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Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen? : Comments
By Ian Read, published 4/12/2009Climate modelling used to determine the risk of human-induced climate change rests not only on data observed but also on assumptions and gross approximations.
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So why all the hype
Why the three-ring circus?
Socialism by Stealth
Thats why!
Having failed the economic test, the small, envious minds of the left have infiltrated the soft underbelly of the environmentalists, with the intention of forcing their (previously failed) collectivist ideology upon the world.
I only hope I don’t get dragged along by all the dullard sheep who, despite their stupidity, also get to vote.
Like Leigh said “The final paragraph says it all; but still the hysterics will blunder on, and the politicians will continue to use false information and downright lies to fool and frighten people to prop up their corrupt regimes.”
Johnm Ryan “Your wasting your time trying to talk sense with Leigh,Runner et al because don,t like being told they might be wrong, with that lot whatever comes out of the Right wing noise machine in the US, and the backsides of Bolt and Ackerman two more loathsome people you could never hope to meet,is correct”
Ah less than objective statement … typical, moronic, monocular, left wing rubbish..
Arjay “Money it seems, can buy almost anything,even scientific fraud.”
Yes “whoring” is not contained within the back streets of St Kilda.
Ken Fabos “the desperate tactics of those who can't present a scientifically credible case otherwise.”
Proving a negative is impossible.. hoevwer, climate scientists are still postulating theories (based on bodgey data) and claiming it as “positive proof”
Reality.. “scientific bull-tish” remains “bull-tish” regardless of who is spreading it.
Wobbles “I'd love to see some of the emails from the denialists leaked into the public domain.”
Unfortunately they get lost . buried under the avalanche of pro-AGW lies and phoney research papers