The Forum > General Discussion > 'Lest we forget' and 'Never again'
'Lest we forget' and 'Never again'
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In this age of feminism, minority rights- let us remember the many- perhaps the majority- of towns in Australia- that lost many young men- to protect our nation- under their concept of the ANZAC spirit- and the way of life and culture that we enjoyed- and enabled us to take it for granted.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 25 April 2024 8:47:40 AM
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This has nothing to do with feminism, communism et cetera.
Nobody is trying to denigrate the Anzacs or our traditions. This is merely acknowledging the military service of our country in which many were involved. It's acknowledging them all, not only just a select few. and the facts quoted came from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the government's own Anzac portal. You can believe whatever you like, but that does not change the facts. Lest We Forget! Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 April 2024 11:36:09 AM
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"to protect our nation - under their concept of the ANZAC spirit"
"Though aspects of the legend have been criticised, there is general consensus on what is regarded as the 'Anzac spirit'. Anzac came to stand for the positive qualities which Australians have seen their forces show in war. These qualities are generally accepted to include endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour, and mateship." 'To protect our nation'... What happens when our leaders start acting like our enemies? Which brings me to the Anzac 'spirit' thing: 'endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour, and mateship'. I don't know if any this exists anymore, in the spirit of ANZAC those things might've died along with patriotism. - When the country's leaders decided Aussies didn't have a right to decide our future over and above what the UN wanted anymore. - When the nations leaders embarked on a crusade to make Australians feel guilty about being Australians. - When they gave jobs, services and other preferential treatment to immigrants over and above benefits existing Australians get. - When Australians were made to feel like right-wing terrorists just for displaying the Australian flag. And the flip side of that is that many of those once proud flag-waving Aussies, well they don't feel much want to wave the flag anymore, - because this country is not the country it once was when they were proud to wave it. A small handful still do, maybe more out of defiance than anything. Sad but true; but the woke liberal university types don't see this when they are busy talking down at you and explaining what they say our country is: - And many of those 'Australians' haven't been in the country long enough to know anything - even though many were even actually born here. The Anzac spirit is probably on its last legs: Much of it probably also died with the death of Australian industry and manufacturing. We don't make anything, what's to be proud of? Mateship between Uber drivers or cafe baristas? Our leaders are guilty of trying to put the Anzac spirit to death themselves. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 26 April 2024 6:11:27 AM
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ANZAC DAY is not about glorifying war.
It is about bearing witness to the aftermath of sacrifice. It is about dedicating ourselves to a nation worth fighting for. It is about thanking and acknowledging ALL of their efforts back then and in many services today. Lest We Forget! Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 April 2024 10:40:37 AM
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Thanks Armchair Critic. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 11:36:49 PM
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ANZACS deserted thier posts more than any other nation in WWI and the numbers were not much different for the next one.
Is it that the Aussie spirit could not put up with the bull crap or was it that they were just not tollerant of being told what to do? Or did they just not want to die for the monarchy that sent the convicts out? Posted by Random, Monday, 6 May 2024 1:51:48 PM