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Fourteen days to seal history’s judgment on this generation : Comments

By The Guardian, published 10/12/2009

Editorial 'The Guardian': On December 8, 2009 56 newspapers in 45 countries took the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice.

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IF action is taken and we reduce human releases of greenhouse gasses and it turns out nothing changes then I will be the first to admit I was wrong and happily bow down to you luddites and take any sanctions you care to dish out.
Like I said Time will tell.

Sadly I have come to the conclusion that once again the forces of greed and oppression in the form of the wealthy, elite, far right wing powermongers will use their cash and their power to force their greed driven ideology of domination onto all of us and nothing will be done until it is too late and disaster is imminent or has already happened. All so they dont lose their exalted status both in their own minds and in their Swiss bank accounts. With their control of government and media they are bamboozling the public and clouding the issues in the best propaganda traditions of fascists everywhere.

I doubt it will come to re-eduction camps and I dont support violence, even against fools, but if you are wrong you will be ridiculed, shamed, ostracised and ignored because of your medieval ignorance and plain filthy greed
Posted by mikk, Friday, 11 December 2009 8:06:25 PM
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Bugsy, you know that it's Socialism by Stealth.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 11 December 2009 10:08:45 PM
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Mikk, you are an idiot. Don't you do any reading, before bursting into print?

A statement of support, by 500 companies, read at Copenhagen, included most of the oil majors, including Shell Oil, & British Petroleum.

It is these cashed up companies who stand to make the biggest profits, trading in carbon credits, & futures.

Guess where all this profit is going to come from? Your pocket mate, & mine.

If there is any truth in all the con, which seems more unlikely all the time, a carbon tax would be best for you & me. Trading is to suit the big boys.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 December 2009 10:35:41 PM
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Oh mikk, calling skeptics Luddites is completely off the mark.

After all, you're the ones who don't want or believe in change.

We all accept the climate changes, you all don't want it to. You want it to be something else, and can't accept that it is going to change regardless.

Your fantasy that mankind is causing it, thus can uncause it is the greatest folly of our existence - and the scientific community, amply armed with statistics, which we all know never lie (that's sarcasm, you need to state that on this site), are skewing results so as to meet their predictions.

The trouble is, the whole thing is coming apart, that's the whole point of the CRU data outing, they admit they don't know what causes climate in the emails, and it is obvious they are fudging it.

"forces of greed and oppression" are not the wealthy, it is the UN, and the 3rd world countries now as well as the eco fascists who all see an opportunity to get ahead not by working hard or investing wisely, but by politics and banging the begging bowl and relying on emotion.

The UN is upset as they can see all that money slipping away, another opportunity to dig into the wallets of developed countries to redistribute as THEY want to.

You really have it ass backwards, but it is amusing - like Hasbeen says, do some reading, clearly you have a theory but it needs updating and some current awareness thrown in.
Posted by rpg, Saturday, 12 December 2009 6:20:00 AM
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Col your "right of choice" does not extend to the willful and avoidable destruction of the planet for your own greedy desires.
Your insane "reds under the beds" mentality and rabid hatred of anything possibly "socialist" is just illogical and dogmatic in the extreme. You argue, wrongly, that socialism is lack of freedom and choice and the authoritarianism of stalin or mao. I do not support any such thing so I musnt be a "socialist".
I support freedom of choice and individuality, indeed I value them, and diversity, as the most important traits of humanity. What I dont support is exploitation, domination, servitude, elitism, unfairness, inequity, injustice, corruption, ignorance, racism, nationalism, consumerism, pollution, extreme wealth, parasitism, freeloading, violence, war, exclusion, faith, capitalism and god. All things I increasingly see becoming more and more indicative of todays disfunctional and destructive society. So how does that make me a "socialist" like stalin or mao?
You argue as if you are in the fifth grade... in the 50s. The cold war is over mate. Now it is time to take down the greedy capitalists. This time before they destroy us all and make the whole world a siberian gulag cesspit of death and disaster.
Posted by mikk, Saturday, 12 December 2009 12:10:12 PM
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mikk "when our cities begin to drown"...

Well if that's the consequence I'd best start using more carbon. Dont you see, if our cities drown, the human plague is eliminated and our carbon emission targets will be met (not to mention a lot of other things just get more sustainable too). Now, if we can just think up a ruse to get the Canberra population there too, we'll also be free of the idiots who are trying to hamstring our ability to deal with any POTENTIAL climate crisis.
Posted by Country Gal, Sunday, 13 December 2009 7:46:41 AM
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