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Copenhagen: the script for a disaster movie : Comments

By Don Allan, published 4/1/2010

Post Copenhagen, our notoriously shy and retiring Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is noticeable by his absence.

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Excellent article.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 4 January 2010 2:43:20 PM
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A breath of fresh air Don. No doubt the Canberra times or ABC won't want to know you.
Posted by runner, Monday, 4 January 2010 3:23:43 PM
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So the author respects all those scientists. He just disagrees with them. And the author's expertise in global warming is? Why not try self-diagnosis for all your health problems as well? I mean i'm sure you know more than your doctor.
Posted by Shalmaneser, Monday, 4 January 2010 5:31:10 PM
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I think you've said all that needs be said about the recent warming alarmism.

I think the recent climate events of a broken drought across Australia, record blizzards and the coldest winters in a long time in Asia, Europe and America also lend support to your view.

You have wonderful and grand spirit.

Robust people don't listen to the small-minded trying to pull you down?
Posted by keith, Monday, 4 January 2010 5:53:21 PM
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You do realise the global warming alarmists will come out of the woodwork now. However Don I cannot agree with you more and the more we find out about the deal that was to be done in Copenhagen, the more I cannot find any reason to believe anything Kevin Rudd can put forward about an ETS, global warming or for that matter anything meaningful. It all went pear shaped in Copenhagen and thank goodness.

What has this man done for this country since coming to office. Almost every promise has not been fulfilled apart from dismanlting Work Choices and Julia Gillard did that. All the important matters effecting this country, health/hospitals, transport, power, water infrastructure have all been put aside so that he could travel overseas for most of his time in office.

More money to Indonesia to help them meet their Kyoto obligation! They give away 2 billion every year to other countries and for a country this size I wonder how any government can justify that.

At least Howard didn't sign Kyoto, Rudd did though, he counldn't wait.

Ironically he didn't even read the protocol that was put up in Copenhagen. He simply wanted to sign our lies away. It is becoming clear there will be a very interesting federal election coming up. That's after we in NSW get rid of the self serving State Government. It cannot come soon enough.

Signing our country off to overseas interests without openly telling the people of this country what it was really all about (tax) is something Rudd cannot get away from. The UN overlords would have been given the power to over-ride our constitution. It was shameful but could still happen if Kevin Rudd gets his way.
Posted by RaeBee, Monday, 4 January 2010 6:15:37 PM
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Another dishonest shill for the fascists.

Where to start with this fool. Ill ignore your comments on ruddy etc cause that is to be expected. I hope hes had a good holiday because he has a lot of work to do.

Your (non)reference to past scares does not show anything. Even if all past scares where wrong it has absolutely no bearing on the current crisis and its validity. Learn some logic mate.
Your (again) unreferenced/unexplained assertions that past scares could have deprived us of technology and progress are nothing more than your own imaginings and have very little to support them. But it is a good device to edge into your real idiocy in the next few paragraphs.

Now youre a soothsayer and future teller. Sorry mate your violation of history in previous paragraphs doesnt fill me with confidence on your future predicting ability. Since we are going on about the past may I remind you of the statement "nuclear will make electricity too cheap to meter". What do you have to say about that "fantastic" prediction made many years ago by fools not unlike you? Still think we should listen to you about "fusion etc"?

Having said that let me go further and say that if, in times past, the armies that followed previous supporters of nuclear had won we would have had how many Three Mile Islands and Chernobyls by now. Possibly even in Australia.

Posted by mikk, Monday, 4 January 2010 6:43:21 PM
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Your faith in science and technology to save us has got to be the joke of the century. Climate scientists are all evil, corrupt, conspiring commies but genetic scientists and crop scientists and nuclear scientists well they are just the saviors of us all and will easily solve the problems we create and we wont have to change a bit.
And WTF is "technology will have been developed that will make redundant the use of water for mundane daily chores."? No more showering or baths for you mate. what are we gunna be dry cleaned or something. Bloody laughable.

Your comments about luddites is another foul right wing example of a straw man as no greenies hate technology and science. Thats the province of you richers and the godbotherers. We all believe in science, ALL OF IT, not just the bits that serve our interests or have been fabricated to do so.

All up a seriously illogical and dishonest article and not really worthy of OLO.
Posted by mikk, Monday, 4 January 2010 6:43:33 PM
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copenhagen: the script for a disaster where the human race fails to listen to the voice of reason, one where greed and denial reign triumphant.

Whilst climate change scpetics desperatly hold onto the fantasy that nothing has changed in our world, our environment. The earth is not getting hotter, people are not affected by changes to the earths atmosphere.

The ending to this disaster movie; if climate change scpetics get their way; global warming, soaring temperatures, uninhabital climate for our children.
Posted by xiaoli, Monday, 4 January 2010 8:34:29 PM
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"Copenhagen: the script for a disaster movie"?

Indeed. It reminds me of Kevin Costner's 'Rapa Nui', which was, as I recall, a disaster of a disaster movie about the self-destruction of the complex society on Easter Island by its inhabitants, who refused to change their way of life even though they could see it was destroying their island.

Maybe Don Allan has a point concealed in all that other crap.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 4 January 2010 9:05:26 PM
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You have summarised the "old and ignorant" position quite well I think.
this "logic" is just: I expect things to go in the future just as they have in the past *by my experience*.
Whilst not a bad rule of thumb for personal decisions, it is not a wise approach to large scale issues: Many civilisations before us have collapsed due to environmental overconfidence: (Jared Diamond's "Collapse" is worth a read, though it is long-winded.)
Yes, ignorance allows you to apply "common sense" and disagree with the experts, but don't expect the rest of us to respect this position.
The science is now pretty solid: what to do about it is not. I believe a lot of "sceptics" will soon realise they have been duped by confusing the science of what is happening with the politics of what to do about it.
The Right has very little regard for the truth, so they will attack the political issues whilst also trying to undermine the scientific issues. Just as a decade of leadership from these folks has bankrupted the US, we would be wise not to let this approach break any chance of making the transition to a warmer world comfortable and gun-free.
(Not hoping for a world without guns, just a climate transition without warfare)
Posted by Ozandy, Wednesday, 6 January 2010 11:41:00 AM
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BTW. Well said Mikk!
Taking science when you *dont* like the results is most important!

As Terry Pratchett said: "Science changes it's mind a lot when new information comes along. If this concerns you, just imagine all the trouble caused by folks who *don't* change their minds when new information comes along"
Common sense is not a good guide, you must develop it by exposing your brain to lots and lots of real *data*. This is why scientists often dedicate their whole life to a subject and why the church has *never* had anything useful to say about science.
High falutin opinions are *not* data!
Posted by Ozandy, Wednesday, 6 January 2010 11:50:14 AM
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Ozandy "Taking science when you *dont* like the results is most important!"

Couldn't agree more, which should be the new motto for the boys at CRU, who didn't like the results so "fudged" them, their words. Who didn't like the peer review process, so got it changed to their liking.

For Al Gore with all his mistakes in his powerpoint movie, that our schoolchildren have to watch without being told of the mistakes.

The person at Wikipedia who changed nearly 5,000 entires to suit his evangelical position - didn't like the facts.

You wonder why some people are skeptics when we see such trickery when people don't like the results. If the science is so clear, why do all these people need to be tricky?

It cuts both ways of course, but let's face it the skeptics are not asking you to pony up money or to redistribute the worlds finances on some Quixotic quest to compensate the have nots.

Some people are using the whole climate change thing as a route to socialism, see Chavez's standing ovation at Copenhagen, and care nothing really at all about the science.

The climate changes, yes it does, are we contributing, possibly, can we stop it - oh come on, that really is delusional. You might as well try to convince us you can stop tectonic plate movement as well.

Changing the climate to our will is way beyond mankind right now, screw it up, maybe, but control it - not yet.
Posted by odo, Wednesday, 6 January 2010 12:54:44 PM
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Your comments on Rudd are quite insightful. Keep writing.
Posted by Atman, Thursday, 7 January 2010 10:18:19 PM
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I am naive enough to think that there just might be some connection between the GFC (Global Financial Crisis) and the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme.

The major capitalist economies have temporarily postponed with massive debt bonds the upshot of the scams, toxic loans and other derivative bubbles which have fleeced the world blind.

There is a limit to how much you can reasonably expect working taxpayers to fork out in taxes and other quasi government charges before the thought crosses their mind to “give the other bloke a go” at the next election.

We here in Australia have had “stimulus packages” (debt spending) for breakfast dinner and tea for the past year or more, and now I wonder whether the debt is a tad more than the taxpayer will stand to pick up?

Kevin007 isn’t so silly to upset the electors too much, so why not screw someone for the dough who doesn’t vote?
Why not create a totally new scam, and bring in the investment banks to organize and TRADE in it too?
Like where there is trading there are taxes too.
Now that sounds like we’re getting a show on the road.
Give it over to the Investment Bankers to organize a trading scheme that charges for hot air poured into the atmosphere.

Naturally there must be exceptions – like political promises and cattle farts.
Is that too naive?

Les Kelly,
Posted by BenLomond, Monday, 18 January 2010 10:39:39 PM
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