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CCP Propaganda on YouTube

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SteeleRedux comes out of his cave to remind us what a truly 'ugly Australian' is - himself.

What we 'old people' understand is that the young and useless rely on AI because they cannot read (or write) properly. How hard is it to read three or four simple words, and feed them into a search engine!y
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 27 April 2023 9:55:36 AM
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Sites like this & many others I assume, will tell us who is anti-Australian, & should be interned, when hostilities break out between us & some communist country.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 27 April 2023 10:30:47 AM
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Yes, Hasbeen. And the AI that they are so in love with will be able to ferret them out - even if they think anonymity projects them. That is if the real threat to Australia is not the government, as it increasingly seems to be.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 27 April 2023 10:46:27 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,

And there are real life consequences for the utter garbage you and your lap dog are spewing.

Is this really what you are after for this country? It might be for the snarling poodle but why are you so keen on stoking fear and paranoia yet again? Where did all the anti-Muslim crap that you were banging on about for all those years go?

New whipping boy so new day?

Time to give it a rest.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 27 April 2023 10:58:31 AM
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"The Chinese Communist Party is using YouTube as a propaganda medium."

In other breaking news, Dog Bites Man.

If that's too subtle....Of coarse China is using Youtube for propaganda, as is the US, Iran, Russia, Australia, Upper Kumbakta West and every other country, state and jurisdiction.

It may be that China is more successful because there are a lot more people here who are susceptible to its message than Chinese who are susceptible to western propaganda (if they even have access to it.)

As I said to AC in another thread, the problem is that too many people come to these propaganda pieces with a minimum of knowledge and a maximum of credulity.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 27 April 2023 12:30:15 PM
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One old bloke who could be drunk or demented, and a few Asians with three words of English. The person who made such rubbish available is as silly as the person who even knows where it can be found.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 27 April 2023 1:40:52 PM
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