The Forum > Article Comments > A parallel Australia - tackling mental health > Comments
A parallel Australia - tackling mental health : Comments
By Rob Moodie, published 24/10/2005Rob Moodie suggests ways of combatting the increasing prevalence of mental health problems in Australia.
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What I find interesting is the lack of interest in some topics like this one. Wave a hijab in some ones face, or decry laws in response to terrorism, trivialise the threat of terrorism or the illusion of terrorism or throw up the issue of intelligent design, or IR changes - and you get an avalanche of responses.
We are pre occupied with the unlikely, the undemonstratable and the un legislated. We dont care about the Mentally Ill so we do not respond in any great numbers to these articles.
But show us the facts about a national scandal responsible for more deaths than has been the odd random bomber - and the over whelming resposne is ho hum.
It is our scorn for those mentally ill that is the problem - politicians are creatures of the community they serve; historically and contemporarily we just dont like the mentally ill; that is why we ignore their plight even when it stares s right between the eyes.
Our politicain prefer to chase the sexy issues of terorrists and the like; and spend exorbitant amounts of money on protecting us from the unlikely - while spneding didilee squat on a problem that will touch every single one of us more often and with effects as deveastating as the acts of a few extremists - but I suspect a large number of us like it that way.
I do not believe for a moment much will be done for the mentally ill- like so many things we almost tend to need them as it is only by comparison with those who are suffering that we feel alright ourselves.