The Forum > Article Comments > Is God the cause of the world? > Comments
Is God the cause of the world? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 16/10/2009Belief does not rest on evidence; it is a different way of knowing than that of scientific knowledge.
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the reason for this to unbind..those who
systamaticly/religiously/seek to divide matrarchal rule....
im sure it has something to/do with war/murder...then forcing the raped/ of war
we have reached..the heights of absurdity..
where a to hospital...
and the thing birthed...from her own body...
get's/given..the name of the father
[a system...apparently...with a high default rate...your daddy aint ya faTHER ...BUT DADDY/DONT KNOW..]
so much for setting..eve free...
but how it went down
so the dreamtime...
for such is the root/of this patriarchal deception...
anyhow..satan..did-ssst..ask eve
[gen 3;1]
..;..''yea...[mamma..of all men]..'didest..god forbid'..
and in truth..reading the preceeding/
..god didnt forbid eve nuthing...
see eve comes from adams t c his rib..
at[..gen..2;21..the fruit/thing..was at gen..2;16
..adam appears to have told her..for she replied..[gen3;2-3]
how god did clear/even now/
[simply by tossing away..that troublesum..'y'.. gene]..double up on the god gene..['x']..and presto..XX..god has her revenge..on mankind
ya see..adam wanted..what the beasts/got...
ie a clone of opposing sex..[but strictly speaking incestious/
hence the holy/men..of old could reveal..only hints
see/a clone..=a biological/twin...=eve is adams sister...
ok with far?
adam/married..[ok mated]..with his sister...yet knew it not.
.but eve..with the right of/co-creator...knew it well...its a woman/thing
why are we not..of our mothers name...well/..woman is shattle of patriarchal/bull-ssss-hit...
anyhow this../patriarchal written/in the various/patriarchal/mosaic laws..moses thought to give/ the children of..the old ones...[that never left/the deserts..who told it to me
anyhow...the laws state...
..that a husband...CAN FORGIVE..his wife..a foolishness
[and/ dont get/..more foolish..than a goddamm/apple..[forgive me lord]
so too can adam..[her brother...forgive a sister a foolisness
so too her father...etc..
..and as adam was a gentleman...know he forgave his wife/sister/lover...your great-etc/gran-mother..
so lets make it all eves/daughters...
..we all got the same matriarchal last/name..
all got eve's/bloodline
dont ask me..the why..of those who the womb/
..the mother..of them other/nations...
but her great/great was eve...TOO
..all our/us..matriarchal/ancestorial/incestious/..womb..
..we live/with that/..for EVE'..r