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Police banned from Sydney Mardi Gras

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The subject of this discussion is - "Police banned from
Sydney Mardi Gras." Could we stick to the topic please?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 March 2024 9:10:40 AM
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There were so many other professionals that were included
in the Parade
That goes a long way towards understanding as to why the wheels of society are falling off.
To ban the Police uniform also clearly expresses the tunnel-visioned & selfishness & intolerant mentality of these derailed humanoids. They cause many of the problems in society but blame those who are trying to hold society together.
By all means, be queer if that's the way you feel but keep it to yourselves, stop forcing us to forever tolerate more & more wrong.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 3 March 2024 9:25:36 AM
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I'm torn on this issue Foxy.

On one hand the police have a history of treating gay hate crimes with appalling indifference, obstruction and well documented violence. For this the police commissioner offered an apology. I'm not sure that was enough to heal the wounds.

The recent murder of the young couple by another gay man (who just happened to work as a policeman} was an act of domestic violence and is not, in my opinion, justification to blame the entire police force for that crime.

The only way to heal wounds between our community and the police is by engaging with each other. Banning one section of the community does nothing to achieve that.
Posted by Aries54, Sunday, 3 March 2024 9:43:59 AM
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Hi Aries54,

I totally agree.

Having the police march in uniform would have been
a unifying action.

After all the Mardi Gras did begin as initially a street party
that aimed to celebrate being queer while trying to raise
awareness around the discrimination being faced by the queer
community - and it still holds true today.

It was felt to be an important way to draw attention to issues
that impacted on the LGBTQ community.

It's amazing that the Mardi Gras has lasted for more than
40 years. Quite incredible that it's survived through HIV,
AIDS, COVID. And today it's become a major tourist
attraction - from its origins as an early protest that ended
with arrests to now where people join together
to celebrate.

So many different perspectives - from males, females,
parents, and families, all coming together - quite
meaningful for so many. Of course some
people would find all this confrontational.
and disapprove.
However, there's been a lot of progress made - but
there's undoubtedly still a lot to be done.

For example, regarding trans and gender diverse people,
people of colour, different ethnicities,
religious beliefs, and many others - who have to struggle
and deal with issues that impact on their lives.

It's not easy understanding a world you're not a part of -
but that's where education and information and listening to
what others experience - helps towards trying to understand.

I watched most of the parade. Parts of it did make me cringe
at times -( I have to be honest.
the exposing of bare bums on the street - and the
"Sisters of Mercy" costumes). But I guess
the whole point was to be controversial
and draw attention. And that they certainly
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 March 2024 10:22:25 AM
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I wonder if the Palestinians were demonstrating their support for terrorism or, as Muslims, were demonstrating their abhorrence of homosexuality and other unnatural practices such as transgerism.

I don't think that the fools marching under a 'Queers for Palestine' banner have impressed the Palestinians, fans of tossing homosexuals off roofs.

Perhaps the police who arrested them got the huff because they were banned from marching; because they certainly have taken no action when Palestine's were calling for Jews to be gassed, and shouting support for terrorism, which is definitely against Australian law that police should be upholding.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 March 2024 11:21:28 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Just a little historical correction if I may (I'm truly not trying to be pedantic, I promise.)

The original Mardi Gras was a demonstration against police harassment and discrimination in NSW law against homosexuality. It originated with a group of men walking down Oxford Street chanting "Out of the bars (and pubs) and onto the street". The subsequent horrendous and violent attack by the police (very, very well documented) lead to another march the following year to commemorate the original. Ever since, Mardi Gras has been a combination of celebration of self acceptance and to agitate for legal reform.

Some would argue (and I am one of them) that Mardi Gras has lost its sense of humor and political agitation to become subservient to the almighty corporate dollar.

Kind regards, Alan
Posted by Aries54, Sunday, 3 March 2024 12:02:54 PM
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