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A Clayton's Immigration Reform
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Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 10:24:11 AM
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ttbn- Sounds like a classic bate and switch tactic. Promising that it will be lower in a few years to take the heat off then increase the numbers of immigrants. I want them to reduce the numbers now.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 13 January 2024 10:47:26 PM
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Whatever happened to learning from past mistakes ? Stupidity appears to be the clear winner with this administration.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 7:40:22 AM
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The worst of it is that both parties are Big Australia devotees who are not interested in what the electorate says. Most people agree that immigration is far, far too high. If they want fewer immigrants, they must withdraw their votes from both parties. They are morphing in to one party in so many ways. They really need to have the 'frighteners' put on them.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 January 2024 8:07:56 AM
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It has been very clear to me that whenever a decent person in politics appears to gain popularity, the parasitic elements who run the media & smoke screens in general education, get into overdrive with disruption.
Has anyone asked the indigenous which ethnic background they prefer to have these lands open to ? Labor is planning to create an Indigenous state & I assume their thinking is that bringing Africans & other anti-Europeans in will aid their agenda to create Apartheit here. Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 9:07:33 AM
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Does thirty pieces of Silver ring any bells ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 9:09:33 AM
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Politicians have not asked anyone, including indiginese, what sort of people or how many of them they want here. We all should have a say, not just people claiming to be the first occupants of the country. Immigrants themselves can tell us what it is like to live in an overcrowded, under-resourced, poor and divided country - and they should be asked if they want their new home to end up the same way. A few words on the situation as it stands: . In contrast to Western migrants, non-Western migrants are a net fiscal negative. . Around one in three Australians are foreign born as are 45% of residents in Sydney and Melbourne. . Sudanese immigrants have the highest imprisonment figures of any immigrant group, with rates around three times the national average. The number of foreign-born Australians with no or poor English proficiency is over 800,000. Around three-quarters of recent migrants are low-skilled. . Africa and the Middle Eastern immigrants have unemployment rates 3 times higher than those born from North-West Europe and the Americas. Migrants from non-English speaking countries have higher crime rates than those from the UK or the Americas. Migrant and refugee women have poorer health outcomes than the native-born and are much less likely to be employed. . So much for the “we’re the most successful multicultural nation in the world” mantra. . Australia needs to embrace reality again and to acknowledge that there are meaningful differences between groups and their capacity to successfully integrate and contribute to our society. . Indiscriminate immigration is dissolving Western societies. . Australian experiments with mass immigration have not improved the country - just the opposite. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 January 2024 10:13:21 AM
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 January 2024 10:58:13 AM
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Hu AC,
In reply to your: "F - off, we're full!" quote. Reply" " TOO LATE, I'm here!" Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 January 2024 11:20:36 AM
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If the Left’s social suicide mentality is what they want, fine but leave the rest of us out of it. Create your own revenue stream, stop being parasitic !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 12:18:17 PM
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But we can't be left out of it. We are directly affected. Those benefiting from immigration are the immigrants themselves (until even more of them turn up), Big Business and governments. The rest of us are losers, as umpteen studies and reports have been showing for years. There is a long list of such proof of the folly of mass immigration; none of which am I going to spend time referring to because people here believe only what they want to believe. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 January 2024 1:26:34 PM
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Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White.
This policy is only pushed onto White nations. Woke and Communists are trying to ethnically cleanse White's from the Earth in the name of Anti-Racism. What they are doing is worse than the worst imagination of colonialism because under colonialism the populations weren't generally decimated but in multiculturalism they are. Racism in the name of Anti-Racism. Communists and Woke aren't nice friendly people only interested in equality and fairness despite what they might claim. One Hundred Million Dead Under Communism. All tyrants come in the name of peace- Communists are some of the worst tyrants ever to exist. Look at their actions not their words. Sadly many western businesses are happy to live under Dengian Communism as long as they can still make money. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 14 January 2024 2:31:11 PM
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The management of the world refugee crisis is unsustainable.
UN Refugee policy was created after WWII mostly perhaps to help the ravaged European nations. The current refugee situation is different in nature- the refugees aren't European's but the hosts are mostly European's. Another reason for massive migration is political economic- but there are other ways to address these issues without subjecting local populations to extinction. Ironically in the name of democracy. How are nations to compete with miserable overpopulated nations such as China or India with enormous industrial productivity and low cost per unit prices- do we revisit Locke Liberalism and reject it at the international level? Are we all to accept our miserable overpopulated dis-empowered future or can we come up with a third option. There seems to be an "arms race of population" where nations try to outdo each other's population to gain economies of scale- and the population is trapped in a inexorable creeping technological prison. It seems at some scale there is an ironic choice between democracy (power of the people) and Locke Liberal Democracy (Free Society, Free Trade) Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 14 January 2024 2:53:57 PM
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Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White.
Canem Malum, Correct. Unfortunately, too many Caucasian Australians are too brainwashed & oblivious in their ignorance to see that. Education did that ! Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 3:00:46 PM
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We can easily understand the concept of a nation of people being concerned about significant immigration, all the cultural impacts and the change in a nations identity.
What if the situation were reversed? What if one nation sought to deliberately destroy the racial and cultural identity of all the others? I'm going to read this book, it's called 'You Gentiles'. Written in 1924, this shocking classic work of Jewish Supremacism maps out what the avowedly Zionist author saw as the cause of anti-Semitism through the ages: an irreconcilable difference between Jews and all Gentiles, but Europeans in particular. This difference, Samuel argued, was inherent and biological in origin. The author argues that the real point of difference between Jew and Gentile is that the Gentiles follow what he calls the base “triviality” of Gentiles versus the God-like “seriousness” of Jews. This huge psychological difference, Samuel says, is the reason why Jews regard “playful” Gentiles as backward and silly, and why Gentiles will never be able to penetrate the Jewish perception of the world. The book goes on to discuss the main points of difference in behavior between Jews and Gentiles focusing on physical activity, religion, concepts of good and evil, loyalty, science, fair play, and discipline. Maurice spells out why Jews have different attitudes to all these moral and philosophical issues—and why these values are the opposite of those endorsed by Gentiles. Samuel then says that these inherent and unchangeable differences will always make the Jews out to be “destroyers” and the “subverters” of European culture and society. Finally, he discusses the dangers presented to Jews by intermarriage with Gentiles, and concludes by saying that there will never be peace between Jew and Gentile until the last European state has “lost its racial homogeneity.” This edition contains the entire original 1924 text. It has been completely reset and annotated with more than 40 footnotes for the modern reader. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 January 2024 7:30:45 PM
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"“I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands." About the author: Maurice Samuel (1895–1972) was a Romanian-born Jewish writer, who focused on Judaism or the Jewish role in history and society. A leading member of the Zionist Organization of America, he was widely celebrated in Jewish circles, and won many awards during his life, including the Anisfield-Wolf Award in 1943 for his book, The World of Sholom Aleichem; the award of The Saturday Review of Literature in 1944; the 1956 Stephen S. Wise Award; and the 1967 B’nai B’rith Jewish Heritage Award. In 1964 Brandeis University awarded Samuel an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. On the day of his death, in 1972, Samuel was to have been in Israel to receive the Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature, for which he had been nominated by Israeli President. The book (an older version I assume) can be found and read here for free. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 January 2024 7:31:46 PM
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Armchair Critic- Thanks for mentioning the book. Sounds interesting. Seems to examine paradoxes of Hebrew/ Gentile relations and asks the important and controversial questions- when many would run away.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 15 January 2024 2:19:49 AM
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Kudos Indyvidual.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 15 January 2024 2:22:34 AM
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Dear Canem Malum,
«Seems to examine paradoxes of Hebrew/ Gentile relations and asks the important and controversial questions- when many would run away.» That Maurice Samuel fellow represents superstitious fatalism, that sick idea of "once a Jew always a Jew", that Jewish blood is somewhat different, containing some dark serum which destroys all fun and might contaminate the world if mixed around. Old Rabbi Kook, the first guru of the Jewish settlers which based on such superstitions atrociously harass both the local population of the West Bank and ordinary Israelis and bring such terrible shame on Israel, wrote in his book "Orot" (cynically meaning "lights"), that... "The difference between a Jewish soul, its essence, its inner desires, its aspirations, its characters and its status, and the souls of all the nations, at all their levels, is greater and more profound than the difference between a human soul and the soul of an animal, for between the latter there is only a quantitative difference, whereas between the former there is a qualitative difference" These superstitions conveniently helped the orthodox Rabbis to keep their flock in fear and under control. These same ugly superstitions were adopted by and made the day for Hitler too, justifying his brutal murder of over 6 million Jews. These superstitions are also shared by AC, who claimed on another thread that (my rephrase) "had the Zionists came to Uganda instead, then these Jews would have treated the Ugandan people just as badly as they treat the Palestinians". That is all nonsense of course, which goes against any science. Just like as a child I was told that being black is contagious, that touching a Negro could turn me black too, that kind of rubbish has no place in the 21st century! Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 January 2024 5:14:33 AM
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Imports of useless family members of immigrants will rise by 2,000 a year to 20,000.
ttbn, The problem for Australia in this case is that they’re guaranteed Labor Votes. Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:05:19 AM
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Not sure about that. If immigrants will eventually vote Labor when/if they are granted citizenship, why does the Liberal Party keep bringing them in? There is barely a cigarette paper between Liberal and Labor on immigration or anything else these days: climate change; Covid; ambulance ranking; kowtowing to the UN; defence inadequacy; digital ID (their idea in the first place); cashless/central banking; China. Australians have to realise that the Liberal-Labor duopoly pretty much delivers a one-party state. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:35:17 AM
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Dear Ttbn,
I fully agree with you last post, well said. Now: "Imports of useless family members of immigrants will rise by 2,000 a year to 20,000." Well their families find them useful and so their families need to provide for them (and/or them for themselves). Coming here is their private business: Australia should neither support them nor obstruct them. They come to be with their families, not to obtain Australian status and vote. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 January 2024 8:04:04 AM
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"Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White."
Canem Malum What a crock. We have gone from letting in 10s of thousands of retiring Poms just for the sake of it, to seeking skilled-up migrants of whatever colour to support our economy. This is the truth of the matter: "Net overseas migration has continued to recover from record low levels observed during the COVID–19 pandemic, primarily driven by a recovery in international students and other temporary migrants like working holiday makers (Chart 3). While net overseas migration is forecast to have reached 510,000 in 2022–23, it is still expected to be 185,000 lower over the period 2019–20 to 2022–23 than was forecast in the MYEFO 2019–20. Much of the higher net overseas migration reflects a catchup of low, and at times negative, migration over the pandemic, as well as a surge in global demand for international study and a strong domestic labour market. Over the 8 years from the onset of the pandemic in 2019–20 to the end of the forecasts in 2026–27, net overseas migration is forecast to average 240,000 persons per year, in line with 238,000 in 2017–18 and 241,000 in 2018–19." Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 15 January 2024 9:05:01 AM
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As Jordan Peterson has said, "Multiculturalism is a miracle of stupidity".
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 9:37:34 AM
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Multiculturalism - code word for anti-white?
No. multiculturalism is actually multi-coloured. We owe our accomplishments as a nation to the contributions of more than 300 different ancestries from the First Australians to the newest arrivals. The rich cultural diversity is central to our national identity. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2024 10:22:00 AM
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SR's reference is taking a loooooong time to download. But it is a government site and, while SR believes everything the government tells him, more and more of us do not. Politicians and bureaucrats have proved many times that they cannot be trusted. Some people are slow learners, or they just pick reports and opinions that suit their own bigotry. Still downloading; don't think I'll bother with it, given SR's and the government's unreliability and slipperiness.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 11:34:45 AM
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'had the Zionists came to Uganda instead, then these Jews would have treated the Ugandan people just as badly as they treat the Palestinians'.
"That is all nonsense of course, which goes against any science". Why 'Of course'? - I mean, you are what your history says you are, right? And Jews, being persecuted for thousands of years by many different peoples... why? Why would the Ugandan people have gladly given up their land to make room for a Jewish homeland, and been pleased to do so? - That there wouldn't have been any animosity whatsoever between the Ugandan people that currently populated the land and the Jews that wanted to create their own homeland on it. I'm not necessarily stating the Jews shouldn't have a homeland. If they say in their own words that they are not the same as gentiles, and that there has been a history of animosity wherever they've resided, then why wouldn't that same scenario hold true in Uganda, or anywhere? I've looked back at Israel in Palestine, and basically the reason why this 'People without a land, and a land without a people' idea was put forward was because Israel did not consider these people a 'people' at all. The author of this book was given many literary prizes and was even nominated for one by the Israeli Prime Minister, so for Yuyutsu to say that it's just 'superstitious fatalism' doesn't entirely add up. Obviously many Jews thought his opinions held merit. I'm not stating as fact that Jews or Zionists have set out to undermine all other nations through immigration, but when one of them says - 'this is what we need to do' (Attacking other nations 'racial homogeneity'), then it's certainly worth taking a closer look. I can see it as a viable consideration if they were looking for a way to end persecution and feel safe, and I see it demonstrated today in the way they wish to have significant influence over the governments in which they reside. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 January 2024 11:39:04 AM
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I've long said that there's system in place that seeks to destroy any feeling of 'nationalism' and 'national identity', and that it's been replaced with 'globalism' and 'multiculturalism', that they don't seem to care about cultures, but wish to impose a new global generic culture upon all peoples.
That democracy is not about 'national democracy' and letting the people decide what they want, but more about 'international democracy' and rule by UN and international treaty where nations are merely vassal states of the US and globalism. All the important issues are already decided by international higher ups or else the 2 parties are bi-partisan, and they allow us to fight amongst ourselves in regards to the secondary national issues, that don't really matter, but give us all a sense that we are deciding the future of our country. But it's not our country, and we don't make the decisions. We are reminded constantly that we're all immigrants; essentially guests not owners. If a Jew states "We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s 'armies of liberation'." and that they have a religious ideology and beliefs (Messianic) that seeks to rule over all nations and peoples. - Why would I not take that seriously, given Jewish Socialism created the USSR? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 January 2024 11:49:50 AM
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Hi Indyvidual
"The problem for Australia in this case is that they’re guaranteed Labor Votes." I made that argument a long time ago, indyvidual. - Because the left is far more supportive of immigrants and immigration; Somebody else made a counter argument that Muslims are not likely to vote for LGBT and progressives, which seem to hold some merit also. Hi Foxy "The rich cultural diversity is central to our national identity." Multicultural Australia is not the same as True-Blue Australia. First they changed the people and attitudes in government, and then through immigration the government changed the demographics of the people. I liked true-blue Australia. Yes we were racist, but I don't think it was racism in a bad way entirely. (Though I'm sure there were many bad instances as well) I think it was more about 'assimilation of foreigners into the country they were coming into' rather than the current trend of 'us assimilating into the countries they came from'. - The path of acceptance in becoming an 'Aussie' We might work with a Greek bloke. We'd call him a 'bloody wog' at work for years and he hated it. Finally 20 years later he loses it. "Says F--- you Aussies, you're all racist bastards!" Aussies would be like "We've been wondering when this was going to happen Roberto, we've been waiting for years." "Calm down mate - You're one of us now!" "Everyone give a big round of applause for Roberto, he's now officially one of us." "You bloody bastards, why you do this to me" Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 January 2024 12:19:25 PM
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Hi AC,
"True Blue," in Australian society depends on who you ask. It varies and differs town to town, suburb to suburb, and group to group. Historically, the Australian population has been segregated by class, race, and also purpose. In the colonial era many came for punishment, and others to rule. As time progressed the social fabric became homogenised - but only so much as it kept those of non-Anglo descent at the fringes. Clearly for some this is still continuing today. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2024 1:00:16 PM
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This seems important, but I'm not sure where to put it.
Leyonhjelm seems to have exposed the whole 'Gender Pay Gap' issue as a scam. He asked - Did you take into account the issue that men work on average more hours than women? Answer - No. (Contains video) Hi Foxy, I'm not saying that immigrants haven't made a valuable contribution to the nation. But I think the important question is this. 'Does an existing population have a right to decide who they wish to share their country with?' If not, then what is a country? Nothing more than a name, or a place on a map - nothing else included? What happens if you bring people into the country who will never have loyalty and allegiance to our country or way of life? They come here, they hate the place, but want to change it to something more similar to where they came from or tolerable to their different sensibilities? What right do they have to say we shouldn't act the way we do, because it doesn't suit them? Why would you want to bring those people in, what benefit can it have other than division? What if Muslims take over Bondi and start telling everyone they need to cover up? What things in our country will be defended no matter the change in demographics? What is Australia? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 January 2024 1:28:06 PM
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Hi AC,
It's the Australian government that allocates places each year according to the budget. It establishes a planning level outlining how many permanent residency visas to grant. It does this under 2 programs" 1) The Migration Program - for skilled and family visas. 2) The Humanitarian Program. There are certain strict conditions and requirements that have to be met before a visa is granted. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2024 1:57:40 PM
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Dear Critic,
«I mean, you are what your history says you are, right?» ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Total nonsense, besides most people don't even know their own history and even those who do a bit, know only of their present birth. One's actual history stretches across many lifetimes, usually in completely different countries and ethnic groups each birth. «And Jews, being persecuted for thousands of years by many different peoples... why?» Not just Jews. Practically every group was persecuted at one time or another. At times also, Jews were among the persecutors, particularly of other Jews who disagreed with them, early Christians included. As for the "why", the reasons are too many to list, but I think that one of the main reasons is that Jews introduced Christianity to the world, along with its frigid lifestyle, the fear of sin and denial of fun and erstwhile innocent care-free joy. «Why would the Ugandan people have gladly given up their land to make room for a Jewish homeland, and been pleased to do so?» Firstly, the Zionists did not seek to make a Jewish homeland, but a land where they can escape their bitter Jewish fate. When the early Zionists arrived, they wanted to include the local Arabs in their project, bringing them progress, equality, science, sanitation, literacy, roads, hospitals, schools, etc. They naively believed that the Arabs would happily cooperate, but failed to take into account that their Muslim clerics would fear for the loss of their dominion and instead incite the masses to attack them. Had the Arabs not attacked the Zionists and killed many, they would all have now been living in harmony, just as the Druze and Circassian people do in Israel along many Bedouin tribes that chose to remain at peace with the Zionists. Nobody would have had to give up their land unless it was used to attack the Zionists (and later Israel) from, though many freely chose to sell their land to the Zionists for good money. [continued...] Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 January 2024 3:00:25 PM
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There is no reason to believe that peaceful Ugandans would attack peaceful Zionists who only wish to help them: that would be foreign to their culture. «I'm not necessarily stating the Jews shouldn't have a homeland.» That introduces a different fresh topic, because the Zionists (=the original ones, not the crazy Messianic American Jews who now plagiarise that title) didn't come to Israel to have a Jewish homeland, they came there to escape their Jewish fate. Whether "the Jews" have one or not, The Israelis HAVE a homeland! And they won't give it up. «If they say in their own words that they are not the same as gentiles» The Zionists who actually came to Israel (not Jews like Maurice who croaked about it in New-York) ASPIRED to become exactly like gentiles, building and tilling the earth with their own hands. «there has been a history of animosity wherever they've resided» False. You are being selective: some liked Jews, some kings and emperors even invited and welcomed them and incorporated them in their government and public service, others not. «Israel did not consider these people a 'people' at all.» Early Zionists admired the local Arabs and even tried to dress like them. «The author of this book was given many literary prizes and was even nominated for one by the Israeli Prime Minister» President, not PM. Israel's presidency is a ceremonial role: the winner must have been selected by public servants and that was for some Yiddish literature, not for his views in "You Gentiles", written 50 years earlier when that stupid author was only 29. «Obviously many Jews thought his opinions held merit» Indeed, I wrote so myself and I despise them. Most Israelis are not like that. Yet you seem to share that same sick view - that Jews are somehow different in essence than other humans, thus no Jew can ever "unjew" themselves. «when one of them says - 'this is what we need to do'» One little stinking crazy American young blogger who also happened to be a Jew, but ate the same American mushrooms. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 January 2024 3:00:28 PM
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I suspect that Steele Redux, Foxy, Yuyutsu are Anglophobic bigots that want to destroy Anglo culture and ethnicity. They don't appear to believe in the concept of live and let live- don't care if Anglo people become stateless- don't care about the future of Anglo people- don't care if Anglo people don't control their own destiny or their own territory- don't care about their right to keep their people together and exclude others.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:12:49 PM
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Why is their right to destroy our identity greater than our right to protect our identity?
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:17:58 PM
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Dear Canem Malum,
There is a vast difference between: 1. "Anglophobic bigots that want to destroy Anglo culture and ethnicity" AND 2. "don't care" You cannot logically claim both! I cannot speak for SteeleRedux or Foxy, only for myself: First, it is not my business to destroy anything: I have better things to do in life. Now whether or not I care is irrelevant, because even if I cared very much about the future of Anglo people, it is still not my place to act on it by telling others where they may or may not live. I could of course ask them politely, "please don't come, we want to preserve our anglo culture here", but what if they refuse and come anyway? - Stopping them forcibly is a form of violence, and that is morally wrong. (stopping them forcibly may be acceptable in cases of self-defence, but unless these people wish to harm, are dangerous criminals or have some infectious disease, that wouldn't be the case) «don't care if Anglo people don't control their own destiny or their own territory» Nobody controls one's destiny except God, to whom all territories belong. «don't care about their right to keep their people together and exclude others.» There is nothing wrong about TRYING to keep your people together, assuming they all agree. However, excluding others by force is the opposite of "live and let live". «Why is their right to destroy our identity greater than our right to protect our identity?» Please rest assured that you will always remain who you are, no matter what - Nothing and no one can ever change or destroy your identity, nor is there therefore a need to protect it. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 January 2024 8:14:37 PM
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Whatever those three are, they are impossible to deal with. There are ways we can try to deal with narcissists, but it's best in most cases to avoid them. Of this trio, two will sometimes try to do ‘nice’ (the other one is just a nasty pig); but if you fall for the trick, they soon return to type, and it starts all over again. Walking away is best. The threats to our identity don't come from these jackasses, or even immigrants themselves; the threat comes from our politician class, people we REALLY NEED TO REPLACE. They are the ones who came up with the multicultural nightmare. They are the ones who encourage newcomers not to integrate and ‘be one’. And, the one who kicked off that nonsense - I remember the announcement on ABC radio - was not a Leftist, but Malcolm Fraser, one of the nastiest politicians we have ever had. ‘Give Fraser the Razor’ was a popular chant those days. He buddied up with Whitlam after he was given the flick, and displayed his true self - a rich Commo. The real problem with Western society and Australia is not a few rowdy ratbags, it is the apathy of the majority, who let them get away with it. They also let the political duopoly swap benches in Parliament occasionally after elections, too disinterested or dumb to know that BOTH parties are much the same, and they both must go before we hit rock bottom. Conservatives - that's people who have no time for the only two parties capable of forming a government (because of voter apathy) - are cock-a-hoop at the drubbing of the Voice, and kid themselves that the tide is turning. But they will still vote Coalition or Labor, even though the Albanese version of the latter is more like the Greens, whom ex-Labor Senator, Stephen Conroy, recently described as “filth”. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 10:12:55 PM
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Kudos ttbn. Interesting points.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 1:43:45 AM
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Whatever those three are, they are impossible to deal with.
ttbn & Canem Malum, They expose their unfathomable mentality for all to see at every post. They’re not part of the sober thinking merit based minority. Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 8:38:09 AM
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Accusations of me being an Anglophobic bigot, working to
destroy Anglo culture and ethnicity? Let me check my giveashitometer. NOPE. Nothing. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 8:39:17 AM
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"The threats to our identity don't come from these jackasses, or even immigrants themselves; the threat comes from our politician class, people we REALLY NEED TO REPLACE."
We don't put competent people in the job. The parties value loyalty, not ability. The incompetents get promotions. It's a race to the bottom with this political class in the current environment. 'apathy of the majority' Not sure they know any better, the media does a great job creating division, and a poor job informing the populace - on just about every issue. As for all this wokeness, I'm not convinced that democracy is actually working in peoples best interests anymore. The West is eating itself, and you're right its our leaders who are responsible. But they face pressure from the intellectuals (universities) inc. the protest and cancel culture class, international partners and a complicit media. Spend a few minutes looking through this and you'll see just how messed up things are. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 8:49:15 AM
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Seriously though.
The facts speak for themselves in this country. Australia has been influenced by migrant cultures from so many countries. Of these the strongest cultural influence especially until the Second World War was the British and Irish with the highest percentage of immigrants into Australia being of British or Irish origin. However things changed. Government policies changed. The reality was that while strongly influenced by Anglo- Celtic origins the culture of Australia has also been shaped by multi-ethnic migration which has influenced all aspects of Australian life including education, health, business, the arts, cuisine, sense of humour, sport, and much, much, more. The fact that Australia has evolved and will continue to do so - does not make anyone an "anti-Anglophile," and to suggest it is absurd. The country is not stuck in a time-warp. We change, learn, and grow. If those false accusations are so easily thrown around by a few arsebadgers. Perhaps they should ask - how really Anglo - is the UK? Or for that matter the Royal family itself? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 8:57:45 AM
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Well said, Foxy!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 3:49:49 PM
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They are not "part of" anything. Freaks. Isolates. Out of touch with reality. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 5:45:33 PM
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Dear CM,
Your regurgitation of RWNJ and racist tropes are just plain boring. You snipe on in here with unimaginative crap like "Anglophobic bigots that want to destroy Anglo culture and ethnicity" which is out a play book which is many editions out of date and the normal folk here just think 'why bother'. Why don't you put a modicum of thought into your endless screeds and come up with something even a little bit original. Armchair Critic does go on and on but at least there is some indication he thinks for himself. With you there is nothing of the kind. The best you seem capable of is applauding other people's post with your inane little kudos. Do try and do better. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 9:51:23 PM
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Jean-Paul Sartre- Also seemingly started out as a relatively normal philosopher and followed his nose to communism- even meeting with Che Guevara. Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 12:53:26 AM
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And King Edward met with Adolf Hitler.
So what? Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 8:09:47 AM
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Churchill with Stalin.
Ronald Reagan with Gorbachev. Gorbachev attended his funeral. Donald Trump met with Putin. And the list goes on. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 8:12:40 AM
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Another insult from SR, and another of his boo boos: AC 'thinks for himself'. AC's 'thoughts' are second hand, ripped from Google and other spurious Leftist organs. His posts are riddled with references. As are those SR himself. He believes whatever the government tells him to believe. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 8:14:49 AM
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"Armchair Critic does go on and on but at least there is some indication he thinks for himself."
I'm actually going to tone it all down a bit. I think I've made all my points and arguments many times over. - Figure I should give you all a rest from my 'cracked record' commentary. I wish there were no wars in the first place. Given that Ukraine and the West refused to negotiate with Russia, that they proceeded with the coup and NATO expansion, and arming the country and the shelling of civilians in the Donbass, and Ukraine isn't in any kind of position to achieve anything, this is a satisfactory result. Same goes with Palestinians, if Israel refuses to negotiate towards peaceful ends and wishes to engage in oppression, ethnic cleansing and land theft, then it's also made it's own bed, and I predict it may not last for too much longer on this path. The conflict is already expanding. Iran blew the crap out of a Mossad base in Erbil yesterday and the Houthi have started targeting US and UK bulk carriers in the Gulf of Aden. Iran also fired ballistic missiles 1230klm from Iran into Idlib, some 50klms from the Mediterranean and Turkish / Syrian border, which is undoubtedly a message to Israel. There are also reports Iran has fired into Israel directly, but I don't know if it's true or not. Gallant promised the evacuated Israeli citizens in Northern Israel they could go home soon, these people are refusing to do so unless Hezbollah are pushed back to the Latani river, Israel has also put hospitals on alert for up to several thousand casualties, so I'm expecting a big flare-up there. There's only 3 Israeli divisions left in Gaza. Israel has admitted the tunnel network in Gaza is '600%' more complicated than they anticipated. I told you in the beginning, Israel isn't destroying Hamas, it's a recruitment drive. When things get escalate further and get out of control, and there's no stopping a larger regional war, remember who supported the ceasefire. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 9:07:25 AM
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remember who supported the ceasefire.
Armchair Critic, What ceasefire ? Stopping fighting for smoko is hardly a ceasefire ! Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:08:44 AM
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Thanks ttbn. Armchair Critic does a lot of reading- often I don't know enough about the subject matter to weigh on one side of the issue or the other. I'm inclined to think that Australia's security is dependent on the US- but I agree with Armchair Critic to the point that the US has significant issues with wokeness and Communism and faulty thinking and special interest influence groups within it's borders. Often you need to look at situations on a case by case basis. Sometimes I have to say "I don't know"- The Socrates Defense.
Sometimes you have to support your friends even when you don't completely agree with them- because there are more important issues than the truth- but the truth is like a piece of elastic- it will only stretch so far- don't believe your own propaganda. I think it is the US Hebrew academic Simon Sinek that says that "ambiguity is a feature rather than a fault of language". Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 22 January 2024 2:28:31 PM
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I wonder how many immigrants can afford $600+ week for rent ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 27 January 2024 6:19:33 PM
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I wonder how many immigrants can afford $600+ week for rent ?
Posted by Indyvidual Answer- They sleep three or more to a room and have bed shifts from my understanding- often living in unsanitary conditions. I've seen mattresses spread out over the whole lounge room floor. In some cases they borrow money from rich uncles at extreme rates. In one case some young Korean backpackers (usually very civilized people) were running a brothel out of an upmarket city apartment (the men acted as the watchers/ muscle) and they got girls (not only Korean's) that couldn't find other work through the backpackers. In one case I met a Korean couple at an airport that had no money- but was gracious with his "sister"- I declined of course- but helped them get to where they were going. Some of the situations were surreal. I'm certain that the things I've seen are just the obvious ones. Australian governments, bureaucracy, universities and businesses are probably complicit in this misery. We shouldn't be bringing it into Australia. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 12:01:12 PM
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Reform the immigration system so we only get the migrants we need !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 2 February 2024 9:00:29 AM
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And where do we find them?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 February 2024 9:48:29 AM
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Rather than reform on the run, which never works, immigration should be stopped altogether until an enquiry by non-policians decides what Australia needs, not what what politicians want - lazily improving the look of overall GDP, while lowering the GDP per capita, and causing a higher cost of living, an overload on housing, infrastructure, health etc. as the self-serving bastards are doing now. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 2 February 2024 10:10:21 AM
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Actually as has always been the case in this country -
it's the locals who sponge off the government. The recent immigrants work at more than one job to build a life for their families. You only need to go into the emergency departments of hospitals, aged care staff, taxi and bus drivers, to see who's working. The locals can be found in pubs, casinos, or picking fights on discussion forums. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 February 2024 10:29:18 AM
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And where do we find them?
Foxy, definitely not in countries which create refugees or rather send migrants posing as refugees who then try to change the host countries to adopt the same mess they supposedly fled from. Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 2 February 2024 6:22:29 PM
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The locals can be found in pubs, casinos, or picking fights on discussion forums.
Foxy, Yes, I remember seeing locals cast aside for jobs even though they were more competent than the surplus city bureaudroids who were sent to the communities under the guise of progress. Look what we got ! Many locals turned to the Pubs & casinos in the hope of finding compensation for what they lost. Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 3 February 2024 10:51:47 PM
The “reform” still has a hell of a lot of people coming here:
. 375,000 in 2023-24
. 250,000 in 2024-25
. 255,000 in 2025-26
. 235,000 in 2026-27
“ ….more than a million new immigrants every four years — this in a nation of just 26 million”. More than all the old numbers.. “Some reform!”, as the author says. More pressure on housing, rent, education, hospitals, public transport and everything else. More gang violence.
And, a growing contribution to “vibrant ‘diversity and cultural enrichment’ ….. and appalling incidents of anti-Semitism (in) our streets”.
On top of all that, Albanese wants to make it easier for 2 million ‘temporary’ workers and backpackers to get permanent residence.
The period allowed for temps “decoupled” from their visa by an employer to find another employer has been increased from 60 days to 180 days.
There are 860,000 foreign students in Australia, going back-door access to work, and residency. Many ‘students’ get in by signing up for Mickey Mouse courses they never actually turn up to study. The English test requirements, raised from 5.5 to 6.0 is barely a pass mark. There is no definite cap on the number of barely-able-to-speak-English students.
Imports of useless family members of immigrants will rise by 2,000 a year to 20,000.
There is a pretence that immigration is “something beyond government control and is only amenable to minor policy tinkering by technocrats in Canberra’s bubble”. Rubbish, of course. The elected governments Labor or Liberal do have, and should exercise, full control, and start listening to the people.