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After A 'Yes' to The Voice, What?
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Yes, its obviously those nasty Dutch Marxist, Commie, transgender people who are starting with Canadian truckies under the command of Commissar Trudeau. These subversives are working their way across the Pacific and will arrive unannounced in Australia at precisely 2.07PM EST on the 19th. Then they will take to us all, forcing us to vote YES for the Marxist, Commie referendum which will recognise transgenderism in the Australian Constitution. Is that clear to everyone. Act now or you'll be on the cashless debt card faster than Rupert can say; "give me another squillion!"
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 17 April 2023 6:30:05 AM
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NO, NO, NO again. ATSIC chapter 2 is possibly coming your way. This idiocy will alter the nation forever, cost billions, make a few smart people and families wealthy, keep the courts clogged for years while the poor old blackfella will still be sitting under a gum tree.
Posted by gj123, Monday, 17 April 2023 9:27:31 AM
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Most of us who were around 57 years ago ( Albanese was only 3 years old) when Henrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid in South Africa was assassinated, thought that division by race was over. Now, Australia, one of the loudest objectors to apartheid - boycotting trade and sport with SA, is doing the same thing, to favour a minority at the expense of the majority.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 April 2023 12:55:21 PM
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Well, we wouldn’t have such a silly Govt if we had the Democracy they all waffle on about !
Senselessness is reaching new heights on a daily basis ! Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 17 April 2023 4:53:32 PM
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Everything's been flipped upside down.
Indy's talking about 'democracy' but it's merely just a catch phrase now, to virtue signal against other methods of government. Take a look at this article but firstly note, isn't the foundation of democracy sovereignty? E.U. Cries Foul as Poland and Hungary Ban Ukraine Grain Imports >>KYIV, Ukraine — The European Union has criticized bans by Poland and Hungary on imports of Ukrainian grain and other foods over the weekend, saying the unilateral moves were “unacceptable.”<< - Now the reason why they banned the imports is because it's having a negative impact on their countries, they're just trying to do the best by their own farmers, nation and people. - But the EU says 'No, that's unacceptable'; - So are these nations sovereign? - No their vassal states of the EU who itself is a vassal state of Washington. - So what about all this 'democracy' - It's all bs. USAID Administrator Samantha Power Travels to Hungary "Administrator Samantha Power travels to Budapest, Hungary from February 9-10 to build on the United States’ long-standing partnership with the Hungarian people. USAID recently relaunched its work in several countries in Central Europe, including Hungary, where programs support independent Hungarian partner organizations working to protect the rule of law, strengthen democratic institutions and civil society, and support independent media." That's all 'newspeak' for "We need to conduct regime change' and get rid of Orban. Here I'll show you another one, China is an 'autocratic' country, (that means 'bad' by western definition) China shows US' Blinken who's boss, refuses to let Blinken visit Beijing. You see how in this case 'Autocratic' or 'Not a democracy' actually means that China IS a sovereign country and NOT a vassal state (US lapdog) The whole world is run like a mafia. Here's a couple more from Emil - Russia should pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction. US Yellen. Like US paid for Iraq's? Double Standard. The WSJ "spy" is innocent, 15 Russian diplomats are SPIES. Don't you all see the hypocrisy in this upside down world? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 6:16:22 PM
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How the average Joe Blow supposed to make sense of anything in this upside down world?
Watch this one, this is how stupid and brainwashed the average person is. Woman Spewing Anti-China Propaganda Gets Rude Awakening! Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 6:20:57 PM