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Fourteen days to seal history’s judgment on this generation : Comments

By The Guardian, published 10/12/2009

Editorial 'The Guardian': On December 8, 2009 56 newspapers in 45 countries took the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice.

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In return to "the guardian", Who is Inigo Owen Jones?
Posted by Dallas, Thursday, 10 December 2009 7:10:44 PM
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<<So a few posters on OLO are responsible for no action being taken by anyone on climate change. I had no idea they were so powerful.>>

Not powerful. LIABLE!
Every denier is helping (albeit in their own small way) to stop action being taken and putting their children (and ours) at risk. They must be reminded that their actions and words will not be forgotten and in the event that they are wrong they will be held accountable. All of them! Rest assured, I will be doing a lot more than tut tutting should you neanderthals be wrong and disaster befalls us
Posted by mikk, Friday, 11 December 2009 7:12:20 AM
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So mikk - you'll have no problem with skeptics hunting you do as well when it turns out all to be a fabulous folly? I expect you'll be right up front and volunteer yourself for public ridicule, and be happy to wear a sign around your neck, something like "I thought science was a religion, I was wrong" (this is my Friday sense of humor obviously)

Or is the liability only one way?

"I will be doing a lot more than tut tutting should you neanderthals be wrong and disaster befalls us" - really like what? Undoing the knot in your knickers? What would you do, besides braying like the bully you are, come on don't be bashfull, tell us what you'd do?

Jeez you get some whackers on these forums, anonymous violent threats now, if you don't join group think. It's a democracy mikk, we're allowed to have different thoughts and speak them, and it is actually protected in our constitution.

I know it's your own personal effort to silence dissent and debate, but other people are actually allowed to disagree with you, as weird as you find that concept.

Oh well, i'm sure you feel empowered making empty, hollow threats.

I'd suggest a good lie down, Bex if you've got em, and try to think peaceful thoughts, you're losing it.

What is it with the anger on the Internet? I'm all for anonymity, but sometimes I think some people should be hunted down and medicated for their own good.

mikk, you are probably a suitable case for treatment, like Morgan was.

Just my happy thought for the day ..
Posted by odo, Friday, 11 December 2009 7:57:16 AM
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Bugsy has, obviously, never heard the term

“playing to the gallery”

And Houlle obviously has


Mikk “And all your comments and opinions will be stored here for us to remember who it was that stopped action being taken.”

And what will happen then?

Will we all be sent off to some re-education gulag ?

Will we be forced to toil in the killing fields ?

Will our food supplies be diverted in the name of the socialist proletariat and we be left to starve to death?

Will our children be removed from our care and placed into state boarding schools to be brainwashed to best suit Bolshevism?

Because all the above are among the “tools” used by previous socialist / collectivist governments to ensure their citizens “conformed” with the collective view

and here you are warning us that our comments will be remembered for having stopped the great socialist fraud of the 21st century

and that we will be “LIABLE!”

Doubtless the Mikk equivalent of “the committee for public safety” (per the Robespierre model) will be prosecuting me

I recall during the time of the Frnch revolution the period known as “The Terror” was that time after the common citizenry had taken control and all were fearful of being denounced. Lenin and Stalin used similar devices and dear old Erich Honecker did a splendid job with his Staasi.

The point of “being” an individual is to develop and grow. We are not all “worker ants” grovelling to support the whole but all individuals who exercise choices.

In short.. the difference between living and existing is

The right of choice

So, regarding all the collectivist responsibility swills attempts at moral blackmail and notions of free individuals being “LIABLE”

Mikk - Go blow it out your “socialist cesspool” ear (or any other available orifice)
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 11 December 2009 8:19:36 AM
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"Yes, Brian, we're all individuals"
Posted by Clownfish, Friday, 11 December 2009 8:31:02 AM
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Come on Col, is it Socialism or Capitalism at work here?
Posted by Bugsy, Friday, 11 December 2009 9:13:46 AM
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