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Rudd offers insults instead of evidence : Comments

By Joanne Nova, published 20/11/2009

Anyone who questions the theory that carbon causes catastrophic warming is called 'dangerous'. This is supposed to pass for reasoned debate?

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This concept has changed from being one of pre-election consesus to a opportunistic political tool as seen by the re-posturing of Abbott and Minchin.

I suspect this is positioning for a leadership attack on Turnbull before the end of the next parliamentary recess.

The rantings of that publicity whore, Barnaby are to be expected but I suspect he has his eyes on a leadership job too.

To those who believe in climate change being affected by human activities but are against the ETS, please suggest another option.

To those who don't please explain who the vested interests are that are going to make "billions"?
Posted by wobbles, Saturday, 21 November 2009 1:22:40 AM
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I would like to question Kruds motives for wanting to 'rush through' an ETS while the world’s larger produces of CO2 are postponing their schemes until after the world climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Of cause he uses his threat of a ‘double dissolution vote’ in an effort to scare those opposite. But why?
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 21 November 2009 6:19:13 AM
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Too bad this has been brought into the light of day:

"The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet."

"CRU director admits hacked files genuine ",2933,576009,00.html

Many links to the story there.

Time to return those tickets for Copenhagen to the travel agency.
Posted by renysol, Saturday, 21 November 2009 8:14:44 AM
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Following the posts here are you? Particularly the bit where Jon J posted the same thing, with pretty much the same breathless comments.

Take a deep breath, both of you. Yes, there has been a leak. Hopefully that leak includes what should have be public data all along. As far as I can tell it was collected using equipment funded by public money, by people paid using public money, to publish public papers which can't be validated without the data. I agree not releasing such data is bordering on a scandal. Quite apart from there being no ethical, scientific or comercial case for not releasing it, such behaviour leaves them open to wild conspiracy theories about what they trying to hide.

However, there is 62Mb of it, and it has been out for all of 3 days or so. It will take months for the likes of Stephen McIntyre to crunch it all and see if he can find any smoking guns.

In the mean time there is nothing much to say, except perhaps it would be nice if you two stopped blowing a lot of hot air - we have far too much of that already.
Posted by rstuart, Saturday, 21 November 2009 8:54:59 AM
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No doubt in the view of being 'balanced' the worshippers of the High Priests of gw at the ABC/SBS will be reporting on this. Don't hold your breath. And to think some here on OLO call GrahamY unbalanced. Ms Wong and Mr Rudd should say sorry to the Australian public for passing on lies.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 21 November 2009 9:38:49 AM
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The "Climate change" scare is obviously a plot by those World Government conspirators at the UN to steal our precious liberties and interfere with our money making schemes. Don't worry capitalists no government will really take effective action to reduce greenhouse gases,if the political elites were actually serious they'd tax greenhouse emissions,the ETS is just slight of hand.Relax,your wallets are safe. Any of us who are still around by 2050,will know the truth,or not,of global warming.

Does the author really claim the approx. 30,000 scientists whose specialty is not climatology are equally qualifed to pass judgement on the hypothesis?
This sounds like the "argument from authority" fallacy to me.
Posted by mac, Saturday, 21 November 2009 9:58:54 AM
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