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The Forum > Article Comments > Why is violence and bigotry in Australia so impossible to curtail? > Comments

Why is violence and bigotry in Australia so impossible to curtail? : Comments

By Chris James, published 14/12/2009

Where do Australians get their crass racial attitudes and their legitimisation of violence towards people of difference?

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Of course there are race/religious riots 'par extraordinaire' in India that make our racism look trivial, as do those elsewhere in conflicted countries.

Regardless, of the comparative levels, our 'low' level racism (more background rather than extreme) and explaining it is the subject of the article.

I can't see any reference of comparative judgement in this article.
It is simply 'here is a problem', this is why I think it exists.

Your reasonable options are to discuss the failings of the article in that context. Beyond that, your protestation come across as unnecessary and irrelevant knee jerk paranoia.

That a bit like saying the 'bodies in the barrels' killers are more acceptable than Martin Bryant simply because he killed more people, Or because the barrel killers only killed social security recipients
Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 3:24:15 PM
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I do not agree. "Where do Australians get their crass racial attitudes " is bigotry personified.

Examinator, according to you it cannot be racism when one holds an. Australian passport from another thread. You confuse.

I agree racism exists but we need justice for victims of it but not make victims out of whole segment based on race, that is racism and the silly victim industry some seem to to salivate over which is truly digusting.
Posted by TheMissus, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 5:23:29 PM
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Racially crass attitudes in Australia? hmmm, if that's what we have and you believe that, then more Australians should travel overseas and see and hear what happens in other countries.

The English have a huge problem with the numbers of immigrants from the middle east, India and Britich dependancies. Most of the European countries; France, Holland Sweden, etc, have are racially predjudiced against middle eastern immigrants. The French hate everyone, they don't pick or choose, if you are not French, you are not there. Nice people though once you get to know them.

These countries are not racially crass? They are more than that and in some instances they really have a right to be.

The the Americans still have to this day, racially crass attitudes to African Americans, the Latinos and the middle eastern immigrants to their over stressed country and they have a black president! They are still racially crass even to each other, those born in the South as opposed to thise born in the North...

India has a class system that no modern country in this world would tolerate.

As for China and Japan they don't even take immigrants from other nationalities.

And we are crass?
Posted by RaeBee, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 6:41:23 PM
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