The Forum > Article Comments > One last plea for justice and compassion > Comments
One last plea for justice and compassion : Comments
By Tristan Ewins, published 8/5/2009There is a strong case for a significant increase in the base rate for all pensioners, carers, sole parents and the unemployed.
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Like JSMill I have spent 3 month stretches in the late 1990s living on less than the dole but I didn't make mortgage or car payments, visit a dentist and had no health problems that required prescription drugs. However these days prescriptions cost $33 to fill without a health care card and Newstart recipients don't get a HealthCare card. I don't know how the cost of living index is calculated but my domestic cost of living index is way higher than the CPI calculated by the ABS so I guess I better eat less and buy more electrical goods.
Anecdotally the administration of Newstart penalises recipients for taking up seasonal work or supplementing their income because they are financially penalised when Newstart [inevitably] stuffs up their payment, penalised if the individual doesn't notify Newstart correctly - easy to do if those intrusive micromanagers fall behind in opening their mail or clearing their in tray.
Newstart would be cheaper to run if the administration was streamlined and the agency didn't operate from the premise that it was being ripped off and that its recipients were low life scum
I wondered why there was a fall in the unemployment rate in the [spurious] statistics released on Thursday 'til I realised that the budget is published tomorrow.