in them.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 1:10:25 PM
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The Forums usual gaggle of racists are at work, ttbn is lamenting that, "the black fellas are rioting" sort of talk. Our resident Trumpster mhaze is in such a spin he doesn't know which way to point, praying for the return of the messiah Pig Iron Bob to Australia. short of that he'll be satisfied if his folk hero The Dangerous Doctor Donald should get up in the US. Claimed he voted Labor, yeah, pig might fly!

AC, Labour has a five year tenure in Britain, its hard to see them ousted after just one term, so there's ten years.

mhaze, "original Celtic blood" is that some kind of Aryan thing for you? One consultation, you will be pleased, the NAZI's are doing well with the Frogs.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 July 2024 2:54:09 PM
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Hi Paul,

Your DNA test will tell you where you have matches today,
not what your ancestral heritage is.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 July 2024 3:04:02 PM
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" "original Celtic blood" is that some kind of Aryan thing for you?"

You're a drongo.

The Celts were the original inhabitants of Britain. Foxy was talking about the original Britons. Hence my comment. Now I know that history is something that is beyond your level of understanding but why do you insist on a daily display of that ignorance.

As to "praying for the return of the messiah Pig Iron Bob to Australia" well the least said the better. Paul's whole schtick is making up other's opinions and then telling them how wrong it is to have these made up opinions. I'm sure this type of childish behaviour works in whatever assisted living facility he inhabits, but not here.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 3:05:36 PM
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I hope Labour has the balls to return the statues that Lord Elgin looted to the Greeks and end the charade of not being able to because the English are the guardians of antiquity.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 7 July 2024 5:37:00 PM
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when all else fails make things up;

mhaze said; "Britain's new PM thinks its possible for a woman to have a penis" The Tory party thinks it possible for a penis to be Prime Minister; Sunak, Truss, Johnson, May, Cameron, LOOK they had five of them in the job!

While my (mhaze) leanings are generally right-of-centre, yep that Hitler bloke was a bleeding heart liberal in your book, you want someone who is generally right-of-centre, unfortunately Genghis Khan is no longer with us.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 July 2024 5:38:36 PM
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"Your DNA test will tell you where you have matches today, not what your ancestral heritage is."

That's straight up wrong. I'll leave you to research and find out why. But given that we know you struggle with such things I'll give you a leg up....
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 6:06:24 PM
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Similarly to Labor here, UK Labour won 64% of the seats with only 34% of the votes.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 July 2024 11:49:26 AM
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Now that the dust has settled on the UK election, it is being noted that the Tories lost; Labor didn't win.

The Tories were punished, rightly, for being crap. Nothing to do with right or left.

The Albanese government has been crap, and it is getting crappier. It took 14 years for the Tories to blow it. It has taken only 2 years for the Albanese government to prove that they are useless.

Just because there hasn't been a one-term government since 1931 (Labor) doesn't mean it can't happen in 2024-25.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 July 2024 10:06:13 PM
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With his unabashed hatred of all things Labor, (hates socialism but takes welfare himself) ttbn goes ape about the Albanese government. The old fella goes back to his own childish age of spats and straw hats, 1931, incidentally at the height of the 'Great Depression' with 30% unemployment and no real social welfare net to help, he finds a government voted out after just one term. If that's all the hope you've got then; "good luck sucko!"
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 July 2024 5:58:35 AM
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Only 60% of UK voters bothered to go to the polling booths. No wonder they get sh.t governments, right left or centre.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 July 2024 9:28:55 AM
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Well, what a load of you know what, why would a 60% turn out equate to sh!t government, what, the other 40% are the real brains in society, but they can't be bothered voting! ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. The fact many countries have non compulsory voting and its held on a working day is not by accident. In England the idea was for only the ideal rich should vote, and they could vote whilst the working poor were labouring away for them. The first MP's were not paid at all, that also excluded the poor and made it easy for the rich.

ttbn likes to quote numbers and percentages, at the last Senate election in Queensland the 'Lovely Pauline' Hanson scored 7% of the popular vote but got 17% of the representation, a worse result than Labour in the UK!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 July 2024 9:52:28 AM
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