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Is God the cause of the world? : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 16/10/2009

Belief does not rest on evidence; it is a different way of knowing than that of scientific knowledge.

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eve has been much miss-represented through histry

the reason for this to unbind..those who
systamaticly/religiously/seek to divide matrarchal rule....

im sure it has something to/do with war/murder...then forcing the raped/ of war

we have reached..the heights of absurdity..

where a to hospital...
and the thing birthed...from her own body...
get's/given..the name of the father

[a system...apparently...with a high default rate...your daddy aint ya faTHER ...BUT DADDY/DONT KNOW..]

so much for setting..eve free...
but how it went down

so the dreamtime...
for such is the root/of this patriarchal deception...

anyhow..satan..did-ssst..ask eve

[gen 3;1]
..;..''yea...[mamma..of all men]..'didest..god forbid'..

and in truth..reading the preceeding/
..god didnt forbid eve nuthing...

see eve comes from adams t c his rib..
at[..gen..2;21..the fruit/thing..was at gen..2;16

..adam appears to have told her..for she replied..[gen3;2-3]

how god did clear/even now/
[simply by tossing away..that troublesum..'y'.. gene]..double up on the god gene..['x']..and presto..XX..god has her revenge..on mankind

ya see..adam wanted..what the beasts/got...

ie a clone of opposing sex..[but strictly speaking incestious/
hence the holy/men..of old could reveal..only hints

see/a clone..=a biological/twin...=eve is adams sister...

ok with far?

adam/married..[ok mated]..with his sister...yet knew it not.
.but eve..with the right of/co-creator...knew it well...its a woman/thing

why are we not..of our mothers name...well/..woman is shattle of patriarchal/bull-ssss-hit...

anyhow this../patriarchal written/in the various/patriarchal/mosaic laws..moses thought to give/ the children of..the old ones...[that never left/the deserts..who told it to me

anyhow...the laws state...
..that a husband...CAN FORGIVE..his wife..a foolishness

[and/ dont get/..more foolish..than a goddamm/apple..[forgive me lord]

so too can adam..[her brother...forgive a sister a foolisness

so too her father...etc..

..and as adam was a gentleman...know he forgave his wife/sister/lover...your great-etc/gran-mother..

so lets make it all eves/daughters...
..we all got the same matriarchal last/name..

all got eve's/bloodline

dont ask me..the why..of those who the womb/
..the mother..of them other/nations...

but her great/great was eve...TOO
..all our/us..matriarchal/ancestorial/incestious/..womb..

..we live/with that/..for EVE'..r
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 November 2009 8:18:17 PM
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Oh God,
this is getting really boring, but I can't help myself!
I'm really impressed about just how historically knowledgeable we all are, but the trouble is, we all historicise events without historicising ourselves! So are we mouthing contemporary discourse, or are we being objective? This is the beauty of scientific method---but can we be objective? We've already covered that, but nyes!
Relda: So the ancient Greeks were a bunch of chauvinists, tut tut, that the OT Adam and Eve thing corrects? Hmm. Though women still play second fiddle support in the Christian world view?
And yet, for heaven's sake, Christianity also saw through stereotypes---I've been so blind!
"The Greek theme of women as universally and inherently alluring but disastrous, infiltrated Jewish thought when Palestine came under Hellenistic influence". Wow, it's just as though you were there!
"In Christianity, from the second century onward, women were viewed [by whom?] as more responsible than men for the debilitating evil that permeates life [what debilitating evil that permeates life?]. Thomas Aquinas reflected this attitude in much of his thought".

I don't want to argue with this, per se, I'm just flabagasted about how all thought is pigeonholed. One can see what Foucault was on about!
It's just as though individuals didn't exist (we don't, of course)! Rather, we are all representations born of some particular discourse or other. Did none of us ever have an original thought?

"As to which ‘fiction’ has merged with the west to find a better ‘reality’, I’ll let you be the judge". Now this is provocative! I'll take the Greeks anytime. Their philosophy was nipped in the bud after all. But no, actually, modern philosophy has far from shaken off the influence; it's nearly an unbroken dialectic since Pythagoras and Plato---notwithstanding thought being retarded by the mental starch of Christianity!
Do you really argue, Relda, that Christian hegemony---since life is purely generic, apparently, in your schema---has been our saviour?

Since reality is up for grabs, I'll take existentialism---even postmodernism!---over the Christian crock.
Sorry folks, incoherent reality check!
Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 15 November 2009 8:18:32 PM
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David, likewise.
I agree, Jesus was not a Christian.
Or, to put it another way, he was probably a good bloke, before he got religisised.
Posted by Grim, Sunday, 15 November 2009 8:57:32 PM
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I find David to be essentially correct in his synopsis. Once the "apostle of the gentiles" , Paul, had been given approval by the leadership of the church in Jerusalem for a mission directed at gentiles, the original direction of Jesus’ work was remodeled radically. Non-Jews joined the church in large numbers, and in accordance with the proselytizing model prevailing in Judaism at that time, ‘new demands’ arose to adjust to the changed situation. The transplantation of the Christian movement into gentile territory occurred and affected the status of the Torah - the source of inspiration and the rule of life for Jesus.

Despite an express order by Jesus, the Torah was declared not binding, abolished, nullified and outmoded. Jesus had understood Torah with such simplicity and depth and had lived it with such integrity for what he saw as its internal truth. Paul defined it, with regard to its actual effect, as an instrument of sin and death. The same Paul is responsible for the unprecedented change in the concept of the imitatio Dei, which created the great chasm between Judaism and Christianity.

The introduction of mediators and the Christcentrism replaced the Theocentrism of Jesus, thus separating Christians from Jews, not however Jews from Jesus
Posted by relda, Monday, 16 November 2009 5:52:48 AM
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You mean, he got religisised by Gentiles?
Posted by Grim, Monday, 16 November 2009 6:32:57 AM
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jesus wasnt a jew

just because talmudic northern/bolchovic jews/wanted to assume a status/..4th reiche..of satanic/ the semite homelands
dosnt excuse ignorance

only jews get to ask one...

the jews are gods people/ much as any other/..who is also living..but we all gods will alone...

there is no confusion about jesus return... rebut the lie of reserection/judgment day

we all get reborn/...jesus said..he would come back..and did...

proving that of which he spoke...religions have done little of which to be proud/but religions are the deception...we can know god only one to one..

the very concept/of..hanging a dead corpse on a cross/..eating his flesh/..drinking his blood...see this is/pure demonic ritual

how does it take the credit for others work...
thats about as absurd as taking the sin...

the will to sin is/in the love of sining..jesus died via our need to sin..not so we are sin again

sinners's..who need/a scape-goat..
will allways find excuse/to sin

the temple/had been rebuilt..there is no prophecy...of it being rebuilt/any more times..than it was

jesus was offered these realms/and refused it...get it

he said to his generation..he would come back before this generation passed..and he did...

the gallilain..not the judean..king of the judeans/ a joke/was a joke at the can a king of

ignoring the truth/will keep you the idiots/fools and decievers...who know not good/god..indfeed by their aCTS..PROVE THEY ARE FAR/..FROM THE GOD...SUSTAINING ALL LIFE

god's graces..are available to all..
simply go and sin no more...

STOP loving loading/ya sins upon others...

let ye without sin..not lay down with the people/of the swine..who's circumsised lips...consume the most bitter fruits..of choice

who their deeds/works..will you know them..prove the anti-christ/..stands in the holy of holies/to oppress/to murder...but in the main to decieve those..not knowing god is love
Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 November 2009 6:43:34 AM
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