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The Forum > Article Comments > Winners and losers from St Mary’s > Comments

Winners and losers from St Mary’s : Comments

By Alan Austin, published 29/4/2009

The fiasco at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Brisbane, is a disaster for Catholics worldwide. Couldn’t Peter and John have sorted it out over a beer?

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Well of course, The Blue Cross, that's where I get all my news from too.

>>Pericles, that so-called 'believer' fellow knows something about China, having read his Australian Prayer Network newsletter today.<<

However they have gathered their data, and whether or not the number is 8% or 10%, or a number much larger or smaller, it doesn't contradict the point that I was making.

PtB's claim was that:

>>There are two competing systems of government in the world, and both of them grow out of the Holy Bible<<

I merely pointed out that - ignoring all other aspects of his statement, which is itself considerably arguable - one look at China shows it to be wrong.

It is a well-known and understood theme on this forum for Christians to state categorically that we are at war with Islam. I make no apology for taking a metaphorical kick at those who push this barrow, every time it is wheeled into the discussion.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 15 May 2009 10:19:15 AM
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Sorry Pericles... I understand... I was mocking St. Peter, is all.

But of course, as the Internet tale of the ever evangelical US Army unfolds, the expose of the Good Work some Baptist soldiers are undertaking on behalf of Christendom, with the distribution of bibles in the local lingo, it would show that many do actually believe 'our' war is every bit a 'war against Islam'.

Check out this sad tale of gross stupidity:

And this story:

And the Pew Global Forum shows that Christians, particularly the white trash variety in the US, believe torture is fine, and shootemup tactics are great, in this global war on sinners.

But the Pope will save us, bringing his special intelligence to the issue of Israel's invasion of Palestine... won't he?

And that will prove the superiority of Xtians over all sinners, especially Jews and Muslims....and add to the conversion rate of the heathen Chinese... just those pesky Injuns to go now.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 15 May 2009 10:41:03 AM
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Apologies for the mis-read The Blue Cross, very much a case of premature expostulation, it would seem.

Some posters are able to say exactly what you said, but actually mean it as well.

Scary, but true.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 15 May 2009 1:44:03 PM
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I note yr quip re PtB. He could have perhaps better defined parameters, but still, I find some of his "church/legal history" contributions interesting, and note with interest that no one yet has challenged the substance that he raises, but rather just the manner in which he does it.

As for your loose language though, what does "schizoid" in relation to some of your catholic friends mean?


Coming back to it, and to push the chair back a bit so to speak, I think generally amongst the so called "Christian" world it is acknowledged and recognised, that is is the *Christ Being* that is the Head of the Church, not the pope.

So then it becomes a question of who knows what the God Concept would have of us.

Now, if in the catholic tradition it is accepted that a priest can be personally inspired by the "Divine" then I would assume that the entirety of Kennedy's views ought to be heard.

Now, I would agree with PtB that this should be public and with the full involvement of the parishioners. To conduct these sorts of affairs in back rooms without explanation is to me to fundamentally disrespect the Spiritual Individuality of all of those persons involved.

But then with the prejudice of catholicism, in that some how woman are less worthy for "Godly" duties and Gays are somehow unworthy, then perhaps the result for the st mary's parish ought be no surprise.

My view, lands conditionally bequeathed to the catholic church should be taken away from them and redistributed to others who do not preach prejudice and bigotry.
Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 4:25:48 PM
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Loose language, DreamOn?

>>As for your loose language though, what does "schizoid" in relation to some of your catholic friends mean?<<

I am not well known for careless usage.

Here is the definition that underpins my observation:

"Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by a persistent withdrawal from social relationships and lack of emotional responsiveness in most situations. It is sometimes referred to as a 'pleasure deficiency' because of the seeming inability of the person affected to experience joyful or pleasurable responses to life situations."

Assuming you don't disagree with that as a definition, it accurately describes the emotions experienced by many of my Catholic friends when attempting to come to terms with their religion in the twentyfirst century.

They are these days flooded with an absolute tsunami of concepts and ideas that previous generations never had to contend with. Arguments over AIDS, contraception, paedophilia, celibacy etc. abound - plus, of course, gallons of stuff about local rebel priests, and the conflict of ritual versus progressive communitarianism or whatever.

Where it used to arrive in small paragraphs in newspapers, and could easily be filtered through the roseate lens of the parish priest, now it is everywhere.

Increasingly, they find themselves unable to reconcile the beliefs that they were brought up with as children, and that they had been for a while comfortable with as adults, with the contradictions and conflicts that they are exposed to, every day.

When our conversation turns to religion, as it tends to whenever topics such as politics, health, education, bringing up children etc. are raised - the normal gamut of adult conversation, in fact, they tend to withdraw, very quickly. Their religion has, to all intents and purposes, become a joyless burden to them. Which, of course, they assume to be part of God's will, and accept that it is a form of toughening-up for their trip through Purgatory.

>>re PtB [I] note with interest that no one yet has challenged the substance that he raises<<

Most certainly I have. But it is like talking to a brick wall. Anything that questions his position is ignored,
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 5:22:40 PM
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No, granted, generally from my reading of yr posts U r not one usually to bandy language loosely.

Still, "schiz" disorders and the definition you provide may actually be referring to the manifestation of what is termed "flat effect."

It is recognised that neuroleptic medication of the antagonist variety, those that block receptor types reducing their bio-electrical efficacy, can produce this effect.

Thus, emotional response is blunted and not fully devloped, spontaneous and dynamic. In fact, my reading in the area suggests that the rate of thought in the consciousness stream can be drastically reduced from the "norm" for people who take this form of medication.

So, when I first read yr comment I wondered if you had a collection of certifiably crazy catholic friends who were taking too much medication?


I didn't actually, but I wasn't sure so thankU for clarifying.

Still "schiz" as the root word, I forget, perhaps something like "to be set aside or to be aside from the group, self absorbed, self consumed with inner considerations?

From a scientific medical point of view, as our understanding of the nature of these diseases grows so does our desire for more accurate words to describe relevant pathology.
Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 5:59:18 PM
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