The Forum > Article Comments > Pulling CO2 from the air: promising idea, big price tag > Comments
Pulling CO2 from the air: promising idea, big price tag : Comments
By David Biello, published 27/10/2009Extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using 'artificial trees' may have potential but will be expensive.
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Posted by Manorina, Thursday, 29 October 2009 7:35:03 AM
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Actually Freeman Dyson has suggested that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations could be lowered by genetically engineering trees to absorb more carbon dioxide. Which is not as far-fetched as it sounds. If I recall correctly, preliminary research by the CSIRO suggested that eucalypts responded positively to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Dyson's suggestion has received little coverage, I suspect for two reasons: the very idea of GM trees is anathema to the rural romanticism of the largely urban Green elite, and besides, Freeman Dyson is one of those wicked Anthropogenic Global Warming heretics. Posted by Clownfish, Friday, 30 October 2009 9:25:40 AM
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There are many possibilities at removing ghg from the atmosphere - both "artificial" and natural.
We are going to need sea barriers and dykes to help protect the land. Perhaps we can build coral reefs with genetically modified coral forms? Surely there are compounds made from salt, CO2, and H2O that would be useful to us and earn an economic return. Whatever method proves to be viable we are going to need two things. First is a lot of non polluting energy and second (or is it first) a lot of cheap investment money to fund the investments. Here is a way to get both these while increasing our total wealth. Posted by Fickle Pickle, Monday, 2 November 2009 10:25:41 AM
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Re carbon capture/storage,we already have an extremely high technology method of doing this.It has been around for a few million years I believe.It is called a TREE.
Maybe we should be planting a few million of these marvels on the clapped out agricultural and grazing land we have in abundance in Australia.And they are actually self regenerating and they do other things like stopping the soil from washing away and actually promote rainfall.