The Forum > Article Comments > One last plea for justice and compassion > Comments
One last plea for justice and compassion : Comments
By Tristan Ewins, published 8/5/2009There is a strong case for a significant increase in the base rate for all pensioners, carers, sole parents and the unemployed.
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Bet you didn't have to pay off a house, keep a car on the road, probably buy food, pay power, rates, taxes, house and commodity repairs, all things many pensioners have to do. Many fought in wars so the young of today wouldn't be under dictatorships. But I suppose you think they haven't done enough to deserve being looked after properly and comfortably. Why contribute to society at all, when the outcome is a retirement of impoverishment, neglect and disdain. In the past young people respected the elderly, today they look down on them as a waste of space, unless they are leaving them something in their will and even then, they ignore their existence on most occasions.
This country should have a pensions system allowing the elderly to live with respect, in reasonable comfort and able to pay their way with confidence and dignity. The fools running the country don't realise, is if they gave more money to pensioners, it will stimulate the economy much more than any other method. Aged pensioners spend and travel, the more they have the more they put back into the community, so it goes round and everyone gets a share. Other forms of welfare never get out of the immediate area and stay in the hands of multinationals and junk food poisoners.
We have to many bludgers on disability pensions and too much money being given to women to have babies, they raise welfare dependent children who never see their mothers work, or know a father. So they have no example to follow, just a stupid merry go round the political system plays on, which gets nowhere but fills the elites pockets.