The Forum > Article Comments > The miracle of conception is no metaphor for some women > Comments
The miracle of conception is no metaphor for some women : Comments
By Monica Dux, published 15/12/2009There is an ugly, modern trend towards blaming infertility on the sufferer.
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Our population growth is non-sustainable. We may already have increased our species over the number that the earth can provide with a decent standard of living. However, our tribal attitude hasn't adjusted to that fact. We keep destroying the planet for ourselves and other species. We will continue to have wars, destroy the planet and have too many babies until nature will correct the situation.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 10:21:21 AM
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When we got married we made vow to each other (not on the day, just between us) that we would never use medical intervention for reason aside from medical emergency. No cosmetic surgery, no getting pregnant apart from the natural way and no tube tie or other nonsense. We did agree on false teeth :) should the need arise and that is about it.
The same with many minor cancers. Apparently many will self correct so why go through so much stress over something that will fix it itself. We expect too much from medicine and have become science experiments in the process. Posted by TheMissus, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 10:39:20 AM
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Monica has made an astute observation of modern society that we are increasingly sure that we can control all manner of things, including our fertility. The hubris of modernity is that it all comes down to personal choice and in doing so we ignore that much in life is down to hazard and chance. We must all now have a life plan, it is no good drifting along and taking the best opportunities that fit our capacities. I was in Melbourne last month and I could not help noticing an RMIT billboard that prompted us to be the "author of our own lives." When we find that we cannot be that then the only one to blame is ourselves.
At a deeper philosophical level this is the result of the "turn to the self" that we celebrate as the Enlightenment and we are now reaping its bitter fruits. Peter Sellick Posted by Sells, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:06:24 AM
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Don't really know where to start with this one, quite the uber-feminist, luddite rant.
One point of fact though, the article states without reference IVF's "very low success rates". This provider quotes at age 35, success rates of 90% for 3 completed cycles. I have no reason to doubt the validity of the data, they go on to say rates drop with age, as with normal pregnancy rates. Do not disagree with David F about the fact that the world hardly needs more mouths to feed. The question here though, is judging the choices of others. If people want a child then the technology exists to assist them. Other questions regarding the sense of assisting reproduction in those unable to conceive naturally are worthy of consideration (eg perpetuating genetic flaws.. potentially), but as an example, why should a woman rendered infertile through PID be denied the opportunity of pregnancy? Posted by stickman, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:55:39 AM
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Yes Monica anything that goes wrong in our lives can not possibly be our own fualts. It must always be someone else or just plain bad luck.
The point here is if you can do something to improve your chances of achieving your goal you should do it, you can choose not to it's up to you, but don't think you will not be judge on that choice. Sells the gaps for your god are getting smaller and smaller, so there be no room for him at all. Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 12:48:46 PM
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Some people won't stop until we cannot criticise any woman at any time for any reason. They seem to see women as pathetic creatures in need of protection. Get with the times.
Posted by benk, Tuesday, 15 December 2009 3:18:00 PM