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The pros and cons of biblical criticism : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 4/12/2009Modernity is the enemy of faith, not because it exposes faith as irrational but because it cripples the imagination.
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You can argue that John's gospel, written later than the synoptic gospels, is not a historical account of actual words of Jesus, but a theological primer. Its opening verse asserts the divinity of Jesus throughout time. The writer knew Jesus or at the very least the other apostles, and wanted to sum up authoritatively some of the core beliefs of Christianity.
I accept the theological truth of the words attributed to Jesus: "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by me." In Matthew 16:16 Peter confesses "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God". John's gospel asserts on behalf of Christ a claim to exclusive truth. As Jesus told Pilate (in John 18), "For this reason I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Anyone who is on the side of truth listens to me."
The church today has to contend with many enemies. First is modernist rationality which destroys imagination, as Sells says, and faith. But the essence of faith is not the absence of doubt: it is the absence of certainty! If there were scientific certainty, there’d be no need for faith.
Second is postmodernist nihilism.
Third, deriving from the postmodernist condition, is junking of religious faith for a subjective and relativist spiritual ‘search’. This has caused some parts of the church to yield to New Age ideas like "there are many paths to God", and "the essential unity of all religions". Absolutely incompatible with Christ's claim to exclusive truth!
Some ‘seeker-sensitive’ churches try to plug into the psychological needs and desires of 'seekers' and concentrate on 'personal improvement' stuff - a theme of New Age and gnosticism: the belief that, with the right attitude and special knowledge, you can be or become God.
Churches sucked into this, or prepared to 'explain away' mythos elements of Christianity [MORE]