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The Forum > Article Comments > Pricing carbon: where morality meets economics > Comments

Pricing carbon: where morality meets economics : Comments

By Elenie Poulos, published 19/3/2009

The Uniting Church shares the concerns of those who believe that the current emission reduction targets for Australia for 2020 are too low.

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Not surprising coming from the Uniting Church, the most left-leaning of all left-leaning Christian Churches trying to be relevant. They had to combine with two other leftist churches to fill 3 pews, so their opinions are not going make much difference; just proving that Australia is not as free from religious nosiness as we like to believe.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 19 March 2009 11:07:10 AM
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What a lot of nonsense! I think this poor soul should stick to saving sinners. There is little point in trying to confuse morality, science, religion and politics. The author should stick to what she knows about and keep her floppy bible out of those things about which she obviously knows very little or nothing.
Posted by Sparkyq, Thursday, 19 March 2009 12:55:04 PM
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If you wanted to do something about Climate Change you can do it this way ......expose the lies and hype .

For example wind farms : Wind Farms are about as usefull as breasts on a Boar . Electricity is generated by coal in Oz , Huge furnaces can not be shut down every time the wind blows . Furnaces like we have if shut down take a long time to restart , if you tried to do this Brown Outs would be a common experience .
Do you know who are one of the major shareholders of the Wind Farms , perhaps you could find out . Did you know that every time the wind blows Mr Rudd has legislated that the Coal Power must stand aside , with all staff on hand , boilers remain fired to come back instantly online when the wind stops which could be one hour later , wind , ask any sailer is a fickle business . What do you think is the net gain for Global Warming from this con job , get to work now find out who the shareholders are .
Nuclear Power is the only answer , France has had nuke power operating in the Burbs for years it's safe it must be how many fried Frenchmen do you know ditto UK Germany etc .
Do you believe Rudd would close down the Major Poluter of the Southern Hemisphere Coal . Here is a clue for you .....only if he can build another 500 wind farms , there now find out who owns the wind farms !!
Posted by ShazBaz001, Saturday, 21 March 2009 7:10:40 AM
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