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The Forum > Article Comments > The chutzpah of the Catholic Church > Comments

The chutzpah of the Catholic Church : Comments

By Asher Lipner, published 21/8/2009

The Catholic Church should be ashamed of itself after the exposure of its tolerance of pedophile priests.

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Formersnag - The stats on sexual abuse of children by their fathers is 1%. Why are you suggesting that fathers are responsible for most it, when the evidence, is, that somebody else is responsible, 99% of the time?

Just because there is no evidence for something doesn’t mean it is not true. Until recent years there was no evidence of sexual abuse among the clergy but now we know it has existed for decades. I suggest it is much more difficult to admit that you have been abused by your father than by your local priest. It would be even harder to bring criminal proceedings against your father.

This discussion is about sexual abuse and not about other types of abuse. No one is saying that there are not other types of abuse perpetrated by both men and women
Posted by phanto, Saturday, 22 August 2009 8:02:02 PM
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The fact the holocaust was even brought up in an article about Catholic priets and child abuse shows how politicised and meaningless it has become. Where is the connection?

Jews have long used the holocaust to claim some sort of moral superiority over the rest of us - even condescending to designate some people during the second world war as 'righteous gentiles' for helping Jews. This, of course, implies the other millions who didn't help Jews were somehow immoral. This includes the 15 million Russians who perished and the millions from other countries who gave their lives to stop Hitler. A continent destroyed, 25 million dead and hundreds of millions homeless and destitute. But they weren't Jewish so we don't hear about them.

And as for your canard about not forgetting so its not repeated. Well, it has been repeated. In Cambodia, in Bosnia and in Rwanda. But again, these victims weren't Jewish so I guess they don't count.

Perhaps you could ask your 'eloquent' Rabbi what Jews did to help the Cambodians during Pol Pot's reign of terror, or how much aid he sent to victims of Rwanda's violent genocide?
Posted by dane, Saturday, 22 August 2009 8:04:03 PM
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Thank You Rabbi Dr Asher Lipner,

From the Almighty's lips to your ears!.
May the Loving Creator of the Universe forever shine abundent Blessings upon you
and yours! :)

May the Spirit of Truth & Wisdom live in the mind & hearts of all men like a bell
for the sound of echoing Justice to reign!

Posted by Deanna Leonti, Sunday, 23 August 2009 12:13:24 AM
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As a devout atheist and practicing " love-thy-neighbour " schism, this debate appears to have been hijacked and derailed.

One of the fundamentals of robust semantics is to adhere to the script. Citing " red-herrings " and weasel words to divert attention is strictly verboten. Personality vilification is another. Some of the more recent luminaries of OLO stultify healthy discussion, never read the ' script ' and go off in a tangent out of synch, pursuing some miasmic agenda !

So much for our lauded Universities, and Julia Gillard's much vaunted Educational system.

Rabbi Ashar Lipner - you have my undying gratitude in bringing revelancy to the debate.

Feel free to visit us. You are always welcome in our humble abode.

Posted by shellback, Monday, 24 August 2009 7:44:01 AM
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Shellback – The debate has not been hi-jacked it has exposed the article for what it is. It is one person’s personal grievance masquerading as concern for victims of child sexual abuse. Anyone who abuses these forums for their own personal agenda should be exposed in the hope that they do not do it again.

If the author was genuinely concerned about the victims he could have written a perfectly reasoned argument about the mismanagement of the Catholic Church. It has been done many times before. It just needs to be reasonable and logical. It does not need to include any of his personal information. We did not even need to know that he was Jewish.

What more needs to be said about the situation anyway? Any sexual abuse is wrong and covering it up is wrong. How many ways are there to say the same thing? A lot needs to be done to help and support victims and to obtain justice where possible. This is practical help. If the author is so concerned perhaps he should use his energy to set up counselling services or help with legal expenses.

It seems to me that he is more concerned that the Catholic Church has brought religious groups into disrepute and that he is afraid that some of the mud may stick on the synagogue. If he was really secure in his righteousness then he should not be so worried.
Posted by phanto, Monday, 24 August 2009 11:40:02 AM
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Without belabouring the point and sounding repetitive, the article by Rabbi Lipner was selected ( as I understand it ) by the Editorial staff of OLO, from a multutude of modern, contentious essayist.

His cv dwarfs many Academics, Political identities and celebrities. His work is known throughout Europe, Israel and abroad. He is widely read, and is credited with numerous Books, journals, essays etc. The New York Times, Guardian, Economist, Times etc publishes his works regularly. He is widely sought after, and in great demand.

As for his philanthropy, community works and tireless energies for directing welfare groups, migrants, displaced persons, refugees etc - He is the recipient of countless Awards and accolades.

Finally, what is your claim to fame ?
Posted by shellback, Monday, 24 August 2009 3:26:55 PM
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