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Self-interest blocks real action on climate change : Comments

By Georgia Lowe, published 30/11/2009

There is a lack of Australian leadership on climate change and a huge amount of taxpayer dollars going to big polluters.

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Whatever the rights or wrongs of climatge chamge theory are, one thing is for certain - the proposed ETS will have a negligable effect on Australia's CO2 emmissions. It is a trading scheme that will line the pockets of banks and brokers with money stolen by stealth from the purses of Australian taxpayers. Everyone will pay dearly. The impost on electricity prices and transport will infiltrate every part of our lives from food to entertainment. All for our less than 2% of global emmissions while dear leader Rudd and his minions jet around the globe, chests puffed out, trying to convince other countries that they are the Messiahs of climate change. The simplest and quickest way to reduce our emmissions is to replace our coal fired base load power supply with an alternative. As he has rejected Nuclear out of hand it will need to gas powered. If all the money wasted thus far on the ETS had been put into doing something useful, we wouldn't have a problem
Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 30 November 2009 5:06:40 PM
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Thanks for pointing out the conflict of interests that seems to so often disable politicians - power to the people or power to the party?
What seems to get lost in all the vitriol about global warming and GHG's is that it is only one of the symptoms of our guzzling of resources. Probably the biggest and possibly the most dangerous, but if we can't find the nouse to deal with that then what of our declining water tables, loss of topsoil, nitrogen pouring into the sea, species and habitat destruction, and so on? If we want our civilisation to carry on for the foreseable future we are going to have to learn to live with our environment, not off it.
We and our elected representatives must get to grips with that. If the mayhem surrounding the CPRS is anything to go by, when economic greed and self interest seem to trump common sense, we are in for a rough ride.
Posted by Mchena, Monday, 30 November 2009 5:57:35 PM
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"f we want our civilisation to carry on for the foreseable future we are going to have to learn to live with our environment, not off it. We and our elected representatives must get to grips with that. If the mayhem surrounding the CPRS is anything to go by, when economic greed and self interest seem to trump common sense, we are in for a rough ride."

That is a classic example of the nasty pious irrational anti-human fascism that caused the whole thing. It's not about 'the environment', it's about power.

McHena, why don't you stop using natural resources, you half-wit? What are you doing using electricity for, and sitting inside a house for? How can you possibly reconcile that with your belief system?

You are richer than most of the world's population. Why do you require politicians to forcibly redistribute it to the poor? Why don't you do it voluntarily, hypocrite? Or do as the quail of the field do, and live among tussocks bare-arsed to the blast you idiot. Can't you see? Don't you get the connection? Are you honestly that vain and stupid?

And then these idiots have got the gall to talk about civilisation. By far the greatest threat to civilisation comes from socialism, not global warming.

We have just come through a century in which this same belief system caused over a hundred million deaths, tens of millions of which were from the collectivisation of agriculture, and now the same criminal idiots want a scheme in which agriculture and industry are demonised, and the whole world's economy *and* the whole world's ecology is put in the hands of fascist central planners who think the prime function of government is forcible redistribution of other people's labour and property, and human life is of lower priority than 'the environment' aka the political power of the parasite class.

What makes you think they wouldn't be pleased if large numbers of people just happened to die?
Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 30 November 2009 7:17:40 PM
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"We have just come through a century in which this same belief system caused over a hundred million deaths, tens of millions of which were from the collectivisation of agriculture, and now the same criminal idiots want a scheme in which agriculture and industry are demonised, and the whole world's economy *and* the whole world's ecology is put in the hands of fascist central planners who think the prime function of government is forcible redistribution of other people's labour and property, and human life is of lower priority than 'the environment' aka the political power of the parasite class."

Come on, Peter. Don't hold back. Say what you REALLY think.

You're right, though.
Posted by Jon J, Monday, 30 November 2009 7:39:24 PM
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Go Peter :)

It's about time these parasite/contribute/nothing to the world loony's copped it in the clacker!

I wonder if any of them have actually thought what it would be like for 7 billion people to live 250 years ago? Without candles of course, because imagine the CO2 coming off 21 billion candles!
Posted by RawMustard, Monday, 30 November 2009 8:21:08 PM
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Graham Young.

After reading all the tripe and venom on this subject, I am not too sure why you continue to run this forum.

You don't need to be a scientist to come to the conclusion that all is not right with the world. In our own area, the water table in the Koo-wee-rup swamp area is dropping and there is an increase in the amount of salt due to over use of this resource. In a very short time inflow of sea water will render the whole area unsuitable for agriculture.

The same thing applies to the Great Artesian Basin, where until fairly recently, uncapped bores allowed water to needlessly run to waste. These resources have taken millions of years to accumulate, but we have only taken a hundred years to destroy them.

All around the world there are glaciers which are receding at an alarming rate. Why? Because the temperature is rising and the ice is melting. It is surely not just coincidence that all these things have happened since the dawn of the industrial revolution when the per capita cosumption of energy has started to increase exponentially.

It won't be too long before we will all be back to riding bicycles, because will will have run out of fuel to drive our expensive motor cars.

The human race is its own worst enemy and unfortunately it is probably too late to reverse the trend which will take it to oblivion.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 December 2009 8:09:07 AM
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