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The Forum > Article Comments > Beyond abstraction: moving the public on climate action > Comments

Beyond abstraction: moving the public on climate action : Comments

By Doug Struck, published 23/6/2009

Most believe climate change is a serious problem but are not committed to making the hard choices needed to deal with it.

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Global warming is not “one of the greatest threats facing the planet today” as this author claims; particularly as the planet has been cooling since 1998.

If humans have “not felt the need to react, according to researchers”, then that’s a good thing. Perhaps people are at last waking up to the ‘end is nigh’ nonsense put about by people who refuse to answer why their ‘system’ cannot explain why there has been cooling since 1998. Nor can they explain why the Earth has been warmer than it is now without any deleterious effects on humans.

As for ‘not doing anything’, there is nothing that can be done; the politicians will reap huge taxes in a futile attempt to ‘do something’, and we will all be much worse off, thanks to fear of a non-event.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 10:07:14 AM
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The first thing that needs to happen is for the likes of Doug Struck and other passionate advocates for climate-change reform to start expressing themselves in the bigger arena of sustainability.

The problem with talking only about climate change is three-fold;

1. There is still a great deal of doubt about it’s veracity in the minds of ordinary people.

2. It is a subset of the issue that really matters – the overall balance of humanity with the environment and resource base.

3. In putting the vast majority of our ‘environmental’ energy into a subset of sustainability, we risk not addressing vital aspects of the bigger picture.

I’d put it to Doug that if the message of urgently achieving sustainability was expressed with the same level of effort as has been happening with climate change over the last couple of years, the public, politicians and industry moguls, would be much more receptive.

We hear stuff-all about sustainability. And yet it is patently obvious to everyone that we cannot afford to continue living in what is obviously a highly unsustainable manner, whereas it is not obvious to everyone that continuing to burn fossil fuels at a manic rate will necessarily have disastrous consequences, or won’t be pulled right back by rising fuel prices in the near future.

We DESPERATELY need an overall sustainability strategy.

The psychology of achieving this, and of why it hasn’t happened at this point in time, should be the overriding concern of people like Doug and Elke Weber.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 10:21:44 AM
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It’s not sustainability or a carbon tax or any of the other fixes that are touted that is going to save the world environment.
The only cure is to reduce the population to a sustainable level. Any minor reductions that are brought about by some of the band aids will be negated by the blooming population growth of the mainly third world countries that are the cause.
Australia is one of the countries that need to curtail population growth especially after the “have one for the country” treasurer.
Posted by sarnian, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 3:57:46 PM
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Doug, Children believe Santa Clause is a real treat, until they discover who buys the presents, and by the way, when "83 per cent of Democrats and 53 per cent of Republicans believe global warming is happening" that does not mean that truth,facts or evidence must be present for political support to introduce man made CO2 induced climate change-global warming taxation measures, as political power and re-election is easy when the general public are kept in the dark, misled and divided on save the planet nonsense yellow journalism.
Posted by Dallas, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 4:27:51 PM
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'And “the message has to come clearly from a source that has moral authority,” says Columbia’s Weber. “In Europe, that might be the Green Party, for example. Here, it could be political leadership, or it could be cultural. It could be evangelical churches, reminding their congregants that as Christians, they have a stewardship of the earth. What would Jesus drive? Turns out it’s not an SUV.”'

Great idea! Having so successfully convinced the public of their moral superiority and the underlying truths behind their ideas, the churches are obviously the ideal vehicles to give us the real lowdown from the AGW movement. Soon we can expect to see AGW teachers from Bathurst arrested for abusing their trust, hear the Pope explain that we don't have to fear spirits -- only petrol -- and cheer as Muslim enthusiasts bomb SUVs and kidnap oil company executives.

It takes real brains to come up with an idea this stupid.
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 7:59:52 PM
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Who cares what the public thinks? Let them wallow in their collective fantasy. Mention Peak Oil, Climate Change, Population Control, deforestation, coral bleaching, extinction of blue fin tuna, whatever.
They are too busy watching the footy to care.
I can't wait to see the collective panic when the crap hits the fan.
We deserve it, as a species.
Posted by SoylentGreen, Tuesday, 23 June 2009 11:11:44 PM
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