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The Forum > General Discussion > Denials of Science

Denials of Science

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We all believe as we choose...facts and science are mere distractions.

How many religions are there? Many!
How many are verified by science? None!
What percentage of the world's population believe in a Deity? Majority!

so I say again, 'we all believe as we choose' and truth has nothing to do with it....ignorance is alive and flourishing.....
Anyone with half a brain knows it.
Posted by Special Delivery, Sunday, 29 January 2023 10:57:40 AM
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My apologies David. A shared value of science denial then?

Dear Foxy,

I am sure the CSIROs research is first class. I have concerns with the research that they are not allowed to do.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 29 January 2023 11:04:20 AM
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Hi Fester,

The solution has to be to improve the knowledge of people
across the board. However in 2006 , leading climatologists
within CSIRO were forbidden by the organisation's management
from publicly discussing the implications of climate change.

Management was acting on behalf of the government. In 2006, the
Australian government's position was to cast doubt on global
warming and refuse to enter into the UN agreements such as the
Kyoto Protocol.

With the release of the Stern Report on climate change, the
Australian government's position changed. So as we can see
new ideas, instead of being welcomed for the opportunities
they opened up for the improvement of the human lot, were
threats to those who had become comfortable in their ideologies
(religious or otherwise).

Today, the renewable technologies we get excited about: the
carbon-neutral lifestyles we aim for are the inventions of
humans - and their success depends on an understanding of them
and a wish to implement them.

Our education will provide the necessary means. It is in our hands.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 January 2023 11:50:08 AM
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Hi Foxy,

I am grateful for a separation of powers. I can remember an ANSTO engineer speaking of the promise of nuclear power and critical of the CSIRO's dismissal of it, so who is right there?

I am a technical optimist, but I am also aware of how hard and haphazard progress can be. There are also many many spin artists chasing a buck with appealing stories which makes picking winners even harder.

Everyone wants a result, but it is a red flag for me when someone suggests that all that is needed is faith. If viable technology were there people would be doing and not arguing.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 29 January 2023 1:42:53 PM
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Hi Fester,

Some things take time.

But non-action is not an option.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 January 2023 4:12:37 PM
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Hi Foxy,

And some things don't work. Sometimes doing nothing is an excellent option. Queensland has billions of never used rusting infrastructure as testament to thinking that doing nothing wasn't an option. That money could easily have built a few nuclear power plants, and Kev's broadband dream could have built a few more again, all at a time when wind and solar were expensive as well as non-dispatchable.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 29 January 2023 6:25:32 PM
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