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Diminishing Democracy In Australia

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ttbn - you previously stated in another thread -"There are many, many organisations which all claim they are doing a great job on indigenous matters. The government has poured billions into helping remote disadvantaged Aboriginal communities."

I assume that most people, yourself included, would want the public servants tasked with the distribution of said billions (not just for those in remote communities) to ensure the money is directed in those areas for which it is allocated.

When I point out a very common fraudulent misuse of some of those funds from a public servant you say "Good on" him.

It is very easy (in QLD at least) for a principal to make all sorts of claims around fairness and student progress without it necessarily being true.
Posted by WTF? - Not Again, Thursday, 29 December 2022 2:07:06 PM
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Welcome to South Africa.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 29 December 2022 2:22:43 PM
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Climate change hysteria is also anti-democratic, as is all fear-mongering. Covid manipulation has lost its impact, so climate is going to be the main "opportunity" (the word of the Great Resetters) for controlling us. And, if you think the Great Reset is a joke, or it has no power, it is already at work. Klaus Scwab is already referring to certain country leaders as 'one of ours': the Canadian PM being one of the more obvious.

What about Ockernese? He is an obvious target for reset lunacy, with his interference in the free market, one of the bases of democracy, and his weaponising of of energy.

Then there is the push for 16 year old voting, supposedly demanded by 16 year olds themselves. How come these kids, that surveys show are not interested in democracy, suddenly want to vote? They don't. They are having their strings pulled by evil, scheming Leftists who are moving on from the now passè Greta Thundermouth after she showed them how useful exploiting kids can be.

Today, it has been announced that Ocker will boost welfare payments to 'young people and students'. His use of immature kids is so blatant.

Shaming is the name of the game. You have to be ashamed of your country's history. If you don't vote yes in the upcoming race-driven referendum you will not be "generous", according to Ockernese. Shame on you! He and his kind started to try shaming people for not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated, and avoiding the Big Brother QR Code surveillance. Now it is the 'wickedness' of people you never knew, doing things to other people you never knew, a couple of centuries ago.

And, the only people who could have saved us from the ravages of totalitarian Socialism, the Coalition, signed up to the same bastardry, and are now convinced that all they have to do to get re-elected is move further left and have more women candidates!

Australia is well and truly rooted
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 December 2022 6:20:42 PM
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The same old from the 'Same Old', Dan Andrews the terrible 'Ogre of the South'. ttbn and his ancient history, if you hadn't noticed Dan Andrews just pulled of a stunning democratic victory in Victoria. Overwhelmingly returned by all those Victorians who hate Andrews and the Labor government. Where is the Tory Opposition now, on the political scrap heap that's where, along with the irreverent mob from the extreme right.

As for the 'Voice' we've had several threads and articles on this subject recently, this is yet another opportunity for the old bloke and the like minded to "cry in their beer".
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 30 December 2022 6:58:44 AM
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Armchair Critic & Hasbeen are right on the money. Paul1405 is just his normal pointless & vindictive self !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 30 December 2022 7:02:28 AM
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Australians used to pull together; but now we don't. As Lily Steiner says ('Pull it together, Australia!', Spectator, 29/12/22), "Australia is in a crisis but we are pulling apart and not together". There are so many different splintered groups popping up that it is "hard to remember them all". Politically, sexually, how long we have been here, whatever, we all have to be categorised. Ideology has made us so angry and hateful that we forget we are "bloody lucky to live in Australia and enjoy life here".

I would add, 'up to now' to that statement.

Steiner blames our government and politicians. They don't "get it". They are "trying to pull us apart". That makes sense to me. I think they've been at it since the demise of the Howard government, the last mob to understand liberal democracy.

The Voice comes up, with race politics referred to as a rort by politicians and their mates for special treatment, rights and favours; and the author believes that aboriginal Australians are no different from the rest of us, who also have problems with alcoholism, poverty and abuse, and no respect for elders . And the government is not improving things by dividing and "nanny-nursing" us.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 30 December 2022 7:03:00 AM
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